Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
This presentation will show how the O2 Platform APIs and tools can be used on the creation of powerful 'Application Security-focused Tests' The Tests range from (simple) Unit Tests to (lots of moving parts) Integration tests, with the focus being on the 'non Happy Paths' (i.e. the areas that developers don't tend to naturally test) This is a developer focused presentation, with demos being executed in: * multiple IDEs (VS, Atom, IntelliJ, Eclipse) and languages (C#, Java, NodeJS) * multiple CI technologies (Docker, Travis CI, Cloud) * 'Real-time test runners (NCrunch,Wallaby)
Le moderne applicazioni web ormai spostano la logica di interfaccia lato client, rendendo JavaScript assoluto protagonista dello sviluppo. Si rende quindi necessario poter testare in maniera automatica questa componente e in questa sessione vedremo, con un approccio molto pratico, tools e tecniche per farlo in maniera sostenibile. Partiremo dai principali framework di testing confrontando l'approccio TDD e BDD; analizzeremo framework e tecniche di mocking; vedremo come rendere testabile codice già scritto e come AngularJS semplifichi notevolmente gli scenari di test.
Clojure is a simple, powerful and fun language. With a small syntax its quick to learn, meaning you can focus on functional design concepts and quickly build up confidence. There are also a wide range of Clojure libraries to build any kind of apps or services quickly. With a focus on Immutability, Persistent data structures & lazy evaluation, you will quickly feel confident about the Functional Programming (FP) approach to coding. Discover Clojure in action as we write & evaluate Clojure using the REPL (interactive run-time environment), giving instant feedback on what the code is doing.
What’s important about a technology is what you can use it to do. I’ve looked at what a number of groups are doing with Apache Hadoop and NoSQL in production, and I will relay what worked well for them and what did not. Drawing from real world use cases, I show how people who understand these new approaches can employ them well in conjunction with traditional approaches and existing applications. Thread Detection, Datawarehouse optimization, Marketing Efficiency, Biometric Database are some examples exposed during this presentation.
Front-end development is rapidly evolving, with new frameworks coming and going at a crazy pace. Among the many options, Elm stands out as one of the most original and promising approaches: it combines the principles of reactive programming with the elegance of strongly typed functional programming, yet providing a seamless integration with javascript code. In this talk Marco will introduce Elm, exploring a real project built with it. He will dig into the best language features, also exposing how Elm can foster the development of modular, reusable and testable front-end architectures.
¿Cómo redactar una oferta de trabajo? ¿En qué fijarnos a la hora de aplicar a un proceso de selección? No es difícil encontrar críticas a algunas ofertas laborales por Twitter. No obstante, ¿qué pasa cuando somos nosotros los que tenemos que buscar un nuevo compañero de trabajo? Lo fácil sería coger una oferta ya existente y simplemente cambiar los "Requisitos mínimos" y "Requisitos deseables", y a tirar. No obstante, si queremos que la oferta realmente refleje los aspectos que creemos que dan valor al hecho de trabajar en nuestro equipo, así no lo conseguiremos. Más info: http://codely.tv/screencasts/ofertas-trabajo-making-off/
Microservice architecture is rapidly changing the way we develop our applications. Small, highly decoupled software component are the foundation of this architecture. But hey that’s the theory. Now how can we apply it in our day to day job? How can we structure our application to unleash the benefit of a microservice architecture? Come to my talk and we’ll see an introduction to a real microservice implementation using Seneca.js toolkit. By leveraging plugins, commands and other features available in Seneca.js we’ll see how we can build a microservice application.