
Recursos de programación de groovy Andrés Viedma nos mostrará lo sencillo que es integrar Spock en un proyecto Java, y cómo su gran expresividad y la potencia de Groovy nos pueden ayudar a crear tests en los que puedas preocuparte más de qué quieres probar que de cómo tienes que programar la prueba, y que además sirvan para documentar de una forma muy elegante cuál es el comportamiento esperado de nuestra querida aplicación Java.
Groovy es un lenguaje dinámico y ágil que se ejecuta sobre la JVM. Con una sintaxis amigable, ofrece una extensión de Java que proporciona numerosas y potentes funcionalidades, consiguiendo una mayor productividad y haciendo la vida más fácil a los desarrolladores en su día a día. Grails es más que un framework de desarrollo de aplicaciones web, es una plataforma construida sobre otros frameworks y herramientas como Spring e Hibernate, con su propio ORM, con un tomcat y una base de datos embebida y, por supuesto, con Groovy como lenguaje. Juntos están revolucionando el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. ¿Quieres saber cómo? Te lo cuento en esta charla. ¿Quieres saber más?
NEW VERSION, ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE: El pasado 29/03/2014 tuvo lugar en la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica, campus de Vallecas, el evento Greach 2014, the Groovy spanish conference. Autentia estuvo ahí entrevistando a diferentes ponentes y asistentes al evento
NEW ENGLISH SUBTITLES VERSION: Entrevistas a diferentes ponentes y asistentes a Greach 2014, the Groovy spanish conference por Autentia
Greach 2014, The Groovy Spanish Conf 28/March, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides & source code in: Gpars is a Groovy library that helps you to take advantage of the increasing number of cores in modern hardware. This workshop will introduce several examples on how to use GPars using abstractions such as : Actors, Dataflow, data parallelism... Software Engineer at Kaleidos MARIO GARCÍA I've been Java developer for 8 years and Groovy developer since 2010. Member of some Groovy User Groups (MadridGUG and DublinGUG) and also member of the Madrid Java User Group. At the moment happily working with Groovy at work, always trying to find new ways of using it. When I'm really bored I usually write something in my blog or twitter @marioggar. See you all at Greach.
Greach 2014, The Groovy Spanish Conf 28/March, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides and source code in: GPars has become the de facto standard framework for concurrency and parallelism when programming using Groovy. It is not a static library though it must move with the times, and the Groovy times are moving to have static as well as dynamic compilation, and the use if the invokedynamic instruction. In this session we will look at some of the features of GPars and assess progress of Groovy/GPars for parallel execution. Of course GPars can also be used from Java, and Java is about to undergo the biggest revolution since Java 1 -- Java 5 was a minor change to Java in comparison. How does the Groovy and GPars cope in the face of Java 8? Independent Consultant RUSSEL WINDER Ex-theoretical physicist, ex-UNIX system programmer, ex-academic. Now an independent consultant, analyst, author, expert witness and trainer. Also doing startups. Interested in all things parallel and concurrent. And build. Actively involved with Groovy, GPars, GroovyFX, SCons, and Gant. Also Gradle, Ceylon, Kotlin. And Python-CSP.
Greach 2014, The Groovy Spanish Conf 28/March, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides & source code in Spring Boot is the new addition to the Spring family. It takes an opinionated view of building Spring applications, adopting convention over configuration as default. Add Groovy to the mix, and you have a web stack that will give you wings! In this talk we will: - Discuss the Micro Service Architecture. - Discuss the nuts and bolts required to build a Spring Boot Micro Service. - Test and write components with Groovy and Spock. - Run it on an embedded Jetty or Tomcat server. - Use Spring Data to interact with Postgres or MongoDB databases. - Use Cucumber with Geb for functional. - How to use Gradle to build. - Set up a Continuous Delivery pipeline in the cloud. - Automatically deploy the application to a PaaS platform. - Use Swagger spring-mvc UI to dynamically document the API. By the end of this session, participants should know enough to build their own applications and deploy them to the cloud with ease! Marco Vermeulen Private Contractor Marco Vermeulen is a South African Software Developer who works and lives in London. He spent the past 10 years working with Enterprise Java, having experienced both the benefits and frustrations of the technology. He has survived EJB 2.1, did time with Struts and enjoyed using frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. Having worked with Groovy for the past 5 years, he has engineered solutions for Shazam, MailOnline and Burberry. He currently works as an Equal Experts associate, and spends his spare time working on his pet project, GVM.
