
Recursos de programación de http
Buscando (y encontrando) la pareja ideal. Taller de desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con Grails 2 Fernando Redondo Greach 2013 - 26/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain Durante el taller desarrollaremos un ejemplo práctico de una aplicación web de carácter lúdico pero compleja (Búsqueda de Parejas y Contactos) usando las distintas características de Grails como Clases de Dominio, Validaciones, GORM, Controladores, Servicios, Testing, etc... Todo ello trabajando con la herramienta Groovy/Grails Tool Suite. Cubriremos los comandos/mandatos necesarios desde el comienzo del proyecto, así como ajustes más refinados, intentando subrayar que aporta Grails sobre otros modelos de desarrollo rápido usados en la actualidad. Al comienzo del taller se dará a los asistentes todo el código necesario para seguir el desarrollo de la aplicación. Las herramientas que usaremos serán Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.1, Spring Tc Server 2.x y Grails 2.1. Fernando Redondo CEO Pronoide Me encanta aprender y dar clases. Durante los últimos 7 años he trabajado como formador técnico especializado en Java/JEE, impartiendo más de 7500 horas de formación para profesionales y empresas por toda España. En 2003 fundé pronoide, una empresa inicialmente de desarrollo que paulatinamente se ha ido transformando en una empresa de formación. Ahora mismo somos 6 formadores. Anteriormente trabajé como profesor de formación profesional, ingeniero de sistemas, jefe de proyectos y responsable de desarrollo, acumulando un total de 14 años de experiencia en tecnologías Java. Puedes leerme en mi blog y en mi cuenta de Twitter @pronoide_fer.
Groovy AST Demystified Andrés Almiray Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain Compilers are powerful tools, they pretty much translate your thoughts into machine code. Extensible compilers are even more powerful. It turns out that the Groovy compiler can be extended by means of AST transformations. Come learn why and how popular Groovy projects like Grails, Griffon and Spock, have reached out to AST transformations and AST manipulation to boost their success. In this talk we'll dive deep into compiler specifics, by all means bring your laptop if you'd like to hack along. Andrés Almiray Griffon Project Lead Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and Java Champion, with more than 11 years of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application developments since the early days of Java. He has also been teacher of computer science courses in the most prestigious education institute in Mexico. His current interests include Groovy, Scala and Swing. He is a true believer of open source and has participated in popular projects like Groovy, Griffon, JMatter and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects (Json-lib, EZMorph, GraphicsBuilder, JideBuilder). Founding member and current project lead of the Griffon framework. He blogs periodically at You can find him on twitter too as @aalmiray. He likes to spend time with his beloved wife, Ixchel, when not hacking around.
Building a Groovy DSL with user interaction Corinne Krych and Sébastien Blanc Greach 2013 - 26/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain Do you want to follow a step by step guide on how to build a DSL in Groovy? Using techniques like BaseScript, AST, bindings and command chaining, we will explain how to implement a DSL that produce an user interface and that manage User Interaction. Corinne Krych. With over XX years of experience in development (when you like it you don't count), Corinne is addicted to code and can't go very far from it. Freelance since 1999, she traveled from C++ to Java, J2EE, Spring, Struts, JSP, Web 2.0 and naturally made her path to Groovy. Being an Agile coach and practitioner, she thinks code is craft and collaboration is key to success. Chatting about the latest tech trends at coffee break: a female geek -- what do you expect -- she's always curious to discover (or rediscover) languages and frameworks. She is co-founder of RivieraGUG (Grails and Groovy User Group) and an active member of JS Sophia: because there is no better way to achieve continuous learning than sharing ideas. Sébastien Blanc is JEE engineer with 8 years of experience. After spending 7 years in the Netherlands as Software Engineer, he decided to back to the his roots in the South of France. He recently joined the AeroGear team with Red Hat to work on open source libraries for Mobile in the enterprise. Besides his "heavy" JEE profile (middleware, banking and insurance products) Sébastien spends a lot of time in Groovy and Grails. He is the author of several Grails plugins such as Spring Mobile, Jquery Mobile Scaffolding or Geolocation. He believes that Mobile Web Apps are the future and tries to evangelize this through different conferences (Gr8Conf, Devoxx, RivieraDev, Grails Exchange).
Testing Gaelyk applications Marcin Erdmann Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain In this talk I would like to present different ways to test Gaelyk applications. I will start with showing how to unit test Gaelyk groovlets using gaelyk-spock library. The second part will focus on the latest facilitations of writing functional tests for Gaelyk applications using Geb framework. I will show how to modify the state of the application under test using Gaelyk Remote and explain which common test tasks can be performed using Gaelyk Functional Test Tools. The talk will be example driven and I will try to come up with examples that are as close to real life as possible. Marcin Erdmann Grails Developer at BSkyB I've become interested in Groovy while working in Berlin in spring 2010. I liked it so much that I decided to shift my career towards web development with Grails. I'm really happy to have made that decision back then as Groovy ecosystem is not only full of good projects but it's also full of friendly and outstanding developers. That's why I like going to conferences focused on Groovy and sometimes even become a speaker at them. I believe in Open Source Software and have a strong need to give back to the community whenever possible especially as I make a living using Grails which is an open source project. That's why I'm proud to be one of the core commiters of Geb. I've also managed to get few pull requests accepted into many Groovy ecosystem projects like Grails, Gaelyk and Codenarc to name a few. I've worked in four different countries (Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom) with different technologies and languages (from Java through Javascript, Python and Ruby to Groovy) and developed my skills over the years. I believe that software should not only work, but also has to be 'beautiful under the hood', maintainable, well-tested and the source code should be clean and consistent. And I can't imagine coding without doing TDD anymore...
Tus poemas más míos es una recopilación de poemas de los profesores salmantinos Antonio Sánchez Zamarreño y Mercedes Marcos Sánchez, con motivo del trigésimo aniversario de su matrimonio. Cada uno de ellos selecciona treinta poemas del otro, en los que se reflejan treinta años de experiencias juntos.
Vert.x -- Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise Stéphane Maldini Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain Vert.x is an event driven application framework that runs on the JVM -- a run-time with real concurrency and unrivalled performance. Vert.x then exposes the API in Ruby, Java, Groovy and JavaScript, with more language implementations to come. This talk will be an introduction to the vert.x architecture, programming model, typical patterns and then a look at what's coming next in the framework and the component ecosystem developing around it, with a focus on Groovy Stéphane Maldini Consultant at SpringSource A software architect and consultant at SpringSource with extensive experience aligning Spring technologies. He is passionate about cloud computing, messaging and works on several projects implementing Spring Integration, RabbitMQ, Gemfire, or related technologies. Using Groovy and Grails since early 2008, he has developed large-scale Grails applications for the French Government and international IT. he has also co-founded the iceScrum agile tool tracker, an open source Grails application for agile teams. He still invests his spare time in the Grails community through the development of several Grails plugins, and in his contributions to the French Groovy/Grails User Group. Cómo crear una plataforma de libros electrónicos y no morir en el intento Alberto Vilches y Roberto Martín Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain Llevamos más de un año construyendo una plataforma con el que miles de personas en España pueden comprar y descargarse libros. Controlamos desde el diseño y venta de los Ereaders, hasta los contratos con las editoriales y venta y descarga de libros. ¿Cómo lo hemos conseguido? En esta charla trataremos de explicar el desarrollo en Grails de la parte servidor que se encarga de almacenar y servir los libros a todos los dispositivos y aplicaciones, proporcionar los contenidos de las tiendas, y que soporta al día más de un millón de peticiones. Hablaremos sobre negocio, arquitectura de sistemas, MySql, ElasticSearch, optimización de base de datos y consultas y, como no, Grails! Alberto Vilches I started to develop in 1998 and I've been working with Java the last 10 years. But now I'm a Groovy and Grails fan, so I created Greach to spread the Groovy word in Spain. I worked for many clients and company as developer, project leader, instructor and consultant. Now I work for MundoReader creating the server side of his new ebook platform to defeat Amazon Kindle in Spain. I use to go to the GR8 or Grails Exchange events as attendee, and you can find me in the Madrid Groovy User Group every month. My twitter is @albertovilches and my Grails blog Roberto Martín Desarrollador de software, interesado en metodologías ágiles y Atlassian fan. Inicié mi carrera profesional en Salenda en el año 2009, donde comencé a trabajar con Groovy/Grails. Desde entonces me dedico al desarrollo de aplicaciones web principalmente en este lenguaje. En la actualidad formo parte del equipo de plataforma en Mundo Reader (@bqreaders). Practico el continuous-learning investigando y aprendiendo de mis mentores. Tengo la suerte de disfrutar en mi trabajo. Puedes encontrarme en Twitter @roberto_mf.
Road to Grails 3.0 Graeme Rocher Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain In this talk Grails project lead, Graeme Rocher, will talk through the latest and greatest happenings in the world of Grails including a walk through of upcoming features in Grails 2.3 and Grails 3.0 Graeme Rocher is the project lead and co-founder of the Grails web application framework. He's a member of the JSR-241 Expert Group which standardizes the Groovy language. Graeme authored the Definitive Guide to Grails for Apress and is a frequent speaker at JavaOne, JavaPolis, NoFluffJustStuff, JAOO, the Sun TechDays and more. Before founding G2One, Inc., Graeme was the CTO of SkillsMatter, a skills transfer company specializing in Open Source technology and agile software development, where Graeme was in charge of the company's courseware development strategy and general technical direction. After SpringSource acquired G2One, Graeme is now the Head of Grails Development. He blogs periodically at You can find him on twitter too as @graemerocher.
Todo lo que me hubiera gustado saber cuando empecé a desarrollar con Grails Iván Lopez Martín Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain ¿Eres nuevo en grails? ¿Tienes las típicas dudas del newbie? ¿Tienes experiencia pero crees que necesitas un empujón? ¿Sientes que cada pequeño problema que solucionas abre otros dos? En esta charla cuento desde mi experiencia todo lo que me hubiera gustado que alguien me hubiera contado cuando empece con grails y que en muchos casos he aprendido "por las malas". Veremos "buenas practicas" de los distintos artefactos: controllers, domain, services,... Y prestaremos también atención a cómo enfocar la arquitectura de nuestra aplicación para poder "escalar en funcionalidad" de manera flexible. Es una charla para gente que no tenga demasiados conocimientos o para alguien que quiera reforzar algunos. Está basada en la experiencia de los últimos proyectos que hemos hecho, viendo las cosas que hemos hecho bien y otras que no lo han sido tanto. Iván López, software Engineer and Systems Administrator with 10 years of experience. I discovered Grails 3 years ago and since then I develop almost exclusively using Groovy. I am the creator of and some Grails plugins. Everyday, I look forward to learning and enjoying at my job. I think I qualify for the "Geek Dad" definition and so I share my passion for technology and free software with my two daughters. You can contact me at the monthly meetings of Madrid GUG or on twitter via @ilopmar.
OpenStack: Arquitectura y operaciones para la nube y las aplicaciones del siglo XXI En esta charla, Mark McLoughlin, de Red Hat, explicó algunos detalles sobre OpenStack. OpenStack es un conjunto de componentes orientados a construir una infrastructura de nube, similar a la que Amazon tiene bajo el nombre de Web Services (AWS).