Webs de programación

Enlaces a páginas web de programación y desarrollo de software.
I've just watched this interesting talk by Nick Tune The Art of Discovering Bounded Contexts - por Garajeando
I've just listened to this great Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast podcast talking about exercise and depression: Prescribing Strength Training for Depression - por Garajeando
I've just watched this great talk by Steve Freeman A Bluffer's Guide to Technical Debt for other people - por Garajeando
Daniel Vigueras es el CTO de Moss, un sysadmin virtual amigable. Con este software será más fácil cuidar de tus aplicaciones y servidores web. El objetivo de Moss es cuidar de ellos. ¿No es eso de sistemas amables? Contará en detalle qué plataformas soporta, cómo funciona y qué planes de futuro tienen. Matt (WordPress) esconde secretos Realmente todos lo hacemos. Lo bueno es que siempre se puede leer entre líneas. Los del futuro de WordPress desde el punto de vista del desarrollador, est...
January - Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects, Tom DeMarco, Timothy R. Lister - An Armenian Sketchbook (Добро вам!), Vasily Grossman- La flor púrpura, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - El día 3, Miguel Á. Giner Bou, Cristina Durán, Laura Ballester - A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps, Katrina Clokie - La espada de Damocles (Finstere Zeiten: Zur Krise in Griechenland), Petros Márkaris - The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, Gene Kim, Kevin...
I've just listened to this great Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast podcast talking about emotional shutdown and understanding polyvagal theory: Polyvagal Theory Simplified - por Garajeando
I've just listened to this great Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast podcast talking about exercise and mental health: Exercise as a Prescription for Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Stress and Sensorium - por Garajeando
I've just listened to this great Barbell Logic podcast with Jonathon Sullivan talking about strategies for working at home without sacrificing efficiency and productivity: Masters of Their Fate: Sully and the Lifters of Greysteel - por Garajeando
I've just watched this great documentary film by Marvin Minsky A Society of Minds - por Garajeando
I've just watched this great documentary film by Waldemar Januszczak The Dark Ages: An Age Of Light (III) - por Garajeando