
Recursos de programación de go
In this talk, we'll go through our project called NuCypher, a network to empower privacy and data confidentiality in decentralized systems based on the use of advanced cryptographic techniques. In particular, we use "proxy re-encryption", a special type of cryptosystem that allows to delegate decryption rights of encrypted information. Nodes in our network provide a cryptographically-enforced access control service that allows users to securely share information with others, but in such a way that nodes are completely oblivious to the data that is encrypted: at no point nodes can read anything. We'll cover how Python has enabled the vast majority of our implementation, from constructing a low-level library for elliptic curve arithmetic on top of cryptography.io, to interacting with the Ethereum blockchain with py-geth and web3.py. Finally, you'll see a practical example of the use of pyUmbral, our cryptographic library (https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral), and a live demo of how to share data securely with the NuCypher network. La PyConES es una conferencia de tres días de duración en la que se dan cita profesionales y entusiastas del lenguaje de programación Python que difunden su experiencia en varias sesiones de charlas técnicas. Por su naturaleza, la audiencia de la PyConES procede no sólo de sectores tecnológicos como desarrollo web, Business Intelligence o desarrollo de juegos sino también del mundo académico, siendo utilizado por multitud de profesores e investigadores. --------- Todos los vídeos de PyconES 2018: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pUQX9ePOy3KEpENDC331Izi Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram; https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
This presentation by Eric Torreborre took place at Lambda World Cádiz on October 25th, 2018 at the Palacio de Congresos in Cádiz, Spain. What Haskell taught us when we were not looking Haskell, the pure and lazy functional programming language, has now been around for more than 25 years. It had a profound influence on many other programming languages on the JVM: Java, Clojure and Scala and elsewhere: Purescript, Swift, Go (just kidding, not Go :-)). In this talk you will discover which Haskell constructs have made it to mainstream programming languages and change the way you program today. You will also get a glimpse of the features which are yet to be transferred for our greatest benefit. Warning: after this talk you might be tempted to try the real thing! Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/etorreborre Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details -http://www.lambda.world
This keynote by Koko Muroya and Steven W.T. Cheung took place at Lambda World Cádiz on October 25th, 2018 at the Palacio de Congresos in Cádiz, Spain. Diagrammatic Execution Models for Functional Languages "What is my program actually doing?" Sometimes you feel a need to execute a functional program yourself. Ok, here's a function call. I'll first look at arguments. Now I've got values of arguments, so I'll go onto the function. Remember, this parameter is now this value, that parameter is now that value... You jump around the program, back and forth between variables and pieces of code, and keep collecting results of these visited pieces. This talk introduces diagrammatic models of functional-program execution. The underlying idea is to express the above process using diagrams; the "token", your agent, moves around a diagrammatic representation of a whole program, and visited pieces of the diagram dynamically change to represent their results (so we do not need to remember!). We will explore these diagrammatic models, which help us not only with visualising program execution but also with designing a language. These models can cover from conventional programming, with various evaluation strategies including call-by-value (used in OCaml) and call-by-need (lazy, used in Haskell), to unconventional (but increasingly significant) programming with "computational graphs". Last but not least, the models are for mathematical reasoning; from cost analysis of execution to equational reasoning justifying compiler optimisation. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/koko_muro_m Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details -http://www.lambda.world
Luis Emilio Velasco Sánchez In the context of building APIs, GraphQL is getting a lot of attention lately, especially comparing it as an alternative to REST. In this talk we will see the lessons learned and pitfalls of using GraphQL within a microservices architecture (with Ruby, Elixir, Javascript and React) and go beyond HTTP with an example of GraphQL Subscriptions and WebSockets.
As we start to go toward cloud-native infrastructure and build our applications out of microservices, we must fully face the drawbacks and challenges to doing so. Some of these challenges include how to consistently monitor and collect statistics, tracing, and other telemetry, how to add resiliency in the face of unexpected failure, how to do powerful feature routing and much more. Istio and service mesh in general helps developers solve this in a non-invasive way. In this deep-dive, we'll show how you can take advantage of these capabilities in an incremental way. We expect most developers haven't adequately solved for these issues, so we'll take it step by step and build up a strong understanding of Istio, how to get quick wins, and harness its power in you production services architecture. ------------- Software Crafters Barcelona is a two day event which aims to attract and connect software development professionals, who feel passion for their work and share the values and principles of the Crafters movement. It aspires to be a meeting place that facilitates the magic of learning, teaching and collaboration, where participants create a gratifying and enriching experience. It doesn't matter who you are, your knowledge level or your favorite programming language. Todos los vídeos de Barcelona Software Craftmanship: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pXO6GQN0oRROrxgz6MbuN6c Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram; https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Everyone who’s not wrong and/or evil agrees that standards are best for the Web. But how do standards get made, and where are they going? As a veteran of the standardisation world for a decade, I’ll shock you by revealing the torrid reality of the standardisation process. Not for the faint-hearted, we’ll go from the ancient Romans, IE5, Apple’s unclosed tag madness, trainspotting, Wilbur and XHTML2. Do you dare tour the sausage factory?
