
Recursos de programación de scala
In this Lambda World 2019 keynote, Martin Odersky discusses the history of Scala’s implicits. He then presents the revised implicit design of Scala 3. Keynote description: I’ll talk about the history of Scala’s implicits: how they evolved, some mistakes we could have avoided in hindsight, as well as aspects I believe we got right. I then present the revised implicit design of Scala 3 and explain how it addresses the problems mentioned earlier. ------ Follow: - - - Visit: - for more details -
En esta ocasión, Jorge Hidalgo nos visita desde MalagaJUG, y hemos aprovechado para pedirle que nos cuente algo más sobre GraalVM, una nueva máquina virtual open source que permite tanto reemplazar la JVM (Java, Scala, Groovy) como ejecutar otros lenguajes como Ruby, Python, JavaScript/Node.js o C (con interfaz LLVM). A través de varios escenarios prácticos y ejemplos aclaratorios, aprenderemos las formas de usar GraalVM y el compilador Graal, así como a depurar y monitorizar programas escritos en diferentes lenguajes de programación. También hablaremos de una de las funciones más apasionantes de GraalVM que es la posibilidad de crear imágenes nativas muy rápidas y ligeras.
Principal Engineer at Lightbend Helena did her academic work in scientific research before getting in software engineering. Formerly at Apple working on platform infrastructure for distributed data/analytics/ml (aaS) at massive scale, VP of Product Engineering at Tuplejump building a multi-tenant stream analysis machine learning platform, Senior Cloud Engineer at CrowdStrike working on cloud-based realtime Cyber Security threat analysis, and Senior Cloud Engineer at VMware automating cloud infrastructure for massive scale. She is a keynote speaker, and has given conference talks at Kafka Summit, Spark Summit, Strata, Reactive Summit, QCon SF, Scala Days, Philly Emerging Tech, and is a contributor to several open source projects like Akka and FiloDB. She is currently a Principal Engineer at Lightbend.
Developer at Atomist Jessica Kerr is a developer and philosopher of software. At Atomist, she works on development and delivery automation: she writes code to let us write code to help us update and deliver code. At software conferences, she speaks about languages (Java, Scala, Clojure, Ruby, Elm, now TypeScript), paradigms (functional programming, DevOps), and now symmathesy. Her interests include resilience engineering, graceful systems, and Silly Things (which her daughters find on the internet). Find her work at, the podcast Greater than Code, and on twitter at her true name: @jessitron.
Consultant at INNOQ Lars is a consultant with INNOQ in Munich, Germany. He has been using Scala for quite a while now and is known as one of the founders of the Typelevel initiative which is dedicated to providing principled, type-driven Scala libraries in a friendly, welcoming environment. He is known to be a frequent conference speaker and active in the open source community, particularly in Scala. He also enjoys programming in and talking about Haskell, Prolog, and Rust.
Senior Software Engineer at TomTom Software engineer at TomTom by day, machine learning enthusiast at night. My leading technology is Java and Java-based frameworks. On a daily basis, I work on designing, implementing and deploying distributed systems that work in cloud environments, such as Microsoft Azure and AWS. I'm interested in classification problems and multi-agent systems. I love to learn, read books and play football – in no particular order. Senior Software Engineer at TomTom Programmer, retired mage, bookworm, storyteller and liberal arts devotee. I'm into language semantics, its understanding and impact on the way people think. I love both natural and programming languages - professionally my heart belongs to Java, but I cheat on her with Python, Scala and, occasionally, other beautiful languages. In addition to my work at TomTom as a software engineer, I'm keen on artificial intelligence, mainly for natural language understanding. If we are to reach the technological singularity, we better get on it!
Traditional Big Data is done on Data you have. You load the data into a repository and perform map reduce or other style calculations on the data. However, certain industries need to perform complex operations on data you might not have. Data you can acquire, Data that can be shared with you, and Data that you can model are all types of data you may not have but may need to integrate instantly into a complex data analysis. Problem is: you may not even know you need this data until deep into the execution stack at runtime. This talk discusses a new functional language paradigm for dealing naturally with data you don’t have and about how to make all data first-class citizens, regardless of whether you have it or you don’t, and we will give a demo of a project written in scala to deal exactly with this issue.
Spire is a Scala library for fast, generic, and precise numerics. It allows us to write generic numeric algorithms, provides the ‘number tower’ and offers a lot of utilities you didn’t know you needed. Numeric programming is a notoriously difficult topic. For number crunching, e.g. solving systems of linear equations, we need raw performance. However, using floating-point numbers may lead to inaccurate results. On top of that, in functional programming, we’d really like to abstract over concrete number types, which is where abstract algebra comes into play. This interplay between abstract and concrete and the fact that everything needs to run on finite hardware is what makes good library support necessary for writing fast & correct programs. Spire is such a library in the Typelevel Scala ecosystem. This talk will be an introduction to Spire, showcasing the ‘number tower’, real-ish numbers and how to obey the law.
git , http , go , php , java , azure , scala , docker , python , node
Comparamos dos alternativas PaaS (Platform as a Service) con similitudes y diferencias para desplegar tus aplicaciones en la nube. Primero felicitamos a todos los participantes del Hackathon de Programar es una mierda, especialmente a los ganadores que con su esfuerzo han conseguido una suscripción completa al contenido de pago de Recuerda que al igual que ellos en la Zona Premium podrás aprender, practicar y encontrar inspiración para crear tus propias aplicaciones. Ha sido m...
Rápida explicación de qué es #SemanticVersioning o #SemVer, qué diferencias hay entre los distintos wildcards, y algunos tips rápidos junto con un regalo sorpresa para suscriptores de CodelyTV ???? El versionado semántico ayuda a gestionar las dependencias en ecosistemas como PHP con #Composer, Scala con #SBT, Java con #Gradle, #Maven, JavaScript con #npm, y muchos más. Veremos el potencial de los modificadores y cómo nos pueden ayudar a gestionar nuestras dependencias ???? Enlaces relacionados: ???? Cursos CodelyTV Pro: |-- ???? Suscríbete a nuestro canal: |-- ???? Facebook: |-- ???? Instagram: |-- ???? Twitter: ????️ DevOps Barcelona 2019: |-- DevOps Barcelona: |-- 15% de descuento para DevOps Barcelona: |-- Sorteo 2 entradas gratis: |-- Canal YouTube: ???? Semantic Versioning |-- Especificación: |-- Packagist Semver Checker: