
Recursos de programación de .net
Stairway to Cloud: Orleans Framework for building Halo-scale systems Orleans is the next most popular open source project of the.NET Foundation after CoreCLR/CoreFX/Roslyn. It was created in Microsoft Research and is now developed within Microsoft Studios.Orleans has already redefined how modern scalable interactive cloud services and distributed systems should be built by introducing the Virtual Actor model. Orleans has been running in production since 2011 powering high throughput cloud services for Halo Reach, Halo 4, Age of Empires, Skype, Azure Monitoring, and several other Microsoft products. It is a bedrock technology for the cloud services of Halo 5: Guardians. Since the public preview at Build 2014 and going open source in January 2015 Orleans got used by a significant number of customers ranging from small startups to large enterprises. At the same time, it attracted a group of talented engineers from companies around the globe that have formed a vibrant community around the project. The Orleans core team maintains strong ties with Microsoft Research to keep the stream of innovations going. Come hear how you can leverage Orleans today, what's been recently added to it, what new functionality is coming soon, and about our future plans.
I've just listened to this interesting Software Engineering Radio podcast with Josiah Carlson talking about Redis: Josiah Carlson on Redis - por Garajeando
Una introducción más divulgativa de Google Analytics y analítica web está disponible en https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mfIU-NXGXI Índice interactivo aquí debajo. Presentación http://www.slideshare.net/paradigmatecnologico/introduction-to-google-analytics-for-web-developers Más información de Analítica web en https://en.paradigmadigital.com/techbiz/the-rise-of-digital-analytics/ (inglés) 00:13 Google Analytics is 00:57 Google Analytics reports incoming traffic to webs (and apps) 01:25 Google Analytics helps understand the conversions of visits 02:16 Organization of the paltform 02:48 How to start collecting data 03:24 Tracking code for mobile apps 03:55 Steps 1 and 2. Administration panel of Google Analytics 04:35 Step3. Start collecting your data 04:50 Sequence of events Client browser - Google Analytics’ server 06:05 The 4 critical variables: t, cid and tid 06:20 GET variables 06:43 Visualization of tags and scripts 07:19 Timing of JS scripts with Google Tag Manager 07:31 Metric and dimensions 08:04 Event hits 09:16 Custom metrics and dimensions 10:01 Google Tag Manager 11:35 Mark up of events 12:10 Do’s and don’ts 14:21 Most frequents errors 14:40 Diagnose your Google Analytics implementation 14:52 Debugging tools 16:32 Google Analytics Universal is user-centric 17:09 clientld for cross-device attribution 17:57 Track transactions by individual user 18:34 Split testing of content – a multi-armed bandit approach 19:05 Bayesian with greedy algorithms 20:32 Physical analytics? 22:18 FIN.
I've just listened to this great Software Engineering Radio podcast with Michael Nygard talking about Clojure in practice: Michael Nygard on Clojure in Practice I really loved his thoughts about designing Clojure applications. - por Garajeando
I've just listened to this great Ruby Rogues podcast with Arlen Walker talking about learning from the past: Learning From The Past with Arlen Walker - por Garajeando
I've just watched this wonderful talk by Greg Young 8 Lines of Code - por Garajeando
Se te van los ojos con el nuevo equipo que te quieres comprar... Eres muy feliz con tu teclado de chicle ultrafino... ¡La vida cambió de velocidad cuando llegaron los SSD! ¿Te suena verdad? Vivimos preocupados por los aparatos con los que trabajamos, sin embargo a veces se nos olvida quién usa todo eso. Nosotros mismos. Nuestro cuerpo es el hardware de mayor valor que podamos poseer jamás en nuestra vida y sin embargo lo maltratamos a diario mientras trabajamos. Durante esta charla nos pararemos a mirar la parte anatómica de este asunto. Veremos cómo podemos sentarnos y movernos mejor frente a la pantalla, cosa que nos ayudará a mejorar el rendimiento a corto plazo y a alargar la vida útil de nuestro hardware. Conoce un poco más a Ana Plazas: Blog Protrusión Creativa: https://protrusioncreativa.wordpress.com Contacto Ana: protrusioncreativa@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/anaplazasm image credit: https://www.sportex.net/
When Francesc and I decided to directly store ClojureScript +, -, * and / functions in our Operation record instead of keywords representing them our code got simpler. However the feedback we received when a test failed got much worse because the whole function got printed in the test failure output: The same happened when we were working on the REPL. So we decided to extend the IPrintWithWriter protocol to improve the test failures feedback. First, we tried to do it in the record declaration...
I've just listened to this wonderful Software Engineering Radio podcast with Dave Thomas talking about his vast experience innovating legacy systems: Dave Thomas on Innovating Legacy Systems - por Garajeando
I've just listened to this very interesting Software Engineering Radio podcast with Rebecca Wirfs-Brock talking about her experiences doing Architecture Reviews: Lessons Learned From Architecture Reviews with Rebecca Wirfs-Brock - por Garajeando