Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Tough Mudder & SoulCycle founders Hangout to talk about entrepreneurship
Paradigma developed a business intelligence tool for NH Hoteles that helps hotels make a difference. With 400 hotels and 60,000 rooms in 26 countries, NH Hoteles ranks among the top 25 chains in the world and 3rd in the European ranking for business hotels. Paradigma had a vast experience in complex crawling and large databases. New natural language processing and semantic web libraries in Python were developed ad-hoc. In only 4 months, the task force involving NH Hotels and Paradigma built the first operational version of the tool. The result was the "Quality Focus Online" tool. The new tool could listen to tens of thousands of customer reviews of NH Hoteles their competitors per week and produce basic metrics. The Quality and Competition team at NH Hoteles presented the tool at the company's International Convention in Berlin in November 2010. The whole network adopted it immediately. Results of the project: 200,000 reviews aggregated and processed per year 400 hotel directors world-wide use the tool more than twice a week on average to gauge performance and to identify to make informed decisions 15% of the variable income of employees is performance-dependent as measured by the Quality Focus Online tool 20% less negative reviews from one month to the next by implementing free Wi-Fi access in every hotel About the project: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com/portfolio/nh-quality-focus-online/ Do you want to know more? http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
Symfony2 Content Management Framework