Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Título: Fields en Drupal 8 Ponente: Ismael Liberal
Técnica de gamificación con pegatinas realizada en las oficinas de sngular Llano.
Charla: AMP: páginas instantáneas para móvil y su (no) integración en Grupo Noticias Ponente: Alberto Silva Presentación de la charla: - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SHJMsY1Z21UOX-7lQBTzo7D3kclVLGKRxrMjtLAHfnU/edit?usp=sharing
This session gives an introduction to the AsciidoctorJ extension mechanism and the power which can be unleashed when it is combined with Groovy. The screenshot extension is used to show, not just how simple it is to create an extension, but also why Groovy is the perfect tool for this job. Because nothing speaks as clearly as code, a basic version of the screenshot extension will be created live on stage. Showing both the simplicity and the power which Groovy offers as the extension language of choice.
In this talk we’ll explore the various features and concepts of Reactive Streams. We’ll talk about some typical use cases for Rx and more importantly, how to implement them. We’ll focus primarily on RxGroovy and Ratpack, then provide example implementations that show you how to get started with this powerful technique.
Grails 3 has many powerful features related to unit, integration and functional tests. Grails 3 maximizes the potential of tools like AST Transformations, the Gradle build tool, the Geb and Spock testing frameworks and many powerful features of the Groovy programming language. This session will describe and demonstrate many of these features.
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