
Recursos de programación de .net
Ponente: Leonardo Micheloni ¿Te imaginas una base de datos que nos de la posibilidad de que los datos estén allí donde está el cliente? ¿y que además ha sido pensada desde el principio para ambientes distribuídos y de alta escala?. ¿Y si además esta base de datos soporta diferentes modelos y diferentes APIs? todo esto y mucho más es lo que nos da CosmosDB. CosmosDB es una base de datos NoSQL pensada para la alta escala y la flexibilidad, permitiendo seleccionar nuestra API preferida para interactuar con los datos, nuestro nivel de consistencia adecuado y poder cambiarlo en cualquier consulta. En esta charla haremos un repaso de las principales características de CosmosDB y las posibilidades que nos brinda, en qué casos es mejor este tipo de servicios que una RDBMS y en cuáles no, por último haremos una demo para demostrar la compatibilidad de la API de MongoDB. Diapositivas: https://www.slideshare.net/leomicheloni/un-viaje-por-cosmos-db
As a complement of the previous post DevOps concepts and learning path and in case that you prefer watching talks, these are some great talks about DevOps:Bases for DevOps (Lean / Flow):The Efficiency Paradox Niklas Modig. Only 18m to understand the efficiency of flow vs efficiency of resources.Competing On The Basis Of Speed Mary PoppendieckThe Value of Flow 14 09 17 Dan North 27m Great explanation for flow efficiency for soft deliveryDevOps:Devops and Dr ...
As a complement of the previous post DevOps concepts and learning path and in case that you prefer watching talks, these are some great talks about DevOps:Bases for DevOps (Lean / Flow):The Efficiency Paradox Niklas Modig. Only 18m to understand the efficiency of flow vs efficiency of resources.Competing On The Basis Of Speed Mary PoppendieckThe Value of Flow 14 09 17 Dan North 27m Great explanation for flow efficiency for soft deliveryDevOps:Devops and Dr ...
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Writing a truly non-blocking, maintainable code shouldn’t be a giant headache. As developers we strive to write features bundled up into a single, readable and testable block of code and today’s technologies greatly help us. From .NET events to Task Parallel Library, we can craft complex features. But, unfortunately, having that many different technologies, we lack the possibility of composing (easily) between them. In this session, you will learn about the core fundamentals which construct the Rx API and how it provides a single, uniform language that abstracts away all sources of events.
As Jez Humble said at leading a devops transformation DevOps is:A cross-functional community of practice dedicated to the study of buildings, evolving and operating rapidly changing, secure, resilient system at scale. DevOps involves and enhance the ideas of the Agile Software Development giving a more end to end vision of the value stream for a technology-based company. And, you know, Every Company Is A Tech Company. In summary, I think that DevOps should be the core of any technology-base...
As Jez Humble said at leading a devops transformation DevOps is:A cross-functional community of practice dedicated to the study of buildings, evolving and operating rapidly changing, secure, resilient system at scale. DevOps includes and enhance the ideas of the Agile Software Development giving a more end to end vision of the value stream for a technology-based company. And, you know, Every Company Is A Tech Company. In summary, I think that DevOps should be the core of any technology-base...
From time to time I hear people saying that Agile is not the same thing as "technical practices" and software delivery, that the Agile manifesto makes no sense for the whole company...  And I agree and disagree entirely.A bunch of software developers created the famous manifesto. And the complete name is Manifesto for Agile Software Development. The title is not Agile Manifesto or Manifesto for Business Agility. It was created by developers, to improve how we develop software and it was an...
From time to time I hear people saying that Agile is not the same thing as "technical practices" and software delivery, that the Agile manifesto makes no sense for the whole company...  And I agree and disagree entirely.A bunch of software developers created the famous manifesto. And the complete name is Manifesto for Agile Software Development. The title is not Agile Manifesto or Manifesto for Business Agility. It was created by developers, to improve how we develop software and it was an...