
Recursos de programación de javascript
Yesterday, I gave a talk about JavaScript functions in Vilanova i la Geltrú. These are the talk slides. The talk focused in introducing the following concepts:Functions as first class entities Closures Higher-order functionsIt was based on the readings I've done lately to learn JavaScript:JavaScript Enlightenment, Cody LindleyJavaScript: The Good Parts, Douglas CrockfordJavaScript Allongé, Reginald BraithwaiteHere is the code of the examples used in the talk. Most of them were taken from Regin...
I've just watched this great talk by Douglas Crockford: Crockford on JavaScript - Act III: Function the Ultimate - por Garajeando
Álvaro García and I were pairing yesterday after work.We practised coding the Rotate an array in place kata in Python.It was great fun and we discussed about naming, scaffolding tests, closures, free variables and deleting tests.Once back at home, I redid the kata in JavaScript. You can see the resulting code in GitHub. I commited every time I got to green and after every refactoring so you can follow the process.In this post I just want to highlight what Álvaro and I did to optimize the code a...
I've just watched this great talk by Reginald Braithwaite the author of the wonderful JavaScript Allongé book: Javascript Combinators - por Garajeando
I've just watched this wonderful talk by Justin Searls: JavaScript Testing TacticsThese are the talk slides. - por Garajeando
I've just watched this very interesting talk by Stephen Thomas: Unit Testing JavaScript Applications - por Garajeando
I've just watched this great talk by Mark Ethan Trostler in which he describes some great principles, techniques and patterns to make your JavaScript code more testable:Testable JavascriptHe is also the author of the Testable Javascript book. ------------------------PS: This other version of the talk is also great. - por Garajeando
Vaadin is Java framework for rapid development of web applications in server-side environment. It abstracts the underlying document and state transfer technologies, allowing web applications to be developed in Java. Vaadin leverages the full power of GWT, a Java to Javascript compiler, making it possible to develop the entire web application stack and new client-side components without leaving the Java environment. Attendees will get an overview of Vaadin 7.1, a closer look at the Vaadin architecture behind the scenes of the framework. New features of Vaadin 7.2 will also be discussed. Language: English
I recently blogged about my version of the FizzBuzz kata in Clojure using Midje comparing it with a version I did some time ago in Racket's Advanced Student Language.Even though both solutions were very similar, doing the kata this time in Clojure was useful to practise with Midje.To try to get to a different solution for the kata and use the Clojure sequence library, I set myself a constraint: Instead of mapping just a function on the sequence of numbers, I had to find several transformations...
I've just watched this interesting talk by Damian Nicholson in which he talks about how to test JavaScript GUI code: Writing (testable | maintainable | scalable | rock solid) JavaScriptHere are the talk slides. - por Garajeando