
Recursos de programación de http
This is my solution to the Anagram problem in Clojure:This time I decided not to make the helpers local because they might be useful by themselves.I also decided to separate in different functions the case-sensitive and case-insensitive versions of the anagram detection function.You can nitpick my solution here or see all the exercises I've done so far in this repository. - por Garajeando
This is my solution to the Rna Transcription problem in Clojure:I used a map to look-up the transcription of each nucleotide.The AssertionError exception was necessary to pass the provided tests. I would have rather used a different exception.You can nitpick my solution here or see all the exercises I've done so far in this repository. -------------------------------- Update:After learning some new stuff, I've been able to simplify the code a bit more: I used the if-let form, def ^:private and t...
Cover del video de IKEA "Más que palabras" en el que un techie de GeeksHubs va a la Orxatería la Xufera en Alboraia, lugar de tradición valenciana, a enseñar algunos de los términos que utiliza su comunidad. Desde GeeksHubs queremos demostrar que además de las posibilidades que vienen de fuera, también existe mucho talento que hay que apoyar y potenciar, y que está mucho más cerca. Realización: Lorena García y Ricardo García Cámara: Lorena García Edición: Ricardo García Agradecimientos: Orxatería La Xufera en Alboraia Video original: @geekshubs
This is my solution to the Word count problem in Clojure:I created some local helpers and played with partial and comp to make the code more readable.I also reduced the number of parameters of some local helpers by using some free variables.I really liked how the reduce function can be applied to a map data-structure in Clojure.You can nitpick my code here. -------------------------------- Update:After learning some new stuff, I've been able to simplify the code a bit more: I used the frequencie...
This is my solution to the Hamming problem in Ruby: I tried to improve readability by creating the helper class methods base_distance and both_exists?. I also wanted to play a bit with map and reduce. You can see two other versions here. I used zip in all of them. This exercise served me to practice a bit with some Ruby collection functions. - por Garajeando
This is my solution to the Bob problem in Clojure:I just used cons and created some local helpers to make the code more readable.You can see two other versions here. This exercise served me to practice a bit with regular expressions and to discover some new useful Clojure functions. - por Garajeando
I've just watched this wonderful talk by Justin Searls: JavaScript Testing TacticsThese are the talk slides. - por Garajeando
Brendan Gregg ha escrito una serie de artículos y documentos agrupados en Linux Performance donde se investigan los cuellos de botella de los sistemas Unix y Linux.
I've just watched this wonderful talk by Katrina Owen: 467 tests, 0 failures, 0 confidenceShe talks about a practical application of Sandi Metz's "magic" testing tricks and what those heuristics can tell you about your design. - por Garajeando
This weekend I've started working through the Exercism exercises.First of all, I'd like to thank Katrina Owen for starting this wonderful project.Exercism is a great open source project that she started in order to "provide a space to think deeply about simple, expressive, and readable code, and experiment and discuss what good looks like".There are exercises in many languages but I'm only working on the Clojure and Ruby ones.Even though the exercises have been very simple so far, they've helped...