Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
This presentation by Andrea Leopardi took place at Lambda World Cádiz on October 26th, 2018 at the Palacio de Congresos in Cádiz, Spain. Elixir - functional, concurrent, distributed programming for the rest of us Some functional languages require a lot of ceremony to do imperative things. Some have complex abstractions around concurrency or distribution. Some make handling failures painful. Elixir is a flexible language that has many of the nice things functional programming provides, but also strives for being practical. In this talk, we'll see how Elixir and the Erlang virtual machine provide a set of tools that make it easier to work with concurrent, distributed applications. We'll see how failure handling and most of all recovery are built in the foundations of the language. We'll see how this plays well with modern system architectures. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/whatyouhide Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details -http://www.lambda.world
This presentation by Abby Sassel took place at Lambda World Cádiz on October 26th, 2018 at the Palacio de Congresos in Cádiz, Spain. Headfirst into Haskell An experience report on a year of learning and working professionally with Haskell. Functional programming newcomers can expect an empathetic tale of learning Haskell the hard way, pitfalls to avoid and tips to get started with Haskell effectively. Seasoned practitioners will gain an overview of the current state of Haskell learning for beginners and where we could learn from other programming language communities. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/sassela Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details -http://www.lambda.world
Vamos a realizar un viaje desde los orígenes del movimiento devops, pasando por los cambios necesarios en la forma de trabajar y de pensar, hasta llegar al presente. Además veremos tópicos sobre la cultura devops y las realidades de la misma. En definitiva una búsqueda para adaptarnos e innovar a nivel social, cultural y tecnológico, para hacer nuestro trabajo más efectivo. Ponente: Francisco Rodríguez Domínguez
Jorge Prudencio, Reference Leader Software especializado en Inteligencia Artificial, te enseña a crear tu propio Chatbot con Dialogflow.
This keynote by Felienne Hermans took place at Lambda World Cádiz on October 25th, 2018 at the Palacio de Congresos in Cádiz, Spain. Keynote: How does code sound? We study all sorts of aspects of programming languages, their ease of use, type system, their level of abstractness, but we feel one aspect is overlooked, how a programming language sounds like when read aloud. Is reading aloud hard? Well, yes. We found that developers cannot pronounce code in a consistent fashion. We had 25 experienced developers read code aloud, and it was a mess, even for simple statements. For example, how to pronounce an assignment statement like x = 5? Is it “x is 5”? Or “set x to 5”? Or “x gets 5”? And what about an equality check? Is it “if x is is 5”? Or “if x is 5”? Or “is x is equal to 5”? What can we learn from reading code aloud? We think programming language designers could learn a lot from hearing their language spoken. For example, if programmers consistently read if x == 5 as “if x is 5”, = or even is might be better keyword. What is the ultimate end game of this idea? We envision programming language designers of the future to prescribe a way that their language sounds, much like languages have style guides. When the sound or ‘phonology’ is defined, it can be practiced, taught and analyzed. This will be useful while learning to program, but could be a valuable tool people that interact with code in an oral way, such as visually and physically disabled programmers, and developers that are doing (remote) pair programming. What will the talk cover? In the talk, we will describe our experiment and what we learned from it, so other interested in exploring how languages sound can start well-prepared and informed. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://twitter.com/Felienne Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details -http://www.lambda.world