
Recursos de programación de .net
Event handlers, collectively, provide the control logic in a re-frame application. Since the mutation of the application state is taken care of by re-frame, these event handlers can be pure functions that given the current value of the application state as first argument and the event (with its payload) as second argument, provide a new value for the application state. This is important because the fact that event handlers are pure functions brings great advantages: Local reasoning, which decr...
These are great talks that I've seen this month:275-rr-the-evolution-of-agile-and-evolutionary-design-with-james-shore James ShoreSoftware, Faster GOTO 2016 Dan NorthThe silver bullet syndrome Hadi HaririLean Enterprise GOTO 2016 Barry O'ReillyThe entity Microservice Trap (you may be doing it wrong) GOTO 2016 Fred George. Very interesting because lot of the advantages of the microservices are only available when using asynchronous messaging.The Economics of Software Design J.B. Rainsberger....
I've just watched this very interesting interview with Dave Thomas and Erik Meijer Objects, Functions, Virtual Machines, IDEs and More - por Garajeando
Post previously published in Spanish Equipos de desarrollo / No RockstarsThe "Solo Developer" does not work anymore. "Is a good developer, but... he can't work in a team..." is no longer good enough. Even I think, that the practices that works well for you but are not shared among the team are not good practices anymore.Nowadays there are no development efforts for one person. Programming has become a team effort, so the collaboration, communication and empathy are much important for the fi...
¿Quieres saber más? https://www.paradigmadigital.com/ Índice interactivo aquí debajo: 00:09 Programación Reactiva 00:21 ¿Quién soy? 01:07 Índice 01:35 ¿Qué es programación reactiva? ¿Por qué ahora? 03:22 ¿Qué tiene de nuevo? 03:51 ¿Es la próxima moda pasajera? 04:17 ¿Ahora se programa todo así? 04:46 ¿Qué es RxJava? 06:39 ¿Qué ventajas nos aporta? 08:49 Simplicidad 10:15 Fundamentos 10:39 Patrón Observer 11:12 Observable 11:58 Push vs Pull 13:06 Eventos 14:25 Suscripción 14:55 Subscriber 16:21 Creación de observables 18:49 Hot vs Cold Observables 19:41 Operadores 20:08 Transformación 20:18 Map 21:49 Scan 27:59 Reduce 22:18 Buffer 23:38 FlatMap 26:11 GroupBy 26:37 Cache 27:18 Filtrado 27:24 Filter 27:44 Distinct 27:56 Otros 28:35 Combinación de Observables 28:51 Merge / Concat 29:17 Switch 29:40 Zip 30:36 CombineLatest / Amb 31:44 Temporales 31:52 Timer 32:02 Delay 32:08 Interval 32:14 Repeat 32:18 Retry 33:15 Single 33:45 Timeout 34:22 Try/catch 35:21 ¿Qué operador usar? 35:47 Side effects 36:39 Concurrencia 37:18 Lazy vs Eager 38:55 Pasar de bloqueante a No bloqueante 39:54 Paradigma + RxJava 42:16 Ejemplos 51:00 FIN. Presentación aquí: https://www.slideshare.net/paradigmatecnologico/equipo-de-marketing-de-paradigma-digital
Después de interesarme por XP y por muchas de las prácticas técnicas, comencé a interesarme por Scrum, pero lo entendía como un método para organizar el equipo, con sus artefactos, y algunos principios pero secundarios. Pero no fue hasta que asistí al curso de Scrum Master impartido por Alan Cyment y Ariel Ber (Madrid Nov 2010) que mi mente no hizo el “Click” y comencé a entender el profundo cambio que requiere Scrum en la forma de trabajo. Cristalice todas estas ideas mientras Ariel nos ayudaba...
Continuamos con el curso de páginas estáticas de Amazon, pero esta vez vamos a subir las páginas a Amazon. Elegimos un sistema de generación de contenido estático. En la siguiente página hay un listado muy extenso de este tipo de software.
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Understanding the Four Rules of Simple Designby Corey HainesGreat technical book with tons of distilled advice about software design. It is mainly focused design at a class level, but some of the advice can be extrapolated to a macro design level.I enjoy a lot the book and it is easy to read and to understand, but it requires at least a medium level of OO design experience to learn from the content. Definitively not a entry level book.The contents of the book come from the experience of Corey Ha...
I've just watched this great talk by Leonardo Borges Taming Asynchronous Workflows with Functional Reactive Programming You can find the slides here. - por Garajeando