
Recursos de programación de python
El sábado 16 de junio celebramos el primer año de vida de PyLadies Madrid en una fiesta de fin de curso en la que mezclamos charlas de todo tipo alrededor de Python, networking, comida... Una buena ocasión para aprender, conocernos mejor, y hablar sobre lo que esperamos de este grupo para el próximo año. ------------------- Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
You only look once is a state-of-the-art, high speed real-time object detection algorithm. It looks at the whole image at test time so its predictions are informed by global context in the image. This talk teaches you to develop your own application to detect and classify objects in images & videos. 1.Intro to YOLO algorithm 2. Image detection on video with YOLO 3. Processing images in Python, adding bounding boxes and labels 4. Processing complete videos in Python in the similar way as the previous section 5. Processing real time video from webcam
Scalability and agility are the buzz words of modern times. This has led to new architecture concepts like microservices and functions. These architectures don’t need a complicated server backend, but can be deployed quickly and scale out easily. Often the runtime environments for these functions are Node.js, python and other scripting languages. This means, as a Java Developer, that you would have to learn a new programming language if you want to apply this concept. However, last October an open source serverless framework leveraging Java was announced: fn. It is cloud agnostic (so it runs on any cloud platform, not just AWS) and is built by the team that created IronFunctions. In this session you will learn what a serverless framework is, how you can create a function in Java using the function developer kit and how to call this function.
This meetup 'YWT On The Beach' event will be guided by some fantastic members of the Yes We Tech community that will present short talks and share their experiences on Distributed Systems, Data Science and Big Data Analytics. This meetup is free and everyone is invited to join. How can I obtain UV data? by Gloria Passarello UVI. UltraViolet Index. Everyone of us heard this word at least once, but what is it exactly? Which kind of data do we need and how could we calculate it? Data coming from satellites and Python. Nothing more. We will explore this particular kind of data and how to obtain UVI from them. And in the end we will enjoy with an animation and we will see how print it on a gif. Leveraging Amazon cloud-computing resources to support big data analytics. by Victoria Caparrós In this talk I will present the system architecture used at RavenPack to provide fast, big data analytics. In contrast to traditional approaches that make heavy use of proprietary resources, we leverage various services from the cloud-computing platform that provide a flexible, serverless platform that allows us to focus on the application and forget about managing the underlying infrastructure. Distributing your app like a pro with asyncio by Marta Gómez In this talk, we'll define a simple echo server using asynchronous programming.
Se trata de una charla en la que se explican algunas de las técnicas de hacking que se pueden implementar utilizando Python junto con algunas librerías y herramientas externas que se encuentran disponibles públicamente. El objetivo de la charla consiste precisamente en que los asistentes puedan ver al vuelo y en un formato completamente práctico dichas técnicas y puedan valorar la potencia que ofrece un lenguaje de scripting como es en este caso Python para realizar ciertos tipos de ataques de forma automatizada. Se espera que los asistentes tengan un nivel mínimo de conocimientos en Hacking y programación para que puedan seguir cada uno de los ejemplos y que la charla sea de provecho para ellos, no obstante, dado que el formato de la charla será completamente práctico, los asistentes podrán ver el funcionamiento de cada uno de los scripts de ejemplo para que posteriormente tengan la posibilidad de desarrollar sus propias ideas. ---------- Todos los videos de EastMadH4ck 2018: Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
Veremos el machine learning tradicional y su mejor con Deep a la vez q hacemos un código en Python dónde cualquiera podrá hacerse un detector de URLs maliciosas (código en GitHub). ---------- ¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ---------- Todos los videos de EastMadH4ck 2018: Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
Immutable infrastructure is a pattern to change/evolve processes without modifying the running code, actual configuration, and the base components (library, auxiliary processes, SO configuration, SO packages, etc).  In summary, avoid any manual or automatic configuration change to the running systems.But if we don't allow changes, how can we evolve our application and service?  Easy, change the whole piece (function, container, machine) in one shot...So to make any kind of change (code...
Immutable infrastructure is a pattern to change/evolve processes without modifying the running code, actual configuration, and the base components (library, auxiliary processes, SO configuration, SO packages, etc).  In summary, avoid any manual or automatic configuration change to the running systems.But if we don't allow changes, how can we evolve our application and service?  Easy, change the whole piece (function, container, machine) in one shot...So to make any kind of change (code...