
Recursos de programación de agile
There has been a lot of discussion during the last 50 years about the nature of programming: Is it an art like poetry? Is it craftsmanship like pottery? Is it an exact science like physics? Or a non exact science like medicine? Is it engineering like bridge building? Whatever the nature of software development is: during this time, a lot of tools and techniques have appeared to make your lazy-developer life more difficult: Coding conventions, OOP, FP, SOLID, Design Patterns, Tests, TDD, UML, Use-cases, CASE tools, Refactoring, RUP, Agile, SCRUM, Continuous Integration, Code Complexity Metrics, Emergent Architecture, DevOps, SCM... and whatnot! But, sometimes, being a lazy developer makes you do things that seemed counterintuitive, in order to pursue your main objective: WORK LESS.
Por fin! Después de *mucho* trabajo, hoy presentamos CodelyTV Pro. Oferta lanzamiento ???? CodelyTV Pro es la plataforma de cursos de CodelyTV. Ya tenéis disponibles cursos sobre Agile (retrospectivas), AWS (deploy en EC2), Testing en iOS y Android, CQRS (arquitectura de Software), y por último, introducción a Scala. Cada día publicaremos un nuevo vídeo de alguno de los cursos. Por 30€ al mes podrás acceder a todo el catálogo de cursos y los que se vayan publicando. ¡Pero ojo! Ahora tenemos una oferta al 50% durante el primer mes de lanzamiento: Le hemos puesto mucho cariño. Esperamos que lo disfrutéis, os sea útil en vuestro día a día, y aprendáis nuevas cosas para desarrollar mejor ???? Mil gracias a todos los colaboradores que apoyan este proyecto para que salga adelante. Cualquier cosa, aquí estamos.
These are some interesting talks/podcast that I've seen during August:LeanBreaking Business Bottlenecks - Theory of Constraints (3mins)Serverless and ArchitectureFunctional architecture - The pits of success - Mark SeemannServerless Architectures Mike RobertsIf (domain logic) then CQRS, or Saga? Udi DahanPatrick Kua on Growing Technical Leadership and Evolutionary Architecture (InfoQ Engineering Culture Podcast)Event Driven Serverless with Sebastien Goasgoen (Software Engineering Daily Podcast)O...
These are some interesting talks/podcast that I've seen during August:LeanBreaking Business Bottlenecks - Theory of Constraints (3mins)Serverless and ArchitectureFunctional architecture - The pits of success - Mark SeemannServerless Architectures Mike RobertsIf (domain logic) then CQRS, or Saga? Udi DahanPatrick Kua on Growing Technical Leadership and Evolutionary Architecture (InfoQ Engineering Culture Podcast)Event Driven Serverless with Sebastien Goasgoen (Software Engineering Daily Podcast)O...
January - Vencidos pero vivos (Vaincus mais vivants), Maximilien Leroy and Loïc Locatelli Kournwsky - El Boxeador: la verdadera historia de Hertzko Haft (Der Boxer: Die Überlebensgeschichte des Hertzko Haft), Reinhard Kleist - Vuelo a casa y otras historias (Flying Home and Other Stories), Ralph Ellison - Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke - Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson - Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#, Robert C. Martin - Atonement, Ian McEwan - En una piel de leó...
This post continues with the series of posts publishing my notes about SOLID principles taken from Robert C. Martin's wonderful Agile Principles, Practices and Patterns in C# book. OCP -> "Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc) should be open for extension but closed for modification "testing is one kind of usage of the system. By writing tests first, we force the system to be testable. Therefore, changes in testability will not surprise us later. We will have built the abstrac...
Imprescindible:Theory of Constraints”, Agileee conference, 2009 J. B. Rainsberger A must for any software developer that wants to really understand Agile and Lean.Technical Debt related:Technical Debt Trap Agile India 2017 Doc Norton (@DocOnDev)Debt Metaphor Ward CunninghamMicroservices:Managing Data in Microservices Randy ShoupHow to Break the Rules GOTO 2017 Dan NorthKEYNOTE: Velocity and Volume (or Speed Wins)  Adrian CockcroftEffective Microservices in...
Imprescindible:Theory of Constraints”, Agileee conference, 2009 J. B. Rainsberger A must for any software developer that wants to really understand Agile and Lean.Technical Debt related:Technical Debt Trap Agile India 2017 Doc Norton (@DocOnDev)Debt Metaphor Ward CunninghamMicroservices:Managing Data in Microservices Randy ShoupHow to Break the Rules GOTO 2017 Dan NorthKEYNOTE: Velocity and Volume (or Speed Wins)  Adrian CockcroftEffective Microservices in...
Agility - Not Enough? Too Much? Trying to Find Just RightLone Star Ruby Conference 2010 Real Software Engineering  Glenn VanderburgRailsConf 2016 - Get a Whiff of This Sandi MetzWhy are people stupid? A scientific approach Eternally Curious #1Achieving High Load in Advertising Technology Event Sourcing on the JVM  Greg YoungPodcasts:The ServerlessCast #6 - Event-Driven Design Thinking Boss Level Podcast John Seddon and freedom from command and control Agile Arc...