
Recursos de programación de ci/cd
With the rapid and recent rise of data science, the Machine Learning Platforms being built are becoming more complex. For example, consider the various Kubeflow components: Distributed Training, Jupyter Notebooks, CI/CD, Hyperparameter Optimization, Feature store, and more. Each of these components is producing metadata: Different (versions) Datasets, different versions a of a jupyter notebooks, different training parameters, test/training accuracy, different features, model serving statistics, and many more. For production use it is critical to have a common view across all these metadata as we have to ask questions such as: Which jupyter notebook has been used to build Model xyz currently running in production? If there is new data for a given dataset, which models (currently serving in production) have to be updated? In this talk, we look at existing implementations, in particular MLMD as part of the TensorFlow ecosystem. Further, propose a first draft of a (MLMD compatible) universal Metadata API. We demo the first implementation of this API using ArangoDB. #BIGTH19 #DataScience #DeepLearning Session presented at Big Things Conference 2019 by Jörg Schad, Head of Machine Learning at ArangoDB. 20th November 2019 Kinépolis, Madrid Do you want to know more? Learning
Jenkins does not scale. There's no denying it. If we need more power because the number of concurrent builds increased, we cannot scale Jenkins. We cannot hook it into Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler to change the number of replicas based on metrics like the number of concurrent builds.. At times, Jenkins is struggling under heavy load. At others, it is wasting resources when it is underutilized. As a result, we might need to increase its requested memory and CPU as well as its limits to cover the worst-case scenario. AboutL Viktor Farcic, Developer Advocate, CloudBees Viktor Farcic is a Developer Advocate at CloudBees, a member of the Google Developer Experts and Docker Captains groups, and published author. His big passions are DevOps, Microservices, Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD) and Test-Driven Development (TDD). He often speaks at community gatherings and conferences. He published The DevOps Toolkit Series and Test-Driven Java Development. His random thoughts and tutorials can be found in his blog
En la charla veremos desde realizar nuestros primeros pasos con Terraform 0.12, realizando una demo donde veremos cómo desplegar una aplicación web completa (base de datos, dns, app insights), hasta como realizar CI/CD con Azure DevOps. Por último, veremos cómo estructurar nuestro código, así como técnicas o formas de migrar tu infraestructura existente en Azure a Terraform. Alejandro García Miravet, Technical Lead en Sogeti trabajando con soluciones Microsoft, apasionado del DevOps, las peliculas clásicas y la música rock
Jenkins X, the innovative K8s native CI/CD project is moving extremely fast. Recently it is embracing the Knative project and Prow for K8s in order to build and deploy polyglot apps using serverless jobs. This new approach might be the future of CD in the cloud for performance and reducing costs. In the last few years, we witnessed big changes in how we actually build, deploy and run applications with the rise of Microservices, Containers, Kubernetes and Serverless frameworks. Those amazing improvements need a cultural shift based on continuous improvement in order to deliver business value and delight our customers. But how could a team achieve this ambitious goal? This talk will introduce the attendees to a revolutionary open source project, called Jenkins X Serverless, which attempts to achieve this goal. It is a reimagined CI/CD Ecosystem for Kubernetes built around Jenkins X Serverless, which leverages Prow and Knative serverless functions. After this talk, attendees will be able to develop effectively in a cloud native way in any language on any kubernetes cluster! Let’s be finally Agile!
Charla en nuestras oficinas de nuestro compañero @raguilera82 Sobre CI/CD en Docker Todos nuestras charlas In-House en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Jenkins-X replantea la forma en que los desarrolladores interactuamos con herramientas CI/CD reduciendo el T2M sobre soluciones Cloud o híbridas. Con un enfoque para hacer que los equipos de desarrollo sean más productivos a través de la automatización, herramientas y buenas prácticas. Asentándose la figura DevOps para la demanda de profesionales en el sector. Pero, ¿Realmente Jenkins-X nos aporta tanto como para invertir en la migración de nuestras infraestructuras CI como Jenkins 2.0? ------------- Todos los vídeos de la Hackers Week 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Jenkins X, an open source project introduced to the community by CloudBees, enables the rapid creation, delivery and orchestration of cloud-native applications based on continuous delivery best practices and the proven Kubernetes platform. By combining the power of Jenkins, its community and the power of Kubernetes, the Jenkins X project provides a path to the future of continuous delivery for microservices and cloud-native applications. Jenkins X is Jenkins and additional best of breed tools and software for Kubernetes. It provides an interactive command-line interface to instantiate applications, repositories, environments, and pipelines and orchestrate continuous integration and continuous delivery It is the CI/CD solution for development of modern cloud applications on Kubernetes We'll explore some of the features of Jenkins X through a hands-on demo.
CI/CD y DevOps son palabras de moda que escuchamos frecuentemente, ponerlas en la misma frase conlleva muchas más implicaciones de las que a priori pueda parecer. La manera en la que desarrollamos software ha cambiado radicalmente en los últimos años, los paradigmas que se utilizaban hace 10 años han quedado desfasados. Microservicios, API First, Cloud Native son palabras que nos vienen a la mente cada vez que pensamos en la arquitectura de un nuevo desarrollo, y para hacerlo, pensamos en equipos Agile y DevOps. ¿Podríamos aplicar estas técnicas también a nuestra infraestructura? ¿Qué implicaría esto para una compañía como Adidas? Independencia vs. Control Hablaremos de los PROS y los CONTRAS y mostraremos nuestra aproximación implementando Jenkins as a Service. Todos los vídeos de Commitconf 2018 en: ------- ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Jenkins X runs on Kubernetes and transparently uses on demand containers to run build agents and jobs, and isolate job execution. It enables CI/CD-as-code using Jenkins Pipelines and automated deployments of commits and pull requests using Skaffold, Helm and other popular tools. We will demo how to use Jenkins X on any Kubernetes cluster for fully automated CI and CD using a GitOps approach. Commit es la conferencia donde nos reunimos a discutir diferentes perspectivas en la forma de hacer y gestionar software. Ven con nosotros para vivir dos días compartiendo y aprendiendo todo lo que tiene la tecnología, y por la oportunidad de romper con la rutina y experimentar algo nuevo. Todos los vídeos de Commitconf2018 en: ------- ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: