Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 18274 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

You know what drives me crazy? “Everything?” you ask. Well, OK, some of you know me a bit too well by now. But seriously, folks, what drives… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
Perfectionism If I was as much of a perfectionist as some here would have me be, I would never get out the door in the morning, I’d… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
Dogfood The term “eating your own dogfood,” in the software industry, means using the code you’re developing for your own daily needs: basically, being a user as… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
Thanks to everyone who came to the open house last night. If you have pictures, send me a link! We had an interesting conversation about how the… Read more "25" - por Joel On Software
Save the date: Fog Creek Software will host an open house at our new office on March 24th, 2004, at 6:00 PM. 535 8th Ave. (bet. 36th… Read more "04" - por Joel On Software
Here are a few tips for running a beta test of a software product intended for large audiences — what I call “shrinkwrap“. These apply for commercial… Read more "Top Twelve Tips for Running a Beta Test" - por Joel On Software
Top Twelve Tips for Running a Beta Test. - por Joel On Software
This thread in Ask Joel about offshoring/outsourcing is much better than anything I could have written on the subject myself. Ken sets up the strawman; eloquent readers… Read more "28" - por Joel On Software
I hope you’re not all missing the excellent stuff going down on the Ask Joel forum. On Apress: “ And although they would not put a doggie… Read more "27" - por Joel On Software
Ask Joel I’m running out of my own ideas for article topics. I was going to write about how the search for autotrephination on Google only has… Read more "20" - por Joel On Software