Greach 2014, The Groovy Spanish Conf 28/March, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides & source code: in Groovy is a dynamic language that provides different types of metaprogramming techniques. In this talk we'll mainly see runtime metaprogramming. I'll explain Groovy Meta-Object-Protocol (MOP), the metaclass, how to intercept method calls, how to deal with method missing and property missing, the use of mixins and categories. All of these topics will be explained with examples in order to understand them. Also, I'll talk a little bit about compile-time metaprogramming with AST Transformations. AST Transformations provide a wonderful way of manipulating code at compile time via modifications of the Abstract Syntax Tree. We'll see a basic but powerful example of what we can do with AST transformations. Iván López Engineer at Kaleidos Software Engineer and Systems Administrator with 11 years of experience. I discovered Grails 4 years ago and since then I develop almost exclusively using Groovy. I am the creator of and some Grails plugins like Postgresql-Extensions and Slug-Generator. Everyday, I look forward to learning and enjoying at my job. I think I qualify for the "Geek Dad" definition and so I share my passion for technology and free software with my two daughters. You can contact me at the monthly meetings of Madrid-GUG or on twitter via @ilopmar.
Greach 2014, The Groovy Spanish Conf 28/March, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides in One of the major advantages of Groovy is that you can leverage existing Java APIs very easily: you can use them in Groovy just like you would in Java. However, Groovy is a perfect fit for DSLs and it's possible to make those APIs rock: why would you be obliged to use them in a Java fashion if we can build Groovy APIs for them? In this session, we will take an existing Java API and try to make it Groovy step by step, introducing you to various DSL building techniques in Groovy. After this talk, you should be able to build your own Groovy wrappers around existing Java APIs and offer them to the community! Cédric Champeau Core Groovy committer Cédric Champeau is a core Groovy committer. He joined SpringSource, a division of VMware, in order to help developing the language. Prior to that, he spent several years at Lingway, a software editor, where he used Groovy in multiple industrial contexts including DSLs for natural language processing, scripting or even workflows. He his currently working on the implementation of static type checking and static compilation for Groovy 2.0.
Greach 2014, The Groovy Spanish Conf 28/March, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides & source code: Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is the next step to writing applications that hit the mark! What makes this technique different is that it engages Stakeholders from start to finish of a project. This is done by writing Specifications by Example in collaboration with all Stakeholders. This presentation will use Cucumber combined with the power of Groovy to demonstrate how you can apply BDD to your next project. We will look at using Cucumber in context of both Groovy and Grails applications. We will demonstrate how to use Cucumber's Gherkin syntax to write clear Scenarios, then progress to writing Step Definitions in Groovy, then using Geb to interact with a browser. We will implement the new feature in our Grails application using Spock to test drive our finer grained components. Lastly, we will demonstrate our Cucumber Feature running end-to-end. The purpose of this presentation is to encourage others in the Groovy community to embrace BDD, and to write relevant useful applications Marco Vermeulen Private Contractor Marco Vermeulen is a South African Software Developer who works and lives in London. He spent the past 11 years working with Enterprise Java, having experienced both the benefits and frustrations of the technology. He has survived EJB 2.1, did time with Struts and enjoyed using frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. Having worked with Groovy for the past 5 years and using Grails for the past 2, he has engineered solutions for Shazam, MailOnline and Burberry. He is also the author of GVM, the Groovy enVironment Manager.