Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Carlos Alberto Martín y Juan Pedro Fernández del Grupo de Aplicación de Telecomunicaciones Visuales de la ETSIT de la UPM explican nuevas tecnologías de desarrollo de aplicaciones interactivas para TV. http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com/blog/television-hibrida-o-hbbtv-hybrid-broadcast-broadband-tv/ ¿Quieres saber más? http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
With this Plugin for Gephi, ParadigmaLabs wants to provide the community with an useful tool to analyze Twitter information. We have encapsulated all the complexity behind a simple button. A retweet is one of the main actions for information propagation, and now you can make your own analysis in real time by means of Gephi and the Retweet Monitor plugin. It´s internal mechanisms are fairly simple. The software will connect to the TwitterStream, then apply(if desired) a content filter. All the information gathered will be displayed by Gephi, and you can then apply the standards algorithms and layouts in order to create a representative visualization. Since too much information could be retrieved from the Twitter Stream, the plugin provides a method to remove information from the graph. More info: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com/blog/retweet-monitor-plugin-for-gephi/ About Paradigma: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com
Paradigma labs want contribute to the Gephi project and to research community with another powerful and real time tool. This tool is able to capture the Twitter Streaming, filter the huge information with some keywords, and create a useful graph to represent the semantic of the hashtag emergence. Co occurrences networks are generally used to provide a graphic visualization of potential relationships between people, organizations, concepts or other entities. Using co occurrences of #hashtags into the tweets, we can detect the "potential hashtags" or its emergence. In this video, you can watch a sample performance of this tool filtering twitter stream with "SOPA", "ACTA" and "PIPA" words and detecting some hashtags associations in real time. About Paradigma: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com
We show here the twitter activity around #15oct movement, all around the world, zooming into USA & Spain. Dots represent geolocated tweets. Note the heavy activity on USA and Spain More info: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com/blog/15th-october-on-twitter-global-revolution-mapped/ About Paradigma: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com
Hashtag network evolution around: #15oct,#ows and #globalchanges Nodes (hastags)are laid out as a network: the nearer, the more related; the bigger, the more popular More info about this project: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com/blog/15th-october-on-twitter-global-revolution-mapped/ About Paradigma: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com
#15oct Twitter coverage (#globalrevolution) around New York City, San Francisco, Madrid and Barcelona. Tweets are represented by geolocated dots, showing the progression of the protests on the map More info: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com/blog/15th-october-on-twitter-global-revolution-mapped/ About Paradigma: http://en.paradigmatecnologico.com
Estimado amigo, Este año queremos felicitarte la Navidad utilizando una sorprendente aplicación de nuestra tecnología. Se trata de un video en el que representamos geolocalizadamente y, como copos de nieve, los tuits que cualquiera de nosotros hemos publicado sobre la Navidad. ¡Paradigma Tecnológico te desea una blanca Navidad llena de tweets de deseos positivos, y buenas noticias!
Título: Taller de Emprendedores - Encuentro Con Emprendedores Ponentes: Shamai Aguirre de Cárcer (XAutor), Antonio Relaño (LEAPto3D), Miguel González Fierro (Samsamia), José Manuel Gonzalez de Rueda (Zeus Creative Technologies), Alejandro Martín (beMee) En este taller diferentes emprendedores del Vivero de Empresas del Parque Científico de la UC3M comparten sus opiniones y decisiones a la hora de crear su empresa. Este taller se planteó como un pequeño debate en el que los asistentes preguntaron a estos emprendedores diferentes cuestiones, obteniendo respuestas basadas en la experiencia. Link: http://techfest.uc3m.es/2013/?event=taller-de-emprendimiento
Título: Seguridad y Privacidad en Redes Sociales Ponente: Lorena González Manzano La charla busca realizar un recorrido por las siguientes cuestiones de privacidad y seguridad en redes sociales: - ¿Por qué investigar en redes sociales? Casos reales. - La legislación: un problema de adaptación. - Seguridad y privacidad: problemas encontrados y posibles soluciones. - ¿Cómo protegernos? Link: http://techfest.uc3m.es/2013/?event=seguridad-y-privacidad-en-las-redes-sociales