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I've just watched this wonderful practical demonstration of using connascence to guide the refactoring step of TDD by James Jeffries and Kevin Rutherford: Red, Green, ... now what ?!These are the slides. These other slides explain more about each type of connascence. - por Garajeando
I've just watched this wonderful talk by Matt Wynne: Hexagonal Rails - por Garajeando
Greach 2015, The Groovy Spanish Conf April 10th-11th, Madrid, Spain http://greachconf.com Follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/greachconf Slides in http://www.slideshare.net/burtbeckwith/little-did-he-know A collection of smaller topics spanning several areas of Grails application and plugin development. Burt Beckwith Burt Beckwith has been a software developer for over 15 years, most of that as a JVM developer, and for the last several years working with Grails and Groovy. He was a core developer on the Grails team at SpringSource, and has created over 50 Grails plugins and contributed to dozens more. Burt is a frequent speaker at conferences and user groups where he shares his passion for Grails and other Groovy-based technologies, in particular those that are related to persistence, security, and performance. He blogs at http://burtbeckwith.com/blog/
http , go , .net
Estas son las diapositivas de la charla que Jaime Gil de Sagredo y yo presentamos ayer en el grupo GoMad:golang-design4concurrencyEl código de ejemplo, las diapositivas y un mind map inicial se puede encontrar en:https://github.com/aleasoluciones/golang_design4concurrency_talk/Y las referencias usadas son:Go concurrency patterns concurrencyAdvanced Go concurrency patterns advanced-go-concurrency