
Recursos de programación de devops
These are the best podcast/talks/ebooks I've seen/listen to recently.PodcastsScreaming in the cloud: How to Grade DevOps Teams with Nicole Forsgren, PhD Software Engineering Daily Facebook Engineering Process with Kent BeckSoftware Engineering Daily Facebook Parse Acquisition (Part 1) with Charity Majors Randy Shoup on Creating High-Performance Cultures InfoQ Culture podcastDevops / Agile cultureBetter value sooner...
Analizamos #ReleaseFlow: Un flujo de trabajo en ramas para #Git propuesto por #Microsoft. Simplifica un poco #GitFlow ya que las "feature branches" saldrían directamente de master, pero… ¿Qué diferencias entienden entre feature branch y topic branch? ¿Cómo aplican hotfixes? ¿Cómo desplegan? Importante: Cabe destacar que estamos totalmente sesgados por los entornos donde hemos trabajado (letgo, Akamon, Uvinum, etc) y damos una versión totalmente opinionada en base a esto. El contexto marcará si realmente es útil en cada caso y, al igual que con todo, los workflows de Git serán buenos o no según dónde se apliquen ???? ???? Enlaces relacionados: ├ ????‍???? Curso "Git: Introducción y trabajo en equipo": ├ ⚡ Oferta lanzamiento curso Git: ├ ????‍♂️Por qué no nos gusta Git Flow: ├ ???? GitHub Flow: El secreto está en el deploy: ├ ???? GitLab Flow: Los entornos IMPORTAN: ├ ???? Post oficial de Microsoft al respecto: ├ 1️⃣ Aprende Git en menos de 10 minutos: └ 2️⃣ Tu primera Pull Request en #GitHub: {▶️} CodelyTV ├ ???? Suscríbete: ├ ???? Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ ???? Facebook: ├ ???? Twitter CodelyTV: ├ ???????? Twitter Javi: ├ ????‍♂️ Twitter Rafa: └ ???? Catálogo cursos:
These are the best podcast/talks/ebooks I've seen/listen to recently.Engineering LeadershipInno-Versity Presents: Greatness by David Marquet  ( #9, High Performance DevOps with Jez Humble (o11ycast podcast)System design:AWS re:Invent 2018: Close Loops & Opening Minds: How to Take Control of S...
These are the best podcast/talks/ebooks I've seen/listen to recently.Engineering LeadershipInno-Versity Presents: Greatness by David Marquet  ( #9, High Performance DevOps with Jez Humble (o11ycast podcast)System design:AWS re:Invent 2018: Close Loops & Opening Minds: How to Take Control of S...
These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently.Building and Scaling a High-Performance Culture Randy Shoup. A great talk about culture for high-performance tech organizations. Good complement for Accelerate and based in his experience at ebay and google.We Talked To Product Management Legend Marty Cagan. Here’s What We Learned | BUILD Podcast A great podcast episode about product management, product teams, with the great Marty Cagan. As always, many insights fo...
These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently.Building and Scaling a High-Performance Culture Randy Shoup. A great talk about culture for high-performance tech organizations. Good complement for Accelerate and based in his experience at ebay and google.We Talked To Product Management Legend Marty Cagan. Here’s What We Learned | BUILD Podcast A great podcast episode about product management, product teams, with the great Marty Cagan. As always, many insights fo...
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- A veces las prisas nos hacen tomar malas decisiones, como creer en el efecto placebo de la entrega apresurada de funcionalidades. Sin embargo, escribir código de mala calidad y que no responde a ningún objetivo real convierte rápidamente nuestra autopista en un camino de lodo por el que cada vez es más difícil avanzar. Durante esta charla huiremos de mitos y nos pararemos a pensar “¿qué significa ser ágil?”. Nos basaremos en la experiencia real que vive Nextail, una startup en pleno escalado de plantilla y clientela envuelto por las culturas DevOps y Agile. ------------- Todos los vídeos de la Pamplona Software Crafters 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Developer at Atomist Jessica Kerr is a developer and philosopher of software. At Atomist, she works on development and delivery automation: she writes code to let us write code to help us update and deliver code. At software conferences, she speaks about languages (Java, Scala, Clojure, Ruby, Elm, now TypeScript), paradigms (functional programming, DevOps), and now symmathesy. Her interests include resilience engineering, graceful systems, and Silly Things (which her daughters find on the internet). Find her work at, the podcast Greater than Code, and on twitter at her true name: @jessitron.