
Recursos de programación de azure
A large application landscape, handling 96.000 requests per minute has been successfully migrated to the cloud. That migration was not only about focussing on the application. While we applied an lift’n’shift approach to the application, managing the target infrastructure became crucial. We needed to make sure that a team of 40 people was able to reproduce environments consistently across many geographies. Introducing Infrastructure as code was one of the best decisions we made. This talk is about our journey from a client’s datacenter to a fully customized cloud platform on Azure. You will see how we used Terraform and Azure DevOps to create a platform for a connected vehicle backend. ------------- Todos los vídeos de DevOpsDays 2020 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- How do you manage a data pipeline where any given day you’re storing 15,000 new items and scanning data from 55,000 stores in 100+ countries? With nearly 6.7+ billion store transactions in any given month, Nielsen turns big data into market intelligence that empowers businesses to make smart decisions. Learn how technologists are transforming the industry with the Nielsen Connect platform -- our global, unified, open data ecosystem powered by Microsoft Azure. This microservices-based platform is designed for speed and scale, allowing us to move quickly as technologies evolve. We’ll also dive deeper into how we’re driving analytics and collaboration between manufacturers and retailers through streamlined, tech-enabled solutions. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Commitconf 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
In this talk, Aitor Murguzur will show us to adopt/develop an automated data quality solution through an exploration of different data quality dimensions and metrics. Also, Aitor will show us how to build different data pipelines using Azure Databricks to detect and predict data quality issues on different datasets, and visualize them in PowerBI through real case-studies. #BIGTH19 #BigData #Cloud Session presented at Big Things Conference 2019 by Aitor Murguzur, Senior Data Engineer at Microsoft. 21st November 2019 Kinépolis, Madrid Do you want to know more?
In this talk, María Medina will walk us through the details of a MLOps approach, which is applicable to any data science project and independent of technology. She will illustrate how to build such an architecture using some capabilities of the Azure stack, and will also review the open source alternatives that can help successfully implementing a robust Machine Learning system. #BIGTH19 #Cloud #DataScience Session presented at Big Things Conference 2019 by María Medina, Data Scientist at Microsoft. 20th November 2019 Kinépolis, Madrid Do you want to know more?
¿Imaginas tener a una persona con sordoceguera programando en tu equipo de desarrollo? Podrás conocer a Sandra de primera mano, quien nos va a contar su historia de inclusión en el gigante Microsoft. Para crear un entorno inclusivo, no solo es necesario que el entorno laboral esté adaptado, sino que las herramientas con las que va a trabajar la persona en su día a día sean accesibles. Tener en cuenta la accesibilidad desde el principio es un requisito imprescindible para lograr una base sólida y que tu producto llegue a todo el mundo. About: Marco D'angelo, Developer Relationship, Microsoft Marco is helping Microsoft engaging with Developers community across Europe and working with the teams responsible to create and share technical content related mainly to Azure and Visual Studio Code.
En esa sesión conoceremos el servicio para construir interfaces conversacionales de la plataforma cloud de Microsoft, Azure Bot Service, y construir un bot en Node.JS integrado en diversos canales como Facebook Messenger, Skype o Telegram. Por David Rodríguez
En la charla veremos desde realizar nuestros primeros pasos con Terraform 0.12, realizando una demo donde veremos cómo desplegar una aplicación web completa (base de datos, dns, app insights), hasta como realizar CI/CD con Azure DevOps. Por último, veremos cómo estructurar nuestro código, así como técnicas o formas de migrar tu infraestructura existente en Azure a Terraform. Alejandro García Miravet, Technical Lead en Sogeti trabajando con soluciones Microsoft, apasionado del DevOps, las peliculas clásicas y la música rock
"Azure Durable Functions represented the last missing building block to code long running, stateful function orchestrations in a serverless environment. The Orchestrator function allow you to do several new things that differentiates it from an ordinary, stateless function. For example you can call and await other functions, save outputs, and then resume the local state that is never lost. Durable Functions 2.0 are even more powerful with many aspects borrowed from the Actor Model but also some important differences. Join me and start playing with Durable Functions!"
Analizamos #ReleaseFlow: Un flujo de trabajo en ramas para #Git propuesto por #Microsoft. Simplifica un poco #GitFlow ya que las "feature branches" saldrían directamente de master, pero… ¿Qué diferencias entienden entre feature branch y topic branch? ¿Cómo aplican hotfixes? ¿Cómo desplegan? Importante: Cabe destacar que estamos totalmente sesgados por los entornos donde hemos trabajado (letgo, Akamon, Uvinum, etc) y damos una versión totalmente opinionada en base a esto. El contexto marcará si realmente es útil en cada caso y, al igual que con todo, los workflows de Git serán buenos o no según dónde se apliquen ???? ???? Enlaces relacionados: ├ ????‍???? Curso "Git: Introducción y trabajo en equipo": ├ ⚡ Oferta lanzamiento curso Git: ├ ????‍♂️Por qué no nos gusta Git Flow: ├ ???? GitHub Flow: El secreto está en el deploy: ├ ???? GitLab Flow: Los entornos IMPORTAN: ├ ???? Post oficial de Microsoft al respecto: ├ 1️⃣ Aprende Git en menos de 10 minutos: └ 2️⃣ Tu primera Pull Request en #GitHub: {▶️} CodelyTV ├ ???? Suscríbete: ├ ???? Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ ???? Facebook: ├ ???? Twitter CodelyTV: ├ ???????? Twitter Javi: ├ ????‍♂️ Twitter Rafa: └ ???? Catálogo cursos: