
Recursos de programación de java
En este webinar veremos cómo de fácil, o no, es crear, probar y desplegar en Cloud microservicios en .NET Core teniendo conocimientos sencillos de C# y avanzados en Java.
Ever wondered about the wonders of Test-Driven Development (TDD)? Curious devs, this session is for you! Get ready to dive into TDD and explore its benefits. We'll see the ""secrets"" behind TDD, its roots, and the rules surrounding it. But that's not all! We'll also uncover the ups and downs of TDD, plus we'll share some tips and tricks... including a live coding session in Java. Get ready to level up your development skills with TDD – more insights, more advantages, and more confidence in your coding adventures! PS: Building tests before production code can sound more fun than it sounds 😉. Nacho Cougil has presented this talk in Codemotion Madrid 2024 ___________ 🌟 Discover all Codemotion community activities: 🦸‍♂️ Become #CodemotionContributor: 🧡 Join our community: 🫶 Become #CodemotionPartner: #CodemotionConference #CodemotionMadrid #CodemotionCommunity #Codemotion #TechConference
Choosing the Right Architecture Style Debate with Alex Soto, Viktor Farcic, Ana-Maria Mihalceanu, Cristian Cotes Some of the topics and questions we wanted to tackle during this debate were: What is an Architecture Style? Quality Attribute: Relation between Quality Attributes and Architectural Style In the same way that we have the threat modeling environment, how do we move this to our arch environment? The Second System Syndrome And many others. - Viktor Farcic is a Developer Advocate at CloudBees, a member of the Google Developer Experts and Docker Captains groups, and published author. His big passions are DevOps, Microservices, Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD) and Test-Driven Development (TDD). Viktor often speaks at community gatherings and conferences. He published The DevOps Toolkit Series and Test-Driven Java Development. His random thoughts and tutorials can be found in his blog - Cristian Cotes is CTO of MusicList, a young startup that aims to disrupt how users discover music. Before, he was a software engineer at Telefonica's moonshot factory, where he was the second software engineer that joined the company and helped to create a team with more than 20 engineers in a small period of time. In 2013, while he was a researcher in distributed systems at the University, he co-founded his first startup, a Dropbox-like open source synchronization platform. Due to his experience in companies where the goal is to build new products from scratch, he feels comfortable working in a fast-changing environment where the architecture has to be thought to support radical changes in requirements. - Alex Soto is a software engineer at Red Hat in Developers group. He is passionate about the Java world and software automation, and believes in the open source software model. Alex Soto is the creator of NoSQLUnit and Diferencia projects, member of JSR374 (Java API for JSON Processing) Expert Group, the co-author of the book Testing Java Microservices by Manning, and contributor of several open source projects. A Java Champion since 2017 and international speaker, he has talked about new testing techniques for microservices, and continuous delivery in the 21st century. - Ana-Maria Mihalceanu is a custom application development enthusiast, co-founder of Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community and a constant adopter of challenging technical scenarios. Some of her older experiments are available on Dzone. In 2016, as tech passionate of cloud application development she achieved IBM Certified Application Developer - Cloud Platform v1. Since then, she has enriched her cloud expertise by learning and certifying as a Salesforce Developer and attained a better understanding on how to integrate different types of cloud offerings. GSAS (2019 edition) -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site:
Many technologists have an architect title, take on the role of an architect, or even aspire to be an architect, but are they thinking like an architect? Architectural thinking is learning to look at a problem or task from an architect's point of view. In this talk I discuss how to think like an architect - how to understand, recognize, and analyze tradeoffs, how to think in terms of business drivers, and how important technical breadth is to architectural thinking. Mark Richards is an experienced, hands-on software architect involved in the architecture, design, and implementation of microservices architectures, service-oriented architectures, and distributed systems. He has been in the software industry since 1983 and has significant experience and expertise in application, integration, and enterprise architecture. Mark is the founder of, a free resource website devoted to helping developers in the journey to software architect. He is the author of numerous technical books and videos from O'Reilly, including several books on Microservices, the Software Architecture Fundamentals video series, Enterprise Messaging video series, Java Message Service, 2nd Edition, and a contributing author to 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know. Mark has a master’s degree in computer science and numerous architect and developer certifications from IBM, Sun, The Open Group, and Oracle. Mark has spoken at hundreds of conferences and user groups around the world on a variety of enterprise-related technical topics. GSAS (2019 edition) -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site:
La nueva versión Java 21 nos proporciona un nuevo concepto en la JVM llamado "virtual thread", que viene, en teoría, a revolucionar nuestras aplicaciones desarrolladas con este lenguaje. ¿Es tan bueno como dicen? ¿Merece la pena? ¿Es humo? Vamos a implementar una API sencilla construyéndola primero con Spring MVC "normal", luego con el módulo reactivo Webflux, y por último haciendo uso de virtual threads. Así veremos los conceptos y diferencias principales, nos haremos una idea de su rendimiento, y decidiremos quién es el ganador. ¿Te apuntas?
Slides: Java 21 está lleno de interesantes novedades que abren la puerta a utilizar ciertas técnicas de programación funcional como son los tipos de datos algebraicos (ADT) o pattern matching en nuestro código. Veremos cómo aplicar estas técnicas con ejemplos reales para aumentar la expresividad de nuestro código y hacer trabajar al compilador por nosotros. Algunas de estas novedades incluyen: - Records: - Sealed Classes and interfaces: - Switch expressions: - Pattern matching for switch: - Record patterns: También daremos un vistazo a lo que vendrá en sucesivas versiones: - Unamed variables and patterns: - Primitive types in patterns: - TBC
Por Raquel Sánchez Guirado. Enlaces que aparecen al final del vídeo: Soy políglota: hablo español, inglés, un poquito de alemán y de francés, Java, Typescript, HTML y CSS (Sí, HTML y CSS también son lenguajes). En esta charla nos sumergiremos en el fascinante cruce entre dos mundos aparentemente dispares: la filología y la programación. Como filóloga inglesa pero actual desarrolladora fullstack, quiero compartir mi perspectiva distópica y exponer las similitudes que encuentro entre el lenguaje humano y el lenguaje de programación. Desde la importancia de la comunicación hasta la comparativa sintáctica, semántica y lingüística, revelaré cómo ambos mundos se entrelazan. Abordaremos la evolución de los idiomas y cómo la capacidad para trabajar con varios lenguajes de programación es similar al concepto de “políglota” en términos lingüísticos. Concluiremos reflexionando sobre cómo la diversidad de lenguajes potencia la creatividad y la resolución de problemas en el desarrollo de software. 📅 Programa completo:
Por Rafael Bermúdez Míguez y Alicia Laguna Tellez. Implementar principios teóricos en software del mundo real es complejo. Muchas veces surgen dudas o no hay casos prácticos documentados. En ZARA también nos enfrentamos a ello. No tenemos una solución mágica pero podemos compartir lo aprendido. Partiremos de un subconjunto funcional con el que todos estamos familizarizados (la gestión de stock de un ecommerce) e iremos aterrizando capacidades apoyándonos en la teoría: Estableciendo el Bounded Context y sus límites, la arquitectura y comunicación entre microservicios, el tratamiento que queremos hacer del dato o la modularización del código. Un ejemplo Java friendly que podrás trasladar a tu contexto. 📅 Programa completo:
Hablamos de nulabilidad en Kotlin, o cómo manejar los valores nulos de manera segura. Para evitar lo que se conoce como "el problema de los mil millones de dólares", debido a los costos asociados con errores de referencia nula en sistemas de software a gran escala. También vemos cómo Kotlin aborda este problema con un sistema de tipos que permite distinguir entre tipos que pueden contener valores nulos y aquellos que no pueden. Viendo cuál es la interacción entre Kotlin y Java en cuanto a null pointers, prestando especial atención a cómo Kotlin introduce características de null safety para mejorar la robustez del código y reducir la probabilidad de errores de referencia nula al interoperar con código Java que no tiene tales garantías de seguridad.
Por José Miguel Moreno. Minecraft es un videojuego de mundo abierto en el que los jugadores pueden hacer cualquier cosa, siempre que esté dentro de los límites del juego. Pero, ¿cómo hacer algo para lo que el juego no ha sido programado? ¡Programándolo tú mismo! En esta charla aprenderemos a crear mods para servidores de Minecraft usando Java. Y ya puestos, que sea algo difícil: un mod para poner imágenes GIF animadas dentro del mundo. La charla se basa en un caso real (Yamipa) y en las dificultades técnicas que surgieron durante su desarrollo. 📅 Programa completo: