
Recursos de programación de ddd
Jepsen Talk Kyle Kingsbury - JOTB17 Very interesting to understand DBs and related problems/limitations.Python: Keynote PyCon 2017 Lisa Guo, Hui Ding Instagram migration to Python3.6Go: NewStore TechTalk - Advanced Testing with Go Mitchell HashimotoPodcast: Episode 066: From OO to FP & All the Things in Between w/ Sandi Metz  The Elixir Fountain PodcastDDD relatedThe elephant in the room  Greg YoungSocratic Architecture: Simple Heuristics for Desi...
Jepsen Talk Kyle Kingsbury - JOTB17 Very interesting to understand DBs and related problems/limitations.Python: Keynote PyCon 2017 Lisa Guo, Hui Ding Instagram migration to Python3.6Go: NewStore TechTalk - Advanced Testing with Go Mitchell HashimotoPodcast: Episode 066: From OO to FP & All the Things in Between w/ Sandi Metz  The Elixir Fountain PodcastDDD relatedThe elephant in the room  Greg YoungSocratic Architecture: Simple Heuristics for Desi...
En Vocento (de la mano de Ariel Ferrandini) hemos rehecho el sistema de publicación de noticias implementando DDD con buenas prácticas (SOLID, git flow, etc..) en entorno nginx y PHP7.1 y la mejora ha sido muy evidente en el rendimiento y en la facilidad de trabajar de forma más eficiente. Nos gustaría presentarlo para explicar las ventajas del DDD y de desacoplar código en varios servicios. Tanto para el rendimiento como para el desarrollo por el equipo de rediseño.
We've been at the #BuildStuffEs conference organized on April 29th. There we could talk with Eric about his talk "Good Design is Imperfect Design". He's the author of the book "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software".
@thmuch Those who have survived the DTO hell of former J2EE versions, where we had to copy data between all the layers of our enterprise applications, appreciate the ease that Spring and Java EE have brought us more than one decade ago. But if we look closely at our current architectures and design styles like Hexagonal Architecture and DDD, we're in need again for adapters and transfer objects, for example in the anticorruption layer of a DDD bounded context. In other words: We still need to map data between different entity structures. Often, BeanUtils or Dozer are used to map data between entities, DTOs and similar structures. But those mappings can be slow and are error-prone due to missing type safety... Say hello to MapStruct, the fast and type-safe bean mapper, which - as an annotation processor - generates mapping code at compile time and goes without reflection! https://www.autentia.com
Presentación en el meetup de Tarragona Developers (tgndevs) sobre Domain-Driven Design. Hablaremos de los objetivos básicos de DDD, introduciremos la parte estratégica, hablaremos sobre la parte táctica, veremos implementaciones de cada building block y resolveremos dudas específicas de los asistentes.
"Una de los conceptos que DDD nos ofrece para desacoplar nuestro código son los eventos de dominio. En letgo hay picos diarios de +10.000.000 eventos por hora (3.000/s). Esto supone un reto y cualquier optimización tiene un impacto notable. La charla consta de cómo estaban hecho los consumers antes (spoiler: alguna que otra vez se llegó a levantar 100 máquinas) y cómo lo están ahora. La charla es agnóstica del lenguaje de programación, aunque se explicarán truquillos de cómo hacerlos en php, y sobre todo, de cómo molar mucho utilizando Akka desde Scala o Java." Todos los videos de Pamplona Software Craftsmanship https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pWzA2ILUMUDwD_0QGIIJetn Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
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After my talk El arte del patadon pa'lante / Libro de recetas (Spanish) at the Pamplona Software Craftmanship 2017, some colleagues ask me about references for evolutionary architectures. This post tries to give the best references I know about this concept...To have context for the other references, I find the following resources essential:Who needs an Architect? (Martin Fowler)Competing On The Basis Of Speed  (Mary Poppendieck)  Optimizing for speed, flow, and waste re...
http , .net , agile , lean , cqrs , ddd
After my talk El arte del patadon pa'lante / Libro de recetas (Spanish) at the Pamplona Software Craftmanship 2017, some colleagues ask me about references for evolutionary architectures. This post tries to give the best references I know about this concept...To have context for the other references, I find the following resources essential:Who needs an Architect? (Martin Fowler)Competing On The Basis Of Speed  (Mary Poppendieck)  Optimizing for speed, flow, and waste re...
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I've just watched this super interesting talk by David West The Past and Future of Domain-Driven Design - por Garajeando