
Recursos de programación de scala
January- Software Architecture for Developers, Simon Brown - Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn- Working Effectively with Unit Tests, Jay FieldsFebruary- Vida y Destino (Жизнь и судьба), Vasili Grossman. (2nd time)- Primer Libro de Lankhmar (The First Book of Lankhmar), Fritz Leiber- Drown, Junot Díaz- Los girasoles ciegos, Alberto Méndez- Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent BeckMarch- Las puertas del paraiso (The Vagrants), Yiyun Li- Growing Object-...
Organizado por los Meetups de Scala Madrid, MadridJUG, 47 Degrees y Tuenti.
Organizado por los Meetups de Scala Madrid, MadridJUG, 47 Degrees y Tuenti.
18:20 - Keynote: Groovy Past and Future - Jochen Theodorou 1:20:23 - Groovy and Scala: Friends and Foes - Marco Vermeulen 2:34:11 - AST Groovy Transformers: More than meets the eye! - Iván López
I've continued working on the Mars Rover kata. This time I've solved it using a finite state machine implemented with mutually recursive functions and trampoline. Mutually recursive functions are a nice functional way to implement finite state machines and it's a functional way of expressing the state pattern (see Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn). As in the previous example using protocols, we have four possible states of the rover: The rover is faci...
Ignacio Navarro asistió a T3chFest2015 para tratar de convencer a los asistentes de que Scala tiene la suficiente entidad como para que el mayor banco del mundo, Citibank, confíe en este lenguaje en sus operaciones cotidianas.
Two weeks ago I facilitated an introduction to TDD in a Scala Developers Barcelona event. First, I gave a very short introductory talk about TDD, (these are the slides). After the talk, I coded a simple exercise to help the attendants get a feeling of the TDD flow. I tried to stress the importance of creating a list of examples first and choosing the next test so that the code could grow in small steps. I also talked about wishful programming, going from red to green quickly and the importance...
This is the version I did some time ago using the Advanced Student Language of the sets exercise from the Coursera Scala course: It helped me to practice with lambdas and to blur the border between data and functions. - por Garajeando
Today I revisited this exercise from the Coursera Scala course that I did some time ago using the Advanced Student Language: I refactored it to define the helper function f inside balanced-parentheses?. Since it is not allowed to have nested function definitions in Advanced Student Language (it's in Racket), I defined the function using letrec and a lambda. I had forgotten how many parentheses a cond needs in Advanced Student Language. In that sense Clojure is far more convenient. - por Garajean...