
Recursos de programación de kubernetes
The Inside Guide to Container Security 12:30/13:10 This talk will explain everything you need to know about container security, what the real risks are, and how to avoid them, what to worry about and what to not worry about. It will be an in depth talk, explaining why not just what, and you should go away understanding how things work in more detail. The talk will be applicable to Docker and Kubernetes. Justin Cormack is technical lead for security at Docker, and knows the inside details of container security. Language: English Level: Advanced Speaker: Justin Cormack, Engineer, Docker Justin is an engineer at Docker, based in Cambridge, UK. He is a maintainer on the Moby project, tech lead on LinuxKit, and works on many other open source projects. He has worked in both dev and ops in the past.
X language or Y technology wasn't enough to fill all the gaps required when you are trying to scale your systems. This meetup is going to be a contact point for people interested in make their apps grow. ------------- Imanol Cea, Tech Lead, and Pedro Díaz, SRE Lead, will share with us what they have developed at MercadonaTech but is not visible to their users: logistics. Every piece of software that is running in their warehouses (aka _hives_) was developed internally. They decided not to go with multitenant and certain critical services are deployed directly in the hive, also, they didn’t discard running a local instance of Kubernetes within their hives theirselves. If you want to know more about their architecture, how do they manage deployments in more than one warehouse, the why behind some decisions and every step they took to reach this point, we encourage you to come! ------------- Todos los Meetups a los que asistimos en: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVFEq6q8GpeXrHBC-sKxkKH ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Kubernetes es una plataforma de despligue que simplifica como nunca la tarea de correr aplicaciones en el cloud, pero es una herramienta demasiado compleja para utilizar en desarrollo. Por otra parte, consumir Kubernetes desde desarrollo ofrece la gran ventaja de reducir al mínimo los problemas de integración entre desarrollo y producción. En esta charla Pablo Chico de Guzmán y Micael Gallego, exponen esta problemática, y revisan las herramientas disponibles en la Comunidad para hacer que la experiencia de desarrollar en Kubernetes sea excepcional. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/Codemotion-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
If you are a developer, you shouldn't be surprised about the fact that developers spend more than 24% of their time dealing with their development environments. Imagine having a magic button that instantiates a new development environment for you in seconds, integrated with the same hardware, network, and services that you need in production! This experience is now possible thanks to technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and the automation provided by the cloud. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/Codemotion-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Docker, Docker Swarm, contenedores, imagenes, orquestadores, Kubernetes son palabras que están presentes en cualquier arquitectura “moderna”. ¿Pero realmente sabes lo que significan o de qué hablan? Piensas que hablan en otro idioma. No te preocupes el objetivo de esta charla es aclarar todos esto “palabros” y que puedas entender por fin de que están hablando. En esta charla se va a explicar de manera simple y sencilla que en qué consiste Docker y Kubernetes. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/Codemotion-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Ya teníamos ganas de empezar con la cuarta temporada de PEUM y lo hacemos hablando de un tema del que todo el mundo ya ha hablado, contando a nuestra manera qué es Kubernetes y Rancher. Si te interesa saber algo más sobre estas tecnologías no dudes en escuchar el inicio de esta temporada. Como siempre aquí tienes algunas de las referencias que te ayudarán a profundizar y realmente aprender sobre lo que hemos comentado:Exploring KubernetesKubernetesRancherRancher Github RepoRancher RodeoAdemás inauguramos una nueva sección/reto: 6 grados de mierdaTrata de conectar los repositorios de Loowid y Linux en 6 o menos saltos. Como recomendación especial para este inicio de temporada tenemos la PEUM Conf 2019, como siempre totalmente online y de la que te detallamos su contenido. Tod@s l@s que tengáis comentarios o sugerencias para el podcast podéis enviarnos un correo a programaresunamierda@gmail.com o dejarnos un comentario en Twitter: @progesunam .No olvidéis de suscribiros a nuestro podcast en FeedPress o itunes, o si lo preferís agregad el RSS a vuestra app de podcast preferida. En cualquier caso siempre agradeceremos reviews del podcast en cualquiera de las plataformas.También podéis uniros a nuestro canal de Slack.La música elegida para la entrada y salida del podcast son del grupo "Dilo". En concreto las canciones son "War Inside" y "Sick of reality"
Un software de curación de contenidos suena a poca cosa hasta que ves las "tripas" de esta plataforma. Primer episodio de la tercera temporada del podcast. Gracias a todos por seguir ahí durante el verano escuchando con tanta atención. 100 episodios Recomiendo, por si te lo has saltado, volver al episodio 100. Aunque fuera en plena semana de vacaciones, ahí lo doy todo. Es un resumen en forma de compromiso de lo que he compartido con vosotros en los 99 primeros episodios. Puedes escuchar...
"Once you start working with Big Data systems, you discover a whole bunch of problems you won’t find in monolithic systems. Monitoring all of the components becomes a big data problem itself. In the talk, we’ll mention all of the aspects that you should take in consideration when monitoring a distributed system using tools like: Web Services, Kubernetes, Spark, Cassandra, MongoDB, Google Cloud, AWS. Not only the tools, what should you monitor about the actual data that flows in the system? We’ll cover the simplest solution with your day to day open source tools, the surprising thing... that it comes not from an Ops Guy."
Google Cloud, in partnership with Codemotion, is proud to release this unique online training program, available for free, to help developers learn about the services in Google Cloud Platform and show them how to get the most out of each service. Get more info and apply here: http://bit.ly/GCPDevs What is GCP? Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google and based on the same infrastructure that Google uses for its own products, such as Gmail, YouTube or Google Search. Since we are talking about the company that runs the most widely used search engine in the world, the ability to tap into its own infrastructure represents a guarantee of reliability and scalability. As an extra added value, Google has always focused on innovation and has had to develop new technologies over time to meet unique requirements in terms of volume of data and the capacity needed to process it. Take a quick look at all the benefits you can receive using GCP. About GCP Developer Enablement Program The course is aimed at everyone who has already chosen GCP, but also at those who are yet to make that choice, or anyone who is simply interested in the platform and what it has to offer. The program consists of 3 independent courses, where two Google Cloud Certified trainers go into the basics of the platform and its offering, through a combination of presentations, demos, and case studies. Course 1: Core Intro to GCP: What is it? What are its advantages and main services? Course 2: Big Data What’s the offering for Big Data and Machine Learning on GCP? Course 3: Kubernetes Orchestrating containers with Kubernetes GCP Test your knowledge at the end of each course with an in-depth related quiz. What can I expect on completion of the program? Once you have completed all the courses in this learning program and have successfully passed the related quizzes, you will receive: - a certificate of online attendance and a digital badge that you can share on your social networks and your LinkedIn profile - 100 credits on the Qwiklabs platform, that give you access to up to 5 courses for a deeper understanding of GCP - a free course on Google Cloud with Coursera For any further info feel free to contact us at training@codemotion.it Get more info and apply here: http://bit.ly/GCPDevs