commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
Develop a robust RESTful web API is not a simple task. How to manage the error handling? Which format to use for the data exchange? How to manage the content negotiation? What about the versioning? How to build an authentication system? How to produce the API documentation? In this talk we will show how to design and implement a REST architecture using Apigility, the open source API builder for PHP (
In the past you could come by with designing a login screen with a username and login textbox in your app and directly check the credentials in a database. But we're living in the age of (Web) APIs. With modern apps, like SPAs, just authenticating with the website isn't enough, you also want to connect on behalf of the logged in user in a Web API that is providing data for example. OpenId Connect and OAuth2 for authorisation together are the complete solution to this problem. In this session after a further explanation we'll look at a collection of .Net apps that demonstrate this process.
Is it fast yet? Performance is getting ever more important and using nginx is one of the easiest hacks to make your system faster. This talk takes a look at why and how nginx is so fast — it's all about being event-driven. Additionally, we discuss where you can make use of nginx's power, specifically for terminating SSL connections, providing a load balancer or proxy, and to run static websites as well as dynamic web-applications with PHP.
Lucia Zappacosta ci parla di ruoli, eventi, artefatti e regole associati al framework agile di sviluppo creato da Ken Schwaber e Jeff Sutherland. Iscriviti qui per partecipare ad altri Tech Webinar gratuiti: Scrivici a: Tw: @CodemotionTR
Everyone is talking about Containers, but mostly in the context of how they work and not why and when they are useful or how to apply them to your own often complex and unique Use Cases. We'll start by looking at how Docker works by manually creating a simple guestbook application using Docker Containers running Redis and PHP. We'll then use the same application to show how you can use Kubernetes and Google Container Engine to create a cluster of nodes, declare to that cluster what you expect it to do, and then have the cluster assign resources as needed, run your work, recover from failures.
Stack Exchange è uno dei 50 maggiori network al mondo ed è sviluppato con l'obiettivo di essere il sito più veloce in assoluto. Nel talk racconto: * L'architettura fisica di Stack Overflow. Quanti server abbiamo? A cosa servono e cosa sono le loro spec? * L'architettura logica del software. Come scaliamo? Quali sono i pezzi principali dell'applicazione? * Il sistema di tool. Cosa usiamo per sostenere la nostra filosofia di "extreme optimization"? * Il team di sviluppo. Quali sono i nostri valori fondamentali? Che impronta volgiamo lasciare come sviluppatori?
Intervista a Michael Ballard di IBM dopo il suo keynote al Day 2 di Codemotion Roma 2015.
Intervista ad Andrew "Andy" Tanenbaum, autore di capisaldi dell'ingegneria informatica come "Reti di Calcolatori" e "Sistemi Operativi", speaker al Codemotion Roma 2015
Vídeo de la tercera edición de Codemotion Madrid, que se celebró en la universidad CEU San Pablo los días 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2014. Casi 2000 asistentes, más de 120 charlas y talleres, labs para niños, networking, diversión y muchísimas ganas de compartir y aprender. Realizado por Fernando Vílchez Rodríguez.
Giulio Santoli di IBM Italia ci introduce nel mondo di Bluemix, Watson e del Cloud Made in Armonk!