
Recursos de programación de javascript
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- En 2015 tuve el privilegio de dar esta charla en varias ocasiones en Madrid, e incluso una versión resumida en Bruselas. El panorama ha cambiado desde entonces y algunos amigos me han animado a que actualice el contenido a 2019. Es habitual ver comparativas de lenguajes de programación por su tipología o sintaxis, por su puesto actual en TIOBE, por el nº de proyectos en Github, por puestos de trabajo ofertados, por salario medio... En esta charla nos centraremos en compararlos por el modelo legal, ético y estético tanto de su gobernanza como de su comunidad. Analizaremos los principales lenguajes: Java, JavaScript, Python, Go, Ruby, Groovy, Kotlin, PHP, Clojure, y quizá algún otro. ¿Qué fortalezas y riesgos tiene cada uno? ¿Quién marca el ritmo? ¿Quién prioriza? ¿Quién desarrolla? En definitiva, ¿quién manda en cada lenguaje de programación? ------------- Todos los vídeos de Commitconf 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
La tercera edición de esta saga de buenos propósitos. Dentro de poco enviaré el boletín dominical número 100. Me encantaría que lo recibieras en tu bandeja de entrada. Suscríbete gratis. Después de Lo que me gustaría aprender en 2019 y 2018 va el de este año. La conclusión de la última edición es que se ha conseguido en parte: si he mejorado en cuanto a frameworks de JavaScript y despliegues en la nube. Pero no he avanzado de forma significativa en machine learning. Para este año el menú es...
Rust es un lenguaje tipado, rápido y seguro, que ha sido diseñado por Mozilla como lenguaje de sistemas, aunque en los últimos tiempos ha ganado mucha popularidad en el terreno del desarrollo Web gracias a WebAssembly, su amplio ecosistema y gran comunidad. A lo largo de la charla descubriremos las características más destacables de Rust, sus similitudes y diferencias con JavaScript y veremos qué aporta Rust al futuro de la Web gracias a WebAssembly. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Commitconf 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Cada vez tenemos páginas web más complicadas con muchos elementos en pantalla o con elementos en 3D. Desde hace un par de años, se ha venido desarrollando una nueva tecnología llamada WebAssembly, que nos permite ejecutar código que no es JavaScript en el navegador, y es extremadamente rápido! En esta charla veremos como ha evolucionado esta tecnología y una demo renderizando fractales. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Commitconf 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Introducción a GraalVM, una nueva maquina virtual políglota de alto rendimiento, que permite ejecutar programas de lenguajes basados en la JVM (Java, Scala, Kotlin, Clojure), y también integrar lenguajes de programación "invitados" como JavaScript, Python, Ruby, R, C o C++. La charla explica en qué consiste la compilación "Just in Time" (JIT) y qué mejoras aporta GraalVM en ese campo. También describe la capacidad de realizar compilación "Ahead of Time" (AOT) y en qué situaciones puede resultar ventajosa. En la parte final se explora el framework Truffle que permite definir nuevos lenguajes para ejecución en GraalVM. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Commitconf 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Paolo discusses programming chatbots in Italian, chatbots post GDPR, building community and organiser tools for community interviews. About Paolo: A developer since the 80s, architect and project manager in the 90s and early 00s, back to software design and development in the last 10 years. Many technologies under the belt, such as C, Perl, HTML/CSS, Java, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails. Doing some work with Elixir and Phoenix lately, plus some AWS Lambda and chatbots. Owner of
Participating in conferences and learning from experts is great, but as a community, we are missing a lot when it’s the same faces every year, everywhere. We have to do our best to include everyone from a diverse background as speakers and learn from their experiences. This panel discussion features established speakers with diverse backgrounds and will inspire you to start your own public speaking career. We will talk about topics like the impostor syndrome, stage fright, topic selection, and will have an extensive Q&A to answer anything you are wondering about public speaking. Panel participants: Armagan Amcalar Head of Software Engineering - Wayfair Armagan is currently working as a Senior Engineering Manager at Wayfair, responsible for leading the creation of innovative products to enhance the experiences of Wayfair's partners. A software architect well versed in both the backend and frontend systems, he focuses on building resilient clouds. He loves open source and is the author of cote, a library for building microservices with Node.js. He spends most of his free time teaching JavaScript as a university lecturer, a consultant or an NGO worker. He also leads Lonca Works, a software craftsmanship guild. Lara Martín Android & Flutter Developer - Lara is a Flutter GDE and Android developer based in Berlin. Lara has been involved with the community since she started programming: sharing knowledge online, giving talks worldwide and finally becoming a GDE. Her dream is to make apps more accessible for everyone. When she’s not attending a tech meetup, you will find her playing video games or with her dog Lily. Dave Cheney I am a software engineer and hardware enthusiast from Sydney, Australia. I write, speak, and promote Go around the world. Raffaella Isidori Founder/Creative Director - I build brands and design the communication for businesses around the world and assist companies in localizing (Ita/Eng) their brands, products, and messages. Besides that, I design (UX/graphic/visual/digital/print), study, teach, take pictures, write, translate & coach professionals on communication and language. Curious as a cat, and in love with diversities, I collect books, fonts, spices, and essential oils. I live and work in the countryside (mostly Italian), surrounded by flora & fauna, where I cultivate dreams, and push boundaries. Online, I'm Zetaraffix
After having worked at an AR-focused company with the Vuzix, a Google Glass-like product, Ruben had a lot of fun with the hardware and really wanted to have one at home to play around with. Unfortunately, they are too expensive to get one just for hobby purposes. This session will cover what was required to build his own wearable, the pitfalls, the compromises, and the sheer joy of saying "Screw it, I'll build it myself!". About: Ruben van der Leun, Web and XR Developer - Leunix Ruben has practically been a Software Developer all his life. Starting off with GW-Basic, QBasic and a bit of Pascal, he went to college to learn more about .NET. However, when he got his first job, he found himself diving into the wonderful world of Web development and remained there ever since. By day, he is a Freelance Software Developer, currently working at the KLM. By night, he plays around with realities, both Virtual and Augmented. He tends to evangelise about these topics wherever he can, as long as there are people around willing to listen.
Although more than half of the world’s websites are in English, only about 25% of web users are English speakers. With half of the world’s population connected and more coming online every minute, internationalisation is as relevant as ever! Let’s explore how i18n gets made on the web and what we should keep in mind and what we should avoid when making the web more accessible to the world. About: Eli Schütze Ramírez, Web engineer, Monzo Eli is a software developer currently working as an Agile UI Developer at Trainline developing a full stack javascript application (Node, Typescript, React, Redux, RxJS) with unit and integration tests (Jest, Enzyme, Selenium) with preference for functional programming design patterns. She works to constantly improve upon and create solutions for issues around web performance, accessibility, web analytics, localisation, multi-currency support, and browser compatibility. She's a big advocate of diversity in tech and coach/mentor at both codebar and NodeGirls and organizes Reactivate, a monthly meetup