Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 18274 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

As promised (months ago!) I’ve completely revamped my list of recommended books. I’ve always wanted this to be a “programmers bookshelf” listing the books that I think every… Read more "2002/03/13" - por Joel On Software
My publisher sent me a couple of new books today which might be of some interest to this crowd: Herding Cats: A Primer for Programmers who Lead… Read more "2002/03/11" - por Joel On Software
The combination of nothing-is-as-simple-as-it-seems and reduce-risk can only lead you to one conclusion: You have to design things before you implement them. - por Joel On Software
We had a little usability problem in CityDesk. Here was the problem: you could import files from the web using a menu command (“Import Web Page”). And… Read more "Nothing is as Simple as it Seems" - por Joel On Software
Ev reviews UI for Programmers. Thanks! - por Joel On Software
“I don’t know what’s wrong with my development team,” the CEO thinks to himself. “Things were going so well when we started this project. For the first… Read more "2002/02/09" - por Joel On Software
“I don’t know what’s wrong with my development team,” the CEO thinks to himself. “Things were going so well when we started this project. For the first… Read more "The Iceberg Secret, Revealed" - por Joel On Software
Now that ArsDigita is gone, I think we can officially declare the Internet Exuberance era, which opened with Travels with Samantha, officially closed. Even though the tendency is… Read more "2002/02/08" - por Joel On Software
Watch Joel live on TechTV: Friday 7 p.m. Eastern. - por Joel On Software
TechInterview: “I have a black triangle, a white triangle, a black circle and a white circle…” These classic problems are reported in [Shafir 1994]. Read it if you can… Read more "2002/02/06" - por Joel On Software