
Recursos de programación de tdd
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These are the links mentioned in this week's conversation about the 4th chapter: Posts Beyond Test Driven Development by Liz KeoghWalking Skeleton by Alistair CockburnDesign as Knowledge Acquisition by Alistair CockburnElephant carpaccio by Alistair CockburnForget the walking skeleton – put it on crutches by Gojko AdzicAnother way to think about geeks and repetitive tasks by Jon UdellSimplicators by Nat PrycePorts, Adapters and Simplicators by Nat PryceWalking Skeleton on C2 wiki Talks Decision...
Yesterday Álvaro (@alvarobiz) and I facilitated the Fractions Arithmetic kata. It was an activity organized by the Barcelona Java Users Group and the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Community. Thanks to Ignacio Cougil and Jonathan Vila for having the idea and making this event possible. Since the kata was meant to be an introducction to TDD, we had first a short talk explaining a bit what TDD is about. The talk took longer than I expected because we discussed about topics, such as, TDD, object-... Jacopo Romei, italian agile coach, presenta qui il suo workshop "From TDD to Kanban, one day through agile software development" che terrà a Codemotion Milano il 26/11/2014
01/03/2010 En esta conferencia se hablará de cómo se desarrolla software mediante el uso iterativo de ejemplos definidos por el cliente, en contraposición a los métodos de análisis tradicional. Se hablará de la importancia de entendernos con el usuario, de la calidad del software y de cómo los tests, utilizados de diferentes maneras, nos ayudan a abordar ambas cosas.
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I've just watched this interesting talk by Venkat Subramaniam: Succeeding with TDD: Pragmatic Techniques for effective mocking - por Garajeando
Cuando desarrollamos tenemos muchas formas de hacerlo. Desde no hacer nada en especial a dejarnos guiar por determinadas metodologías hasta en la última línea de nuestro código. Revisaremos que opciones (entre muchas más) tenemos y nos centraremos en TDD, DDD y BDD, sus conceptos básicos y que herramientas/librerías existen en PHP para ayudarnos con la que elijamos.
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I've just done the Roman Numerals kata in Clojure. I used this description of roman numerals, On Roman Numerals, and continued the kata to also convert numbers over 3000. These are the tests using Midje that I wrote to test-drive the solution: and this is the code: It's possible to convert numbers over 3999: To document the TDD process I commited the code after every passing test and every refactor. You can find the commits step by step here. It's been difficult to derive this recursive algori...
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Last Friday I went to a kata of Barcelona Software Craftsmanship facilitated by Carlos Blé at Runroom. We had to write a function using TDD that when given a word will produce an array containing the positions of all the capital letters in the word. The most interesting part of the exercise came during the second interaction in which we had the constraint of not mutating any value. Although we didn't managed to finish the exercise, we had a very interesting debate about recursion, baby steps and...
Álvaro García and I were pairing yesterday after work.We practised coding the Rotate an array in place kata in Python.It was great fun and we discussed about naming, scaffolding tests, closures, free variables and deleting tests.Once back at home, I redid the kata in JavaScript. You can see the resulting code in GitHub. I commited every time I got to green and after every refactoring so you can follow the process.In this post I just want to highlight what Álvaro and I did to optimize the code a...
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I've just done the Reverse Polish Notation Calculator kata in Clojure using Midje.These are the tests: I really love how readable tests are when using Midje. And this is the final version of the code: I used a mix of TDD and REPL-driven development, as I did before for the Berlin Clock kata. Again I commited the code after every passing test and every refactor and also commited the .lein-repl-history file to document all the micro-tests I did on the REPL.Take a look at the code and commits in t...