Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Responden: Adolfo Sanz (@asanzdiego), Miguel Ángel Moreno de Tecnilógica y César Guevara (@borregoguevara). T3chFest 2016
Responde David Meléndez Cano (@TaiksonTexas), Ingeniero I+D Software actualmente en Abalá Ingenieros
With Grails 3, the plugin development experience changes a little bit compared to that of Grails 2. In this talk, Álvaro (member of the Grails team at OCI, Grails committer and author of several plugins) will cover several topics to understand how plugins work in Grails 3, focusing on best practices. The session is structured as a set of tips and tricks with code samples in the following areas: modularisation, build system, testing and publishing.
Groovy is a compiled language for the JVM with a number of fascinating features: a language which is both dynamic and static, strongly or weakly typed, functional and imperative, supporting a modern type inference, DSLs, … How does that all come together? How, from a source file, do you end up with classes compiled and loaded at runtime? If terms like parsing, abstract syntax tree, type checking, type inference, bytecode or even verifier puzzle you, then this talk is made for you! @CedricChampeau
In this presentation I will show some of the advantages of using the Grails framework. Grails is a web-framework built on the “shoulders of giants”. It acts as an easy, yet very powerful layer on top of Spring MVC, Hibernate and Sitemesh. It aims at developer speed by applying “convention over configuration”, sensible defaults and easy access to common functionality. It integrates easily with application containers (like Tomcat) on the JVM. Grails has a lively plugin community, where a wide variety of common functionality is captured.
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