
Recursos de programación de tdd
I've just made a small TDD kata in C++ using GoogleMock.I committed the existing code after each green and after each refactoring step.Check the step by step process in GitHub. - por Garajeando
http , c++ , tdd
I've just coded the StringCalculator kata in C++ using GoogleMock and Boost.Regex.I commited it step by step. Check the resulting code in Github. --------------------------Update: I did some refactorings to my solution in order to a) reduce some duplication and b) avoid having to use Boost.Regex. They're explained, respectively, in the two following posts:Extracting reusable C++ templated functions from StringCalculator codeUsing C++11 to split strings without using the boost library - por Gara...
In our first iteration in the JavaScript Code Retreat, we worked on the rules to tell if a cell goes on living or if a new cell is created having the restriction of not using conditionals.So we used two very small functions: goesOnLivingWith and isCreatedWith that accepted the number of neighbors as a parameter. We implemented them using TDD and end up with the following tests:The main problem with the names of these tests was that they were tightly coupled to the conditions in the rules we had...
Today I read chapters 5 (Functions) and 6 (Applied Functions and Closures) of Test Driven JavaScript development. In them, Christian Johansen goes deep into JavaScript powerful functions talking about functions as first class objects, closures, free variables, recursion, binding, namespaces, etc. I'm enjoying a lot his book.To practice a bit with recursion and closures and also get more acquainted with Jasmine, I decided to do the FizzBuzz kata again but applying some of these concepts. I did TD...
Un artículo publicado por Allan Kelly, un consultor de software en el Reino Unido, despertó mucho interés. Se titula: "Los programadores sin TDD estarán sin empleo en 2022 (una predicción)". Vamos a hablar de ello.
[PHP Conference Argentina 2013 - 4 de Octubre] En esta charla presentaré buenas prácticas, y hablaré sobre mi experiencia especificando una aplicación real con esta metodología BDD (Behavior Driven Development) a través del interactor pattern, el cual es un patrón de diseño que nos regresa a la importancia de la aplicación y su desacoplamiento del framework en el que se escribe. La herramienta PHPSpec2 nos ayuda a practicar el desarrollo basado en pruebas (TDD), concentrándose en la arquitectura y lógica de negocio de nuestra aplicación, sin perder el tiempo con decisiones como qué librerías o framework utilizamos. YOLO es un framework experimental inspirado por Silex, y que usa componentes de Symfony2.
Autor: Javier J. Gutiérrez Rodríguez Track: Produban (Básico)
Testing Gaelyk applications Marcin Erdmann Greach 2013 - 25/Jan/2013, Madrid, Spain In this talk I would like to present different ways to test Gaelyk applications. I will start with showing how to unit test Gaelyk groovlets using gaelyk-spock library. The second part will focus on the latest facilitations of writing functional tests for Gaelyk applications using Geb framework. I will show how to modify the state of the application under test using Gaelyk Remote and explain which common test tasks can be performed using Gaelyk Functional Test Tools. The talk will be example driven and I will try to come up with examples that are as close to real life as possible. Marcin Erdmann Grails Developer at BSkyB I've become interested in Groovy while working in Berlin in spring 2010. I liked it so much that I decided to shift my career towards web development with Grails. I'm really happy to have made that decision back then as Groovy ecosystem is not only full of good projects but it's also full of friendly and outstanding developers. That's why I like going to conferences focused on Groovy and sometimes even become a speaker at them. I believe in Open Source Software and have a strong need to give back to the community whenever possible especially as I make a living using Grails which is an open source project. That's why I'm proud to be one of the core commiters of Geb. I've also managed to get few pull requests accepted into many Groovy ecosystem projects like Grails, Gaelyk and Codenarc to name a few. I've worked in four different countries (Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom) with different technologies and languages (from Java through Javascript, Python and Ruby to Groovy) and developed my skills over the years. I believe that software should not only work, but also has to be 'beautiful under the hood', maintainable, well-tested and the source code should be clean and consistent. And I can't imagine coding without doing TDD anymore...
Presentación sobre TDD (Test Driven Development) por Christian Soronellas (@theUniC) ronnylt en el Betabeers Barcelona celebrado el 26 de octubre de 2012 en La Salle Technova.
El Desarrollo guiado por comportamiento o BDD es una técnica de desarrollo ágil de software que fomenta la colaboración entre desarrolladores, testers y clientes. Podemos considerarlo una evolución del Desarrollo guiado por los tests (TDD) en el que el énfasis se pone más en las especificaciones finales del software antes que en sus detalles técnicos. En esta ponencia se explican las excelentes herramientas que existen para BDD en PHP y que tienen una gran integración con Symfony. Hablaremos de los conceptos claves del BDD, de la principal herramienta de BDD en PHP (Behat), de la herramienta que permite aplicar estos conceptos a los test funcionales de proyectos web (Mink) y de la integración de estas herramientas con Symfony a través de los bundles BehatBundle y MinkBundle.