
Recursos de programación de java
This talk examines business perspectives about the Ray Project from RISELab, hailed as a successor to Apache Spark. Ray is a simple-to-use open source library in Python or Java, which provides multiple patterns for distributed systems: mix and match as needed for a given business use case – without tight coupling of applications with underlying frameworks. Warning: this talk may change the way your organization approaches AI. #BIGTH20 #RayProject Session presented at Big Things Conference 2020 by Paco Nathan, Managing Partner at Derwen 16th November 2020 Home Edition
¿Cómo aplicamos buenas prácticas en nuestros equipos? ¿Por qué son importantes para nosotros? Contaremos nuestra experiencia en el día a día, que nos afecta tanto en la calidad del software que entregamos como en la motivación de nuestros equipos. Interviene Eva lozano, Líder del Círculo Java en Paradigma y firme defensora de Extreme Programming y del movimiento Software Craftmanship. “I'm not a great programmer; I'm just a good programmer with great habits” ¿Quieres saber más? ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: Suscríbete a nuestro canal
In this session, we will demonstrate how common vulnerabilities in the Java and JavaScript eco-system are exploited on a daily base by live hacking real-world application libraries. All the examples used are commonly known exploits, some more famous than others, such as Apache Struts and Spring break remote code execution vulnerabilities. By exploiting them and showing you how you can be attacked, before showing you how to protect yourself, you will have a better understanding of why and how security focus and DevSecOps is essential for every developer. About: Brian Vermeer, Developer Advocate - Snyk Developer Advocate for Snyk and Software Engineer with over 10 years of hands-on experience in creating and maintaining Software. He is passionate about Java, (Pure) Functional Programming and Cybersecurity. Brian is an Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador and regular international speaker on mostly Java-related conferences like JavaOne, Oracle Code One, Devoxx BE, Devoxx UK, JFokus, JavaZone and many more. Besides all that Brian is a military reserve for the Royal Netherlands Air Force and a Taekwondo Master / Teacher.
Our world. Moved by Java. 25 years of ongoing innovation The world has been Moved by Java for a quarter of a century, but we’re just getting started. The pace of innovation of Java has only accelerated in the past few years, and projects like Amber (making Java more productive, expressive, and less ceremonial), Loom (making highly-concurrent applications easier to write and maintain), and ZGC (low-latency garbage collection) are delivering features into the hands of developers today, while longer-term projects like Valhalla (value types) have the potential to change the game. Join Chad Arimura, Vice President of Developer Relations, to hear about the latest innovations in Java and what makes it the #1 development platform in the world after so many years.
En el directo de hoy toca analizar el código de la aplicación Radar COVID de España. 🙋 ¡Es un directo así que interactúa con nosotros! Vamos a mirar sobretodo el código backend que tienen en Java y dar nuestra opinión sobre todo el revuelo que se ha montado al respecto. {▶️} CodelyTV ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: ├ 💂‍♂️ Twitter Rafa: ├ 👨 Twitter Javi: ├ 📸 Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ 🟦 Facebook: └ 📕 Catálogo cursos:
Sobre microservicios podemos encontrar un montón de literatura en la web, sobre todo ligada al mundo Java. En este capítulo hablaremos con Alberto Vara y veremos distintas alternativas en Python para construir microservicios más allá del Spring Cloud de Netflix. Además si quieres aprender a hacer una API lista para producción en 30 minutos usando FastApi con documentación y validación de datos automáticas, alto desempeño y otras ventajas, este es tu Webinar. ¿Quieres saber más? ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: Suscríbete a nuestro canal
In this talk David will cover why Time Series databases are critical for IoT data, and how to quickly enable sending data from your Arduino IoT device to QuestDB, a java-based Time Series Database.
In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favourite language? In this talk, Nicolas will describe what an operator is, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.
Il primo Meetup #AperiTech della Community italiana dedicata alla Blockchain di Algorand! Abstract: Tramite il protocollo blockchain di Algorand creare un token è un'operazione realmente semplice, veloce ed accessibile! Gli approcci di altre blockchain richiedono la scrittura di Smart Contract complessi per l'emissione di token, per creare un Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) basta una sola transazione di genesi! In una manciata di secondi si può vedere il proprio token live on-chain ed interagirci. L'approccio di Algorand garantisce sia un guadagno in termini di tempi di sviluppo che di sicurezza, senza perdere la possibilitá di sfruttare funzionalitá tipiche in ambito finanziario. Ci sono diversi modi per interagire con un network Algorand: tramite interfacce web sviluppate dalla community, tramite il proprio nodo (o di terze parti) con REST API o da linea di comando, o piú semplicemente utilizzando la SDK del proprio linguaggio di programmazione preferito. In questo webinar verrá definito uno use case che possa beneficiare dell'utilizzo degli ASA e tramite un tutorial verrá mostrata l'implementazione di un processo automatico di emssione di ASA tramite l'utilizzo della Algorand Python SDK su nodo installato su Raspberry Pi 4. Speakers: Cosimo Bassi, 31 anni, un curioso "Pirata dallo Spirito Libero" con radici pugliesi e coração brasileiro. Algorand Developer Ambassador, Laureato in Ingegneria Elettrica al Politecnico di Torino, da anni ha messo le proprie competenze a servizio della Transizione Energetica. Fabio Tagliaferro, 25 anni, ha scritto la tesi magistrale sulla verifica di Smart Contracts programmati in Java. Algorand Developer Ambassador, Neolaureato in Ing. e Scienze Informatiche all'Università di Verona, ha esperienza come ricercatore nell’ambito della tecnologia Blockchain. Per restare aggiornato su tutti gli #AperiTech: Telegram #AperiTech Calendario del Developer Codemotion Tech Community