
Recursos de programación de http
I've just watched this great talk by Dan Wahlin: AngularJS Fundamentals In 60-ish Minutes - por Garajeando
I've just watched this great talk by Steve Freeman: "Given When Then" considered harmful - por Garajeando
El siguiente apartado que Gene Kim trata, destaca las áreas en las que los patrones DevOps operan. Éstas áreas fueron descritas en el libro DevOps Cookbook. Éstas áreas unen, de formas diferente, tres conceptos altamente importantes de todo equipo de IT: Producción, Desarrollo y Operaciones.
I've just watched this great talk by Sandi Metz:Less - The Path to Better Design - por Garajeando
http , java , .net
Yesterday Jaume Jornet and I were practicing together doing the Gilded Rose kata in C#.At the end of the session, we left the code in a point where it was ready to substitute several conditionals with polymorphism. Then we discussed how we would do it without modifying the Item class (to avoid the goblin's rage).We talked about wrapping Item in another object DegradableItem and then create several subtypes for it. Once having this design in place the Conjured items might be implemented using a...
January- Pan, educación, libertad (Ψωμί, παιδεία, ελευθερία), Petros Márkaris- NW London, Zadie Smith- 101 cuentos clásicos de la China, Chang Shiru, Ramiro A. Calle- Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book, Jeremy McAnallyFebruary- Blankets, Craig ThompsonMarch- Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby, Sandi Metz- Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development, Jeff LangrApril- Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, Robin Nixon- Measuring the world, Daniel Kehlmann - por Garajeando
Daniel Gallego Betabeers Madrid - 25 Abril 2014