
Recursos de programación de python
Testing Gaelyk applications Marcin Erdmann Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain In this talk I would like to present different ways to test Gaelyk applications. I will start with showing how to unit test Gaelyk groovlets using gaelyk-spock library. The second part will focus on the latest facilitations of writing functional tests for Gaelyk applications using Geb framework. I will show how to modify the state of the application under test using Gaelyk Remote and explain which common test tasks can be performed using Gaelyk Functional Test Tools. The talk will be example driven and I will try to come up with examples that are as close to real life as possible. Marcin Erdmann Grails Developer at BSkyB I've become interested in Groovy while working in Berlin in spring 2010. I liked it so much that I decided to shift my career towards web development with Grails. I'm really happy to have made that decision back then as Groovy ecosystem is not only full of good projects but it's also full of friendly and outstanding developers. That's why I like going to conferences focused on Groovy and sometimes even become a speaker at them. I believe in Open Source Software and have a strong need to give back to the community whenever possible especially as I make a living using Grails which is an open source project. That's why I'm proud to be one of the core commiters of Geb. I've also managed to get few pull requests accepted into many Groovy ecosystem projects like Grails, Gaelyk and Codenarc to name a few. I've worked in four different countries (Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom) with different technologies and languages (from Java through Javascript, Python and Ruby to Groovy) and developed my skills over the years. I believe that software should not only work, but also has to be 'beautiful under the hood', maintainable, well-tested and the source code should be clean and consistent. And I can't imagine coding without doing TDD anymore...
Continuando con la temática web del episodio 007, en este programa hacemos con Ramón (@m3drano) un completo análisis de todas las técnicas de optimización que podemos aplicar a una aplicación web, técnicas que podremos aplicar sea cual sea el framework o la plataforma que usemos en servidor, ya sea PHP, J2EE, .NET, Python o cualquier [...]
En este programa repasamos con Ramón (@m3drano) la historia y características de Python, un lenguaje de programación que ha ido ganando popularidad, particularmente en el entorno de las aplicaciones web. También analizamos Django, uno de los frameworks orientados a web para Python mas extendidos, y que permite construir aplicaciones web conectadas a base de datos [...]
Aunque PHP es, con mucha diferencia, el lenguaje más popular para programar sitios web, no es el único. ¿Qué podemos aprender de Java, Python y Ruby? ¿Qué herramientas y buenas prácticas de esos lenguajes podemos tomar prestadas y adaptar? El software libre y compartir son las claves para abrir tu mente y aprovechar el trabajo de otras comunidades.
¿De dónde procede el término spam? Es muy curioso. El origen procede de un sketch de los Monty Python (podéis encontrarlo fácilmente en Youtube), en el que todos los platos tenían como ingrediente el SPAM, (que es una variedad de carne enlatada que se elabora en diversos sitios, siendo el más famoso de ellos Austin, …Leer Más - por Jummp