
Recursos de programación de java
Last Monday I hosted an event for Barcelona Software Craftsmanship community. We practiced refactoring and learned about ports and adapters using Matteo Vaccari's Birthday Greetings kata in refactoring mode. This is the initial code in Java that we tried to refactor.I prepared several slides to introduce what we were going to do. I thought that we could just start refactoring for two hours right after this explanation, but, thanks to the suggestions of some attendees, we changed the plan and did...
Chris here, and in this episode I will teach you about variable declarations, conventions and comments! Find more tutorials and other neat things on Official Shop: Second Channel: Program It Yourself Blog: Program It Yourself Twitter: #!/ProgramaloTu Facebook Group:
Chris here, and in this episode I will be teaching you some useful knowledge concerning variables in Java! Find more tutorials and other neat things on Official Shop: Second Channel: Program It Yourself Blog: Program It Yourself Twitter: #!/ProgramaloTu Facebook Group:
Chris here, and in this episode I'll be teaching you the basic concept of Syntax and Variables in Java! Find more tutorials and other neat things on Official Shop: Second Channel: Program It Yourself Blog: Program It Yourself Twitter: #!/ProgramaloTu Facebook Group:
I've chosen a simple problem that can be solved using binary operations to show some different approaches to them: the Rock, Paper and Scissors gameBinary methods in OOP.This is a Ruby code that is using the double-dispatch pattern to solve this problem following a "full" OOP approach (not using any conditionals on types):When you call hand with two variants of Gesture (Rock, Paper and Scissors are all variants/types of Gesture but since Ruby has duck typing we don't need to have this superclass...
Today I participated in the JavaScript Code Retreat in Valencia.It was a great experience because limiting the possible languages to just one, JavaScript, (that we all knew at least enough to work on the kata) made our practice even more focused. By not having to switch between languages and test frameworks (we all used Jasmine), we could just concentrate in doing our best to craft good code under the constraints of each iteration.It's been fun and I learned a lot again revisiting Conway's Game...
Last December I attended the Global Day of Code Retreat in Valencia. It was a lot of fun and we thought and discussed a lot about the problem. Thanks to all the participants and the organizers for the great time.When I came back to Barcelona I decided to go on practicing by developing a full solution to Conway's Game of Life on my own.I wanted the solution to include several of the ideas that we had been discussing during the code retreat:Tracking only living cells. Open/Closed with regard...
As a practice, I'm implementing different design patterns in different languages.I'm using the examples in the great Head First Design Patterns book as the basis for this implementations.The book examples are written in Java, so I'll use other languages.I've started with the Strategy pattern. "The Strategy Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it." The first implementat...
[PHP Conference Argentina 2013 - 5 de Octubre] Veremos qué es Node.js para un programador PHP. Programa montado sobre el engine de JavaScript V8 de Google. Ejecución en un loop, con IO asíncronico. Node.js como servidor de consola, y servidor web. JavaScript como "lenguaje manteca", muy flexible, con mínima ceremonia de programación, similar a PHP en muchos aspectos, y diferente en otros. Ecosistema de paquetes, parecido a lo que tenemos en PHP con Composer, usando NPM, el manejador oficial de paquetes de Node.js. Veremos que en vez de tener muchas funciones, como PHP, Node tiende a tener modulos, que podemos instalar y consumir en cualquier momento. Donde Node.js comienza a brillar, y diferenciarse de PHP, es en la atención realtime. Veremos soporte de sockets y websockets, y la importancia del asincronismo en IO. Y el precio a pagar: los callbacks, funciones a ejecutar en algún momento futuro. Pero no queremos perder nuestro querido PHP. Entonces, pasaremos a integrar PHP con Node.js. Primer approach: PHP + browser + Node.js, sin apenas comunicación entre PHP y Node. Luego: cómo llamar a código Node desde PHP. Módulos dnode (asincrónico y sincrónico). Ejemplos (desde un simple chat, hasta aplicación distribuida). Y hacia el final... bueno, espero que alguna sorpresa, e tutti li fiocci!
Evento de lanzamiento de Java 7 en Madrid, coorganizado por javaHispano ( y MadridJUG ( y patrocinado por Autentia ( y Paradigma Tecnológico ( About Java platform: