
Recursos de programación de kubernetes
In cloud-native environments and microservices applications world, Prometheus has become the standard for monitoring. Even Docker or Kubernetes expose native metrics. This talk would cover why, and what differentiates it from more traditional approaches. How can it be used to monitor both systems and applications, and would also show a real case on how to develop Prometheus-native applications. We will also see how to integrate Alertmanager with other alert systems or incident management systems already deployed. About: Beatriz Martínez, Cloud engineer - IBM Beatriz Martínez works at IBM’s Architecture and Innovation department, mainly focus on enterprise-grade cloud environments. Passionate about technology and innovation, she is an insatiable learner who loves getting involved with open-source communities.
How hard is it to be a blacksmith in a world of sailors? In a world directed towards Kubernetes and its helmsmen, who needs to go to a (Cloud) Foundry to forge? Is it necessary to know how to juggle pods, services, replicas and ingress to develop a Cloud-native application? Let's explore this new horizon together and see if Cloud Foundry is a valid ally even for sea wolves. About: Davide Fazzone, Cloud Foundry Service Security Team, IBM Currently working in IBM Cloud Foundry Tribe into the Security and Compliance Team. Always interested in security aspects as well as dependability and architectures. Technology enthusiast since I was 4 but I want to keep learning/exploring everyday. Because limits like fear are often just an illusion (cit).
Docker, Docker Swarm, contenedores, imagenes, orquestadores, Kubernetes son palabras que están presentes en cualquier arquitectura “moderna”. ¿Pero realmente sabes lo que significan o de qué hablan? Piensas que hablan en otro idioma. No te preocupes el objetivo de esta charla es aclarar todos esto “palabros” y que puedas entender por fin de que están hablando. En esta charla se va a explicar de manera simple y sencilla que en qué consiste Docker y Kubernetes. About: Rubén Resino, Development Lead - Carousel Group Scala and Functional Software lover. Geek and freak of technology. I usually play with Big Data, Microservices and APIs. I love board games and video games.
If you are a developer, you shouldn't be surprised about the fact that developers spend more than 24% of their time dealing with their development environments. Imagine having a magic button that instantiates a new development environment for you in seconds, integrated with the same hardware, network, and services that you need in production! This experience is now possible thanks to technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and the automation provided by the cloud. About: Pablo Chico de Guzman, Founder & CTO, Okteto Inc Founder & CTO @oktetohq (YC W19). Docker Community Leader. Cloud Native Development Advocate.
Istio is a service mesh for Kubernetes that offers advanced networking features. It provides intelligent routing, resiliency, and security features, so that service authors don't have to keep re-implementing them. Istio is rapidly taking off and there are great introductory talks everywhere. However in this session, we will explore precisely how it does what it does, following one brave little packet in from the internet and back out again. This will give a great insight into Istio's full power, and its fascinating architecture. About: Matt Turner, CTO, Native Wave Matt is CTO at Native Wave, a consultancy that designs, builds, and manages cloud-native platforms using the best open source software. Native Wave works with the whole business to re-architect and refactor applications to get the most from modern cloud technologies. Matt has been doing Dev, sometimes with added Ops, for over a decade. His idea of "full-stack" is Linux, Kubernetes, and now Istio too. He's given many talks and workshops on Kubernetes and Istio, and is co-organiser of the Istio London meetup. He tweets @mt165 and blogs at https://mt165.co.uk
Micro frontends & Apis with LOVE Desarrollo de aplicaciones Cloud Native en Orange ¿Y si desgranamos aún más una arquitectura "desacoplada"? Nuestra apuesta es extender la definición de microservicio hasta el frontend, dividiendo para ello las aplicaciones en dominios funcionales y añadiendo una capa de agregación que conecte ambos mundos. En la presentación veremos como trabajamos en Orange para conseguir esto, proporcionando una visión desde la construcción de frontend hasta el despliegue de APIs en entorno Kubernetes. About: Alfredo Garcí, Solution Architect, Orange Spain Soy Informático de formación y de vocación y llevo 20 años aplicando Soluciones de Arquitectura en grandes empresas de sectores tan diversos como banca, telecomunicaciones, grandes eventos, energía... En los últimos años me he especializado en las arquitecturas de microservicios cloud y en evangelizar sobre buenas practicas API First.
More companies are embracing flexible working and distributed teams - whether that's individuals working remotely, or fully distributed companies with no central hub. This can have great benefits, but the path to success isn't always smooth. At the FT, we collaborate daily across time zones, from New York to Manila. How do we help our teams remain effective, avoid "us-and-them", and feel part of a greater whole? Having fixed production issues while up a mountain, I'll cover: - effective communication across locations - what we learnt from other companies - advice on leading distributed teams. About: Euan Finlay, Senior Engineer, Financial Times Euan is part of the Operations & Reliability team at the FT, managing incidents across the globe. Before that, he lead a distributed team responsible for Go microservices, Docker containers in Kubernetes, and the backend APIs powering the website. On the Ops-ier side of DevOps, he has occasionally admitted to being a sysadmin in public.
Jenkins does not scale. There's no denying it. If we need more power because the number of concurrent builds increased, we cannot scale Jenkins. We cannot hook it into Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler to change the number of replicas based on metrics like the number of concurrent builds.. At times, Jenkins is struggling under heavy load. At others, it is wasting resources when it is underutilized. As a result, we might need to increase its requested memory and CPU as well as its limits to cover the worst-case scenario. AboutL Viktor Farcic, Developer Advocate, CloudBees Viktor Farcic is a Developer Advocate at CloudBees, a member of the Google Developer Experts and Docker Captains groups, and published author. His big passions are DevOps, Microservices, Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD) and Test-Driven Development (TDD). He often speaks at community gatherings and conferences. He published The DevOps Toolkit Series and Test-Driven Java Development. His random thoughts and tutorials can be found in his blog TechnologyConversations.com.
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: https://www.ivoox.com/43311880 ------------- ¿Y si desgranamos aún más una arquitectura "desacoplada"? Alfredo García y Mariano Moreno apuestan por extender la definición de microservicio hasta el frontend, dividiendo para ello las aplicaciones en dominios funcionales y añadiendo una capa de agregación que conecte ambos mundos. En la presentación mostrarán cómo trabajan en Orange para conseguir esto, proporcionando una visión desde la construcción de frontend hasta el despliegue de APIs en entorno Kubernetes. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/Codemotion-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX