
Recursos de programación de javascript
Ponente: Azahara Fernández Cuando en Diciembre del año pasado me puse a escribir los própositos de año nuevo me anoté varias cosas en mi lista de TODOs. Una de ellas fue dejar de hacer tantos cursos de formación y tratar de llevar a cabo un proyecto personal en algún framework de Javascript. El elegido fue Aurelia y para comenzar decidí realizar una aplicación sencilla con él y posteriormente desarrollarla también en Angular y React a fin de compararlos. Gracias a ello puedo cumplir el segundo objetivo que era devolver a la comunidad parte de lo que me aporta a mí, transmitiendo mi experiencia aunque sea a nivel principiante. En esta charla tras realizar una introducción a los tres frameworks y mostrar alguna comparativa, enseñaré como fue el paso a paso de desarrollar la misma aplicación en estos tres frameworks y a que conclusiones he llegado.
Douglas Crockford was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, but left when he was only six months old because it was just too damn cold. He is best known for having discovered that there are good parts in JavaScript. This was an important and unexpected discovery. He also discovered the JSON Data Interchange Format, the world’s most loved data format. He is writing a book about How JavaScript Works.
What is the ultimate hack of our lives? What is the one thing that we strive to learn the most about? What is the thing that will truly unlock our potentials? This talk is a demonstration of an open-source Brain-Computer Interface that is completely developed with JavaScript, from the ground up, using neural networks and signal processing. Armagan hits the stage with a wireless EEG headset, shows how to read signals from the brain in JavaScript using native C++ Node.js modules over USB, and the implementation in Electron, Node.js and Vue.js.
In the last few months there's been a growing friction between those who see CSS as an untouchable layer in the "separation of concerns" paradigm, and those who have simply ignored this golden rule and found different ways to style the UI (typically applying CSS styles via JavaScript). This debate have brought division in a community that used to be immune to this kind of “wars”. This talk is my attempt to bring peace between the two fronts. To help these two opposite factions to understand and listen to each other, see the counterpart's points of views.
This is the story of my journey with JavaScript. It’s about the things that I wish I knew since the beginning, my “ah-ah that’s how it works!” moments that guided me to write code in a more expressive and declarative way. It's a love letter for this powerful language, in the form of a talk that bounces between the technical and the personal perspectives. My hope is that everyone in the room, even experienced developers, will learn a bit more about writing more idiomatic and consistent JavaScript code, learning from the mistakes I made and that I still witness every time I see other developers.