commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
Service Fabric è la piattaforma, utilizzabile sia su Azure, sia on-prem che su altri cloud provider, per l'implementazione, distribuzione e gestione di soluzioni stateful e scalabili basate su microservizi. La sessione consentirà di capire quali sono i concetti alla base di Service Fabric e quali servizi e funzionalità fornisce la piattaforma sia a livello di infrastruttura che per lo sviluppatore.
Erlang/Elixir sono linguaggi funzionali usati per applicazioni concorrenti, ad alta affidabilità e scalabili. La clusterizzazione è sicuramente uno dei punti di forza. Nel talk partiremo dai concetti base fino creare una applicazione distribuita attraverso le OTP libraries. Facebook, Whatsapp ed altri grandi aziende utlizzano queste tecnologie, ma vedremo come possono essere utilizzate in realta piu piccole attraverso casi d'uso reali.
This talk will introduce attendees to GraphQL and then dive into the intricacies of how we built the API. It’ll cover end-to-end the flow we provide to our developers and some of the specific considerations we took when making it a public API: * solving the N+1 data retrieval problem and query planning * structuring models for optimal data retrieval * when to use GraphQL This talk will also cover some of the specifics of hooking GraphQL into a service-oriented architecture, how it’s built into our infrastructure, and the advantages you gain by having GraphQL interface with your services.
Javascript has conquered the world – developers can use it in the browser, on the server, to write mobile apps, on the desktop with Electron, and even to create serverless services. Like the language or not, the truth is JS developers have built an incredible ecosystem with libraries and tools to do almost anything. During the talk I’ll show how to bring the power of F# - the functional paradigm, static typing with type inference, pattern matching, and more modern language features – to this huge and rich JS world using Fable – F# to JS compiler.
Once you start working with Big Data systems, you discover a whole bunch of problems you won’t find in monolithic systems. Monitoring all of the components becomes a big data problem itself. In the talk we’ll mention all of the aspects that you should take in consideration when monitoring a distributed system using tools like: Web Services,Spark,Cassandra,MongoDB,AWS. Not only the tools, what should you monitor about the actual data that flows in the system? We’ll cover the simplest solution with your day to day open source tools, the surprising thing, that it comes not from an Ops Guy.
La programmazione reattiva utilizza funzioni, operazioni e trasformazioni elementari ma potenti, che combinate in un macro-set di funzioni è in grado di creare una vera e propria applicazione di messaggi che continuano a cambiare. Questa sessione vuole portare alla luce chi non ha mai visto la Reactive Programming in generale o la libreria Rx per C# in particolare, con esempi concreti basati su dati reali.
Since its 2013 release, React has brought a new way to design UI components in the world wide web. The same fundamentals have been taken to another important environment in our contemporary world: the mobile applications. We'll see the philosophy behind React Native - learn once, write anywhere - and how this new framework helps developers to build native apps using React.
With TensorFlow, deep machine learning transitions from an area of research to mainstream software engineering. In this session, we'll work together to construct and train a neural network that recognises handwritten digits. Along the way, we'll discover some of the "tricks of the trade" used in neural network design, and finally, we'll bring the recognition accuracy of our model above 99%.
Everyone has heard at least once of the magical powers of machine learning - who wouldn't want to be able to program a driverless car on its own? How many times, however, have you heard about the "dark sides" of data-driven technology? In this talk, we will show live demos of five aspects of deep learning that any developer should be aware of: (i) algorithmic bias; (ii) adversarial attacks on trained systems; (iii) breaches of privacy; (iv) safety threats; and (v) hidden technical debts. The lesson is: beware of blind reliance on deep learning - unless you are looking for "deep" troubles!
AGOS 4 HACK, promosso da Agos e organizzato da Codemotion, è stato il primo hackathon pensato per rivoluzionare il mondo del credito. 75 partecipanti tra developer, web designer, esperti UX/UI, marketer, con 10 mentor, si sono riuniti presso Cariplo Factory per semplificare e rendere più efficace l'accesso ai prodotti e ai servizi offerti ai clienti Agos attraverso una mobile experience innovativa. A ciascuno dei due team vincitori sono andati €5000 in buoni Amazon.