
Recursos de programación de java
Oracle decided to give JavaFX a pure Java-API – a good one. But we have to pay the price with longer code and worse readability. GroovyFX simplifies JavaFX development, makes it nicer and more groovy. This session compares JavaFX and GroovyFX and shows how easy JavaFX development can be.
Ratpack is a fully non-blocking, asynchronous, minimalistic web framework that focuses on developer friendliness and productivity. Learn about a modern, Java 8 based web framework that allows for rapid prototyping of web applications. @Lspacewalker @autentia @greach
"Write Groovy scripts to solve problems using the power of the Groovy/Java ecosystem and the power of your system’s programs. Learn how to use external programs with the Groovy syntax, add useful dependencies with Grape and leverage the Groovy programming language. Everything guided by a practical example." Todos los videos de Greach 2017 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
Ratpack is a fully non-blocking, asynchronous, minimalistic web framework that focuses on developer friendliness and productivity. Learn about a modern, Java 8 based web framework that allows for rapid prototyping of web applications.
"Oracle decided to give JavaFX a pure Java-API – a good one. But we have to pay the price with longer code and worse readability. GroovyFX simplifies JavaFX development, makes it nicer and more groovy. This session compares JavaFX and GroovyFX and shows how easy JavaFX development can be." Todos los videos de Greach 2017 Descárgate gratis el libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
"Grails is one of the most flexible and most powerful frameworks on The Java Platform. Grails leverages the flexibility offered by the platform in a way that other web frameworks do not. Grails is a fantastic platform for polglot web programming. Part of what makes Grails so compelling is its really powerful plugin system. The Grails plugin system allows capabilities to be bolted on to applications, including adding support for a variety of programming languages. All of the major programming languages available on the JVM are supported by The Grails Framework. These include Java, Groovy, Scala, Clojure and others. This session will dive in to that aspect of the framework with a focus on Scala and Clojure and will demonstrate what is involved in adding support for new languages." Todos los videos de Greach 2017 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
"The road from Java to Groovy would be perfect if all you had to do is rename a .java file to .groovy and recompile. However, the reality is, the road is not perfectly smooth and can be filled with speed bumps, curves and speed limits. This talk is your road map around these impediments and hindrances that can slow your migration to Groovy. It will provide solutions, workarounds and best practices to quickly get you on the fast lane. Along the way, we’ll cover some useful Groovy idioms that can replace more verbose Java equivalents. Topics to be covered include: Cruising I-95: Interop Highway Caution: Sharp keyword corner ahead Pavement potholes: Groovy’s missing parts Avoiding idiomatic collisions Moving into the fastlane GPS: Tools and techniques to avoid dangerous territory." Todos los videos de Greach 2017 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
We all know that writing Java code can be verbose and boring, that’s why we use Groovy. But even using Groovy some times our code is not as clean as we would like to be. In this talk you’ll learn how you can improve your code using Javaslang and Groovy. Javaslang is a Java library that helps to reduce the amount of code and increase the robustness using a functional approach. I won’t talk about mondads, functors and all those buzzwords related to the functional programming. Everything will be practical Groovy examples that you can use in your daily work. @ilopmar @greach2017 @autentia
Scala è un linguaggio di programmazione general purpose multi-paradigma pensato per realizzare applicazioni ad alte prestazioni che girano all'interno della Java Virtual Machine. Spark è il framework "Big Data", basato su Scala, più flessibile e performante disponibile oggi sul mercato. Durante il talk verrà introdotto il linguaggio Scala e verranno mostrate le potenzialità legate al suo utilizzo nell'ambito dello sviluppo di applicazioni web di ultima generazione compresa la possibilità di processamento parallelo di grandi quantità di dati attraverso l'utilizzo del framework Spark.
Post previously published in Spanish Aplicación del principio DRYI always keep in mind that in software development it is very important to keep each business concept in one place only. Code duplication is a problem that we should try to avoid or at least restrict and systematically remove when needed.But, sometimes, we blindly follow the DRY principle, without having in mind that each decision has a cost.  In this post, I will expose some points that can help us decide...