
Recursos de programación de javascript
In this episode, we have a nice and long talk with Andy Wingo (@andywingo) about the new features found in JavaScript ES6 (or ES2015, as they call it now). Andy has been (and still is) a key contributor to open source js engines like SpiderMonkey for Firefox or V8 for Google Chrome. After doing a [...]
I've jut watched this great talk by Reginald Braithwaite: The Art of the Javascript Metaobject Protocol - por Garajeando
Título: Lo que la Cafeína le Hizo a JS Ponente: Sergio Arbeo Rodríguez Link: La charla narra el viaje de vuelta desde el país de la cafeína (CoffeeScript) al país de origen (JavaScript). Recorreremos muchas de las mejoras y nuevas características de sintaxis ECMAScript 6.
At the end of last post, we had eliminated some duplication from an Angular controller by using events to make it communicate with some of the widgets it was using. This was the code at that moment: Next we got advantage of the decoupling given by using events to move the rest of the code that had to do with the date range widget to an Angular directive. First we created the directive: where we moved the code that creates and initializes the date range widget. Then we moved all the html that wa...
In this post, we'll show how we're dealing with a controller which is less simple than the TrackDetailsPageController shown in previous posts. This was the code of that controller in which we had already used the techniques specified in the two previous posts (extending Angular resources with behavior and moving logic to simple JavaScript widgets): Even though most of the logic in this controller had been removed by using four widgets, (activities, dateRange, categoryList and pagination), there...
Título: CasperJS: Navega con el Piloto Automático Ponente: Adolfo Sanz de Diego Link: CasperJS es una herramienta que mediante scripts escritos en JavaScript, nos permite simular una navegación web desde un terminal. ¿Y para qué demonios querríamos algo así? Pues en mi caso para automatizar tareas repetitivas que a veces tengo que realizar en un navegador web. Mi intención, en esta charla, es mostrar las posibilidades que ofrece esta herramienta, y realizar un pequeño ejemplo ilustrativo.
Another problem I found while working on a legacy Angular application last year, was huge controllers with several hundreds of lines. Most of those controllers contained a lot of procedural code and were doing too much. This made them very hard to test. In the new Angular application we're currently working on, we're refactoring very aggressively to keep the size of our controllers small. Apart from the strategy I talked about in a previous post, another technique that is giving us good results...
Seguridad, Caching, Performance, delegación de responsabilidad entre cliente y servidor Pedro Hurtado Amante de Javascript y sobre todo de AngularJS, pero siempre en su justa medida. Xavi Ingeniero Informático por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Xavier Jorge (@XaviPaper) trabaja como CTO de Ami2 y lleva más de 13 años vinculado a proyectos de I+D+i con diversas universidades, y desarrollando y arquitecturando soluciones con tecnologías .Net.