
Recursos de programación de scala
Leaving side effects aside: the quest for functional purity and the perils of object-orientation Believe it or not, side effects are behind most of the software headaches you suffer at work: if you can't easily reuse, test, optimize, compose, or understand some piece of software, chances are that it's contaminated with side effects, i.e., that it's not made of pure functions. Yet we may think of side effects as necessary evil, since calls to the database, web server, logger, tracker, etc., have to be placed somewhere in your code. So, the problem we face as designers can't be their full removal, but their maximum isolation. In this talk we compare how effective functional and object-oriented patterns are in this segregation or purification process. We show how functional abstractions allow us to extend the realm of purity in our code, far beyond what we can achieve with object orientation. We show how easy we can do that using Scala and the scalaz library, and explain in simple terms the role that monads play in this process. Last, we argue that no matter how hard you try with maps, flatmaps, filters, immutable values, and so forth, if side effects are not properly tamed, you won't get the benefits of functional programming: you won't be able to easily accommodate changes in the way your effects are executed (e.g. asynchronism, NoSQL persistence), perform mock-free unit testing, keep business logic strictly decoupled from non-functional concerns, etc., etc. Slides:
Getting a language to compile to JavaScript is relatively easy. What's not so easy is: a) making it efficient and, most importantly, b) interoperating with JavaScript. For the latter, in particular, too many languages fail to provide consistent, easy to use and understand interoperability with JavaScript. Scala.js is an exception to this rule: interoperating with JavaScript blends in the language itself and its semantics, up to the point where, seeing a piece of Scala.js code, you can hardly tell what is Scala.js and what is JavaScript. Basically similar to how Scala interoperates with Java. In this talk, we will explore the semantics of Scala.js, how they differ from those of Scala, and how they are, perhaps unexpectedly, equivalent to those of Scala. During this journey, we will see how they support almost transparent JavaScript interoperability. We will also cover the most important trade-offs that were made to allow the compiler to emit extremely efficient code for production, while retaining easy debugging during development. No previous knowledge of Scala.js, Scala, or JavaScript is required to follow this talk, although shallow knowledge of Scala and/or JavaScript will contribute to fully appreciate some details. Slides here ~doeraene/presentations/scalajs-semantics/#/ Abstract: If you have 45 minutes plus some coding experience in Scala, this workshop provides a crash introduction to Apache Spark. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2015 Conference 16th Oct 2015 Kinépolis Madrid
The largest Functional programming event in Spain, carefully crafted for you by 47 Degrees and the Scala and Java communities of Malaga and Madrid. Located in Cádiz, one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. Two days of workshops, hands-on experience, hacking, and debugging. Learn to tame your favourite functional languages. More
I continue empting the talks queue... Here is another small batch of interesting talks:Stroop, Whorf, And Elixir Dave Thomas. Interesting info about how the language we use shape our thinking process and the importance of learning very diferent programming languages.Why Everyone Needs DevOps Now: A Fourteen Year Study Of High Performing IT Organizations Gene Kim. Interesting examples about high performing IT organizations (importance of development + operations, continuous deployment,...
Yesterday we practiced doing the Sieve of Eratosthenes kata at a Barcelona Software Craftsmanship event. My partner Fernando Mora and I used TDD in Scala to write the code. Today I did it once again in Clojure. I'd like to explain here how I did it step by step in order to share it with the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship members. I started by writing this test: which I quickly got to green by just hard-coding the response: In this first test I used wishful thinking to get the function and s...
January- Software Architecture for Developers, Simon Brown- Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn- Working Effectively with Unit Tests, Jay FieldsFebruary- Vida y Destino (Жизнь и судьба), Vasili Grossman. (2nd time)- Primer Libro de Lankhmar (The First Book of Lankhmar), Fritz Leiber- Drown, Junot Díaz- Los girasoles ciegos, Alberto Méndez- Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent BeckMarch- Las puertas del paraiso (The Vagrants), Yiyun Li- Growing Object-O...
Greach 2015, The Groovy Spanish Conf April 10th-11th, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides in #/ Scala is the other Great Force in the realm of alternative JVM languages. It has it’s strengths, as well as it’s weaknesses. This talk will look at Scala as a supplement to Groovy, showing that it can help us tremendously given specific circumstances. We will begin by looking at how Groovy and Scala differ philosophically, followed by a comparison of syntax used in the two languages. We will then dive into the most important part, dealing with their application and how they can coexist side by side. This talk aims to dismantle the wall that prevails between the Groovy and Scala communities, attempting to show that both are highly capable in their own way. It does so by showing that there is no right or wrong, but rather that they are flipsides of the same coin. Marco Vermeulen Marco Vermeulen is a South African Software Developer who lives and works in London. He is passionate about writing well crafted code, driven and guided by tests. As proponent of BDD, he has successfully applied this technique in the Enterprise as well as on Open Source Projects. When he gets a spare moment, he contributes to OSS and is the creator of GVM (the Groovy enVironment Manager).