
Recursos de programación de ddd
We have the chance to hold our 4th Meet up about Software Architecture. Stay tune to the channel to watch the entire talks! Enjoy them.
En esta charla vamos a poner los pies en el suelo con la arquitectura hexagonal, DDD y cómo podemos desplegarlo para conseguir escalabilidad. Vamos a explicar la aplicación poquito a poquito, evitando las megaconstrucciones y tecnopajas. Explicaré una implementación de PubSub para los eventos de dominio, IDD para la capa de servicios de aplicación y GraphQL para hacer el mecanismo de entrega. También revisaremos el código del frontend para desacoplarlo de los frameworks y evitar la fatiga Javascript. ------------ "Llevo haciendo software quince años, me encanta. Me encanta darle forma a una idea, desarrollarla y ponerla en producción para que pueda aportar valor. Cuando saco un ratico, lo dedico a Mamba y un nuevo recolector de basura basado en pañales y biberones. A veces me dicen que soy el Arguiñano del Continuous Delivery." --------------- ¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: https://www.ivoox.com/24998679 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
The second part of our 3rd meet up was the practice. This section was made by Roman Predein, take a look at it and just like Roman said if you are interested in getting the source code from his practical example, drop us an email and we will send it to you: info@apiumhub.com
Our 3rd Meet up was about DDD: Interface Segregation. We started our presentation with the theory part, handled by Christian Ciceri, our software architect.
On December the 30th we hosted our second Software Architecture meetup. This time we got knowledge from our software architect & Co-founder - Christian Ciceri about DDD in practice, about microservices antipatterns. Thanks to everyone who attended! we hope you enjoyed the conversation and the beer!!! Keep an eye on our Newsletter, it will contain information about our 3rd meetup and where is going to be. We promise to have the same amount of beer and laughs. See you soon!!!
"Estamos acostumbrados a hablar de la calidad del código "de producción", pero ¿qué hay de la calidad de los test? ¿Cómo medimos si son buenos o malos? En esta sesión veremos problemas comunes que nos encontramos al empezar a testear, cómo evitar malas prácticas, y daremos nuestra opinión acerca de los tipos de test que más valor aportan. Por último, también hablaremos del encaje del testing en una aplicaciones CQRS y DDD (Arquitectura Hexagonal). Para demostrar que son principios agnósticos del lenguaje, los ejemplos de código serán tanto en Scala como en PHP." Todos los videos de Barcelona Software Craftsmanship https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pXfHIuhB89H6TdUO8syJMui&playnext=1 Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
Dates: 7th, 8th OctoberOfficial site: http://scbcn.github.io/ Talks Feedback: https://joind.in/event/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2017/schedule/listTwitter : https://twitter.com/bcnswcraftOfficial hashtag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/scbcn17?src=hashThis past weekend (7-8th Oct) I was at the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Conference 2017. This is the second time attending this conference (http://www.eferro.net/2014/10/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2014.html).This conference is a two days...
Dates: 7th, 8th OctoberOfficial site: http://scbcn.github.io/ Talks Feedback: https://joind.in/event/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2017/schedule/listTwitter : https://twitter.com/bcnswcraftOfficial hashtag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/scbcn17?src=hashThis past weekend (7-8th Oct) I was at the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Conference 2017. This is the second time attending this conference (http://www.eferro.net/2014/10/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2014.html).This conference is a two days...
Jepsen Talk Kyle Kingsbury - JOTB17 Very interesting to understand DBs and related problems/limitations.Python: Keynote PyCon 2017 Lisa Guo, Hui Ding Instagram migration to Python3.6Go: NewStore TechTalk - Advanced Testing with Go Mitchell HashimotoPodcast: Episode 066: From OO to FP & All the Things in Between w/ Sandi Metz  The Elixir Fountain PodcastDDD relatedThe elephant in the room  Greg YoungSocratic Architecture: Simple Heuristics for Desi...
Jepsen Talk Kyle Kingsbury - JOTB17 Very interesting to understand DBs and related problems/limitations.Python: Keynote PyCon 2017 Lisa Guo, Hui Ding Instagram migration to Python3.6Go: NewStore TechTalk - Advanced Testing with Go Mitchell HashimotoPodcast: Episode 066: From OO to FP & All the Things in Between w/ Sandi Metz  The Elixir Fountain PodcastDDD relatedThe elephant in the room  Greg YoungSocratic Architecture: Simple Heuristics for Desi...