commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
Cuando ves que tu aplicación va lenta, más allá de lo razonable y esperado para lo poco que hace, necesitas utilizar una serie de técnicas que te permitan localizar qué parte de tu código consume más recursos y tratar de minimizarlos. En la charla se hará una introducción a diferentes herramientas de profiling existentes en Java y Linux, y se explicará su uso para crear los famosos Flame Graphs como los que hace Brendan Gregg en Netflix, para después poder interpretar los datos e intentar localizar dónde estamos consumiendo más recursos. #5649626120060928/6310271345754112
Spring Cloud es uno de los proyectos más importantes de Pivotal, donde introducen el concepto de aplicaciones cloud native: una disciplina que fomenta buenas prácticas en sistemas distribuidos (gestión de la configuración, service discovery, circuit breakers, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus, one-time tokens, global locks, leadership election, distributed sessions, cluster state). Esta charla explica los distintos componentes del ecosistema Spring Cloud, mostrando cómo usarlos en Spring Boot. En particular, el foco estará en: Configuración distribuida. Service Discovery. Log correlation. #5649626120060928/5333183465783296
Node.js es una tecnología cada vez más popular para el desarrollo de servicios web. Grandes abanderados de Java como Netflix están usando cada vez más JavaScript para implementar parte de su backend. Pese a esta realidad, muchos javeros como yo no quieren tocar JavaScript ni con un palo, y cuando hay que hacerlo, sólo en el browser. Si eres javero y no te gusta JavaScript, ven a verme y te contaré cómo desarrollar servicios web con Node.js. Verás cómo con TypeScript, async/await y frameworks como Nest y TypeORM no echarás de menos a Spring y JPA. Lo mismo hasta te atreves a probar y llenas tu portátil de pegatinas molonas para parecer moderno ;). Y si no te convenzo, al menos te daré argumentos para no separarte de tu querido Tomcat. #5649626120060928/4828054509584384
Let’s face it: the term REST is treated as a buzzword these days rather than as an accurate description of the Web’s blueprints. Everybody claim to do REST APIs; the truth is - nobody is doing REST API. It’s time to stop this. In my presentation I’d like to go with you through the original specifications and build an API that will respect all the constraints. All live, no prepared things. Then, we will compare the results with other API that claim to be REST. You will be surprised how different the results will be!
Since the past 10 years, the Blender ( team has been developing and using a complete open source creation pipeline. The team produced and released several short films, including a 360- degrees VR experience and a pitch for the feature animation "Agent 327". Developing and sharing open source technologies is a great challenge, and leads to great benefits for the small and medium animation studios. In his talk, Francesco will show one of the most compelling and inspiring examples of production-driven software development.
Consistency is probably one of the best-known design principles. Consistent UIs are easy to use, easy to learn and frustration free. Nonetheless, they are also extremely easy to break! Just a few development iterations are enough to totally mess up your color palette or your icon sets. Yelp ships its experience across Android, iOS and Web apps used by millions of users. In this talk, you will get an insight into the challenges we face on a daily basis ensuring our visual consistency, and the solutions we adopted.
Titolo: Costruire una Community: "What You Give is What You Get" Partecipare attivamente ad una community: tutti sanno che è importante ma in pochi lo fanno. Davvero è così importante per un developer fare un'esperienza del genere? Francesco spiegherà il suo percorso con Laravel-Italia negli ultimi quattro anni, non solo per raccontare quanto effettivamente fare community gli abbia "restituito" (oltre ogni aspettativa) ma anche per spiegare quale impatto ha una scelta del genere, senza dimenticare qualche consiglio per chi sta iniziando a muovere i primi passi... e non solo.
The most exciting feature of the upcoming Clojure 1.9 is clojure.spec, which delivers a game changer experience in a dynamically typed language such as clojure. With this new tool your code will be able to express constraints that are traditionally very hard to encode in traditional type systems, like describing a function that only accepts a sequence of strings of increasing length of which the third element starts with a capital letter. In this talk I'll start with the spec basics up to some of its advanced usages, from data validation to generative testing.
Feeling uninspired and tired of constantly building the same layouts? Let’s leverage the CSS superpowers you might have heard about before, but haven’t already used. Let’s explore new CSS features that give us a great set of tools and enable to do amazing things on the web! The future of web graphics and CSS as a design language is bright, and finally it will make us less dependent on the image editors. We’re entering the new era with in-browser designing. Don’t stay behind and get some fresh air of creativity directly in the web browser.