Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Interview with Sergey Bykov at J On The Beach 2018, Málaga, Spain.
Interview with Hadi Hariri at J On The Beach 2018, Málaga, Spain.
¡Inauguramos nuevas oficinas en Oviedo! Durante el evento hablaremos de tecnología, innovación y metodologías ágiles.
Like all imperative languages Java is, with some minor but notable exceptions, an eagerly evaluated programming language. Nevertheless the introduction of lambdas in Java 8 also allowed the adoption of some lazy patterns and data structures that are more typically employed in functional languages. Streams represent the most evident example of how also native Java API has taken advantage of laziness, but there is a number of other interesting scenarios where laziness can be an effective solution to quite common problems. In fact laziness is the only possible technique to process potentially infinite amount of data, or more in general to delay the expensive evaluation of an expression only when and if it is necessary. But laziness is even more than that: for instance the reader monad delays not only a computation but also the need of external dependencies thus lowering the abuse of dependency injection, while a trampoline uses laziness to delay and then linearize recursive calls preventing the overflow of the stack. The purpose of this talk is illustrating why and how implementing laziness in Java with practical examples delivered with both slides and live coding sessions.
We can test our code before deploying to have some confidence that it will work as expected, but what happens after deployment? How will we know that it will continue to work over time? How can we detect problems before our users do? It’s becoming more and more important to have insight into our applications and services after they’ve been deployed, and monitoring can help us achieve that. In this session, we’ll learn about what monitoring is, why it is useful, and how to get started with monitoring using Prometheus.
Scalability and agility are the buzz words of modern times. This has led to new architecture concepts like microservices and functions. These architectures don’t need a complicated server backend, but can be deployed quickly and scale out easily. Often the runtime environments for these functions are Node.js, python and other scripting languages. This means, as a Java Developer, that you would have to learn a new programming language if you want to apply this concept. However, last October an open source serverless framework leveraging Java was announced: fn. It is cloud agnostic (so it runs on any cloud platform, not just AWS) and is built by the team that created IronFunctions. In this session you will learn what a serverless framework is, how you can create a function in Java using the function developer kit and how to call this function.
La Reunión de Estudiantes de Ingenierías Técnicas y Superiores en Informática, RITSI, es la organización estudiantil estatal que representa a los estudiantes de Ingenierías en Informática de España. Creada en 1992, coordina a las delegaciones de estudiantes de las universidades en las que se imparten titulaciones de Ingenierías en Informática, tanto a nivel de grado como de Máster. Entre los objetivos de la organización, además de representar los intereses de los futuros profesionales de la Ingeniería Informática está el de ofrecerles una formación complementaria a la contemplada en los planes de estudio en un mundo tan cambiante como es el de la informática. ------------------ Todos los videos de RITSI: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pUrCLss1muBzDrFcw7ROLMX Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
Interview with Holden Karau during J On The Beach 2018, Málaga, Spain.
The Reactive Manifesto motivates the reactive tenets with large-scale systems that serve millions of users worldwide, needing exorbitant data size and bandwidth coupled with sub-second latencies. This presentation puts the spotlight on the other end of the spectrum: the systems that operate manufacturing processes and logistics are vital to a factory’s success. Data sizes and rates are easily manageable with today’s hardware, the top priority is absolute reliability. In these systems resilience is the prime motivator for loose coupling, elasticity is just a consequence. This presentation explains the architecture approach taken at Actyx and discusses the suitability of different patterns in this context, including some war stories.