Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 17933 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

Título: Simplificando el Uso de la Memoria Dinámica en C++ Ponente: José Daniel García Link: Una de las críticas frecuentes a C++ es la posibilidad de generar goteos de memoria. En esta charla explicaré cómo C++11/14 ofrece mecanismos de gestión de memoria dinámica que son seguros y deterministas sin necesidad de recolección de basura. Después de esta charla no volverás a usar new/delete en tu código.
Título: Lo que la Cafeína le Hizo a JS Ponente: Sergio Arbeo Rodríguez Link: La charla narra el viaje de vuelta desde el país de la cafeína (CoffeeScript) al país de origen (JavaScript). Recorreremos muchas de las mejoras y nuevas características de sintaxis ECMAScript 6.
Lucia Zappacosta ci parla di ruoli, eventi, artefatti e regole associati al framework agile di sviluppo creato da Ken Schwaber e Jeff Sutherland. Iscriviti qui per partecipare ad altri Tech Webinar gratuiti: Scrivici a: Tw: @CodemotionTR
http , go , .net
Estas son las diapositivas de la charla que Jaime Gil de Sagredo y yo presentamos ayer en el grupo GoMad:golang-design4concurrencyEl código de ejemplo, las diapositivas y un mind map inicial se puede encontrar en: las referencias usadas son:Go concurrency patterns concurrencyAdvanced Go concurrency patterns advanced-go-concurrency-patternsDesigning for Actor Based Systems designing-for-actor-based-systemsGolang patterns for s...
Everyone is talking about Containers, but mostly in the context of how they work and not why and when they are useful or how to apply them to your own often complex and unique Use Cases. We'll start by looking at how Docker works by manually creating a simple guestbook application using Docker Containers running Redis and PHP. We'll then use the same application to show how you can use Kubernetes and Google Container Engine to create a cluster of nodes, declare to that cluster what you expect it to do, and then have the cluster assign resources as needed, run your work, recover from failures.
Organizado por los Meetups de Scala Madrid, MadridJUG, 47 Degrees y Tuenti.
Stack Exchange è uno dei 50 maggiori network al mondo ed è sviluppato con l'obiettivo di essere il sito più veloce in assoluto. Nel talk racconto: * L'architettura fisica di Stack Overflow. Quanti server abbiamo? A cosa servono e cosa sono le loro spec? * L'architettura logica del software. Come scaliamo? Quali sono i pezzi principali dell'applicazione? * Il sistema di tool. Cosa usiamo per sostenere la nostra filosofia di "extreme optimization"? * Il team di sviluppo. Quali sono i nostri valori fondamentali? Che impronta volgiamo lasciare come sviluppatori?
Intervista a Michael Ballard di IBM dopo il suo keynote al Day 2 di Codemotion Roma 2015.
This talk will provide a quick introduction to Docker images (build time), containers (run time), and registry (distribution). It shows how to take an existing Java EE application and package it as a monolithic application as a single Docker image. The application will then be refactored in to multiple microservices and assembled together using orchestration. Unit and integration testing of such applications will be discussed and shown as well. Design patterns and anti-patterns that show how to create cluster of such applications will be demonstrated and discussed.
Greach 2015, The Groovy Spanish Conf April 10th-11th, Madrid, Spain Follow us on twitter Slides in Groovy & Grails is one of the best scenarios to construct software architectures, creating applications and/or plugins, using well-known Java libraries, and developing other useful software resources like DSLs. On the other hand, BPMS solutions are an excellent manner to deal with workflows (i.e. business processes) in our software architectures, since they provide flexible and decoupled mechanisms. The idea is to describe the common architecture and applications, the current solutions and the most remarkable plugins, as well as the benefits, limitations, challenges, etc.. In addition, and following new trends, as microservices architecture style and developer-friendly BPM solutions, we want to present our active open source projects using Grails : Ocelot BPMS and Implicit BPM. Ocelot offers an extension of a current framework (e.g. Camunda) in Grails, providing new modelling features and a customisable execution environment. Lastly, Implicit BPM is an experimental MVC software architecture that aims to modularize the control flow of the system as a transversal process using interception techniques (AOP) and expressing them via its own Groovy DSL. * Implicit BPM : * Ocelot BPMS : Rubén Mondéjar Andreu Rubén is a Senior Software Engineer and Software Architect currently working at Diputació de Tarragona (DIPTA). His current work is mainly focused on web development projects related to business process management, mainly using Groovy and Grails and Developer-Friendly BPM Solutions. He is also working as an Adjunct Professor for the Universitat Rovira i Virgili teaching courses of Software Architectures, Workflows, and Web Development, and as a Research Collaborator in the AST Group.