Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 18274 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

Geodog: “So I walked into the cafe tonight and looked around for the Joel group — like any other geek, I was too shy to ask anyone,… Read more "31" - por Joel On Software
Ted reviews my speech. Scoble: “I hate to play the ‘it’ll be fixed in Longhorn’ card, but I’m going to.” OK, you tell me when my customers… Read more "30" - por Joel On Software
For some reason, Microsoft’s brilliant and cutting-edge .NET development environment left out one crucial tool… a tool that has been common in software development environments since, oh,… Read more "Please Sir May I Have a Linker?" - por Joel On Software
For some reason, Microsoft’s brilliant and cutting-edge .NET development environment left out one crucial tool… a tool that has been common in software development environments since, oh,… Read more "28" - por Joel On Software
Reminders: Thursday morning I’ll be giving a free lecture at UC Davis Friday evening,  7:30 PM, I’ll be meeting up with a huge group of Joel on… Read more "27" - por Joel On Software
I’ve been going through a big pile of applications for the summer internship positions at Fog Creek Software, and, I don’t know how to say this, some… Read more "Getting Your Résumé Read" - por Joel On Software
“Please do not use cover letters that you copied out of a book. If you write ‘I understand the position also requires a candidate who is team-… Read more "26" - por Joel On Software
I will be speaking on the subject of Designing Applications with the User in Mind at UC Davis on January 29th. The speech is free and open… Read more "20" - por Joel On Software
SysAdmin Week After a bit of a scare discovering that a few of our critical files were not getting backed up, and with various system administration things… Read more "19" - por Joel On Software
- organizes regularly scheduled Joel on Software reader meetings in 640 cities around the world on the third Wednesday of every month. The next one is coming… Read more "17" - por Joel On Software