¡Estamos de vuelta! Por fin volvemos a la actividad con una charla de Adrià Lopez (https://twitter.com/adlpz), CTO de YDEVS (https://ydevs.com/), que toca distintos temas de lo más interesantes. Lo mejor es que sea Adrià quien te explique la charla: "PHP está muy bien. Nos da las herramientas necesarias para ser productivos, un gran ecosistema de librerías y frameworks punteros en los que apoyarnos. ¿Pero qué pasa con el deploy? ¿Cómo ejecuto un CI con tests funcionales? ¿Es inevitable usar Capifony o EasyDeployBundle? ¿Por qué tengo que preocuparme de PHP-FPM, Nginx y toda esta colección de dependencias? ¿Por qué no puede ser PHP como Java o Go, con un bonito binario autocontenido para ejecutar? En esta charla os explico cómo hacemos en YDEVS para suplir estas necesidadas de una forma fácil, barata y flexible, gestionando los procesos de Desarrollo, CI y Despliegue usando Docker y las herramientas que nos da Gitlab... ¡Gratis!. Veremos como containerizar una aplicación PHP (Symfony), usar los Pipelines de Gitlab para correr nuestros tests, crear las imágenes Docker de producción y desplegar nuevas versiones de nuestra aplicación fácilmente." Ya te había avisado que era interesante :) Te esperamos el próximo **jueves 8 de noviembre en Barbacode Space (Avinguda Constitució 127, 1-A, 46009) a las 19:00**. Disfrutarás de una gran charla y además llevamos mucho tiempo sin vernos y ya es hora de ponernos al día, ¿no crees? Después de la charla, para no perder las buenas costumbres, nos tomaremos unas cervezas/vinos/refrescos en Barbacode para hacer un poco de networking. Y cuando llegue la hora de cenar, algunos nos quedaremos por algún bar de la zona al que estás invitado a venir si te apetece :) ¡Nos vemos pronto!
Have you ever thought about the legal implications of the software you write? Did you ever even consider that you could actually go to jail for it? Crazy as it may sound, it has already happened. Here we'll reflect a bit on recent precedents, and we'll review testing as an ethical approach to developing software and how to prevent your software to take you places you definitely did not want to go to. ---------- ¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: https://www.ivoox.com/29586384 ---------- Software Crafters Barcelona is a two day event which aims to attract and connect software development professionals, who feel passion for their work and share the values and principles of the Crafters movement. It aspires to be a meeting place that facilitates the magic of learning, teaching and collaboration, where participants create a gratifying and enriching experience. It doesn't matter who you are, your knowledge level or your favorite programming language. We encourage you to participate if you: - are passionate about software. - want to be involved, or are already involved, in the Software Crafters movement. - want to share your knowledge, experience, or skills. - enjoy learning by helping others and believe that sharing is key to your own progress. In addition to technical contents, it will be fun. There will be beers, and we'll have stimulating conversations late into the night. Software Crafters Barcelona is an opportunity to meet new friends, face new challenges while learning and further improve your skills. ----- Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram; https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
January - The Plateau Effect: Getting from Stuck to Success, Bob Sullivan & Hugh Thompson- The Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan- Memento Mori, Muriel Spark- Cosmonauta, Pep Brocal- The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare, G. K. Chesterton- Ébano, Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, Mark Manson - The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde February - The Maltese Falcon, Dashiell Hammett- This Is Water, David Foster Wallace...
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To create a significant software system using the cloud we need to think differently than when we are building a system to run in our data center or using VPS from a classic hosting provider.Outside the Cloud (data centers and VPS),  the underlying computing resources are:Effectively fixed because obtaining new resources requires months.They are scarce because we try to buy the minimum resources needed.Expensive since we have to pay them entirely and amortize them.But in the Cloud, the unde...