commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
En Tuenti hemos pasado de ser una red social a una telco 2.0 y esto cambia radicalmente la aproximación sobre el mantenimiento de nuestros sistemas. Donde antes centenas de servidores se disputaban enormes cargas de trabajo, ahora un número mucho menor debe lidiar con aplicaciones de VoIp, envío y recepción de SMS, pagos, recargas y un sin fin de trabajos que nada tienen que ver con conceptos como la "coherencia eventual". Describiremos como hemos diseñado un sistema de despliegue capaz de mantener nuestras aplicaciones en constante funcionamiento y evolución, de forma totalmente segura pero a la vez manteniendo la filosofía del auto-servicio. Este es una cuento sobre tomcat, jboss, kamailio y freeswitch y de como puppet, zookeeper, nexus y mcollective los coordinan, despliegan y configuran.
Desarrollar para la nube no es tan transparente como creemos. Conocer correctamente este nuevo entorno, así como sus limitaciones nos ayudarán a evitar problemas de escalabilidad. En esta sesión veremos cómo desarrollar correctamente soluciones para la nube de Microsoft que sean escalables. Veremos ejemplos de lo que no es escalable y también veremos cómo podemos solucionarlo y evitarlo. Hablaremos de patrones de arquitectura, Unity, Entity Framework, capas de acceso a datos, worker roles, web roles,...escalabilidad!
More than 1200 attendees, leading tech companies and the best tech communities in the Netherlands! Re-live the energy and the passion of Codemotion Amsterdam 2019!
LoRa & the City è un hackathon che A2A Smart City ha organizzato durante la Digital Week in partnership con Bosch, Google Cloud, GoReply, con il supporto organizzativo di Codemotion e il supporto tecnologico di Arduino, allo scopo di rendere ancora più smart la città di Milano. 50 developers esperti in artificial e cognitive intelligence, web e mobile frontend developer, web designer, esperti di UX/UI, data scientist e marketing specialist hanno sviluppato progetti relativi a mobilità e sostenibilità energetica ed ambientale. Ai team vincitori di ciascuna delle due challenge è stato riconosciuto un premio di 3000 euro in buoni Amazon.
Cloud computing providers offer an increasing number of great services which are being used more and more by our today's applications. Docker has done an incredible job unifying development and production environments, but we think it is more a solution to package applications than a tool for developer workflows. Running your development environment in the cloud is the only way to have a truly unified experience from development to production. Other advantages are 100% repeatable environments, improved performance, payment as you go and company policies applied at the development level. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2018 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
For many years you have used LAMP stacks for your web projects. Now serverless offers multiple benefits around optimization and cost, but maybe you are not sure how to use it. Probably you are even concerned about the lock-in when using public cloud managed offerings. FONK is an evolution of the LAMP idea, but focused on open-source serverless application architectures, with the goal of avoiding lock-in. This session will discuss FONK (F=FaaS, O=Object store, N=NoSQL, K=Kubernetes) concepts and demonstrate how they apply to example web applications. Demos will be held. Also awkward silences. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2018 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
With the growth of even bigger Javascript applications there are appearing new roles to be played for the developers. In years of experience I have notice that, in most of the companies they have problems with their automated processes and data treatment. ETL and BI operations with the applications data, scheduling a mailing campaign, etc. Sometimes these processes affects to the business of the company and in a 90% of the cases they are bad implemented. Will have a look to the different existing tools to help developer to automatize processes. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2018 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Explicaremos cómo se puede extender Kubernetes para tener piezas específicas que cumplan nuestros requisitos. Hablaremos de los problemas a los que hay que enfrentarse y los beneficios que se pueden obtener. Además, explicaremos un proyecto que hemos llevado a cabo, las diferentes iteraciones que hemos hecho para mejorarlo, y lo que hemos aprendido gracias a ello. Por último, comentaremos una librería que hemos creado para que cualquiera pueda construir su propio controlador de una forma rápida y sencilla. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2018 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Serverless computing is one of the hottest trends in computing right now due to its simplicity and cost efficiency. Oracle recently open sourced a new project that enables developers to run their own Serverless infrastructure anywhere. The platform is container-native, enabling users to write functions in any programming language with excellent support for local development and testing. Fn even allows devs to “bring their own Dockerfile” such that ANY containerized code can be used as a function. This talk will cover the project in detail including a live demo. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2018 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma? ------------- Learn, Collaborate & Dockerize! Meet other developers and ops engineers in your community that are using and learning about Docker. Docker is an open platform that helps you build, ship and run applications anytime and anywhere. Developers use Docker to modify code and to streamline application development, while operators use Kubernetes for flexible deployments at any scale. Docker ensures agility, portability and control for all your distributed apps. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2018 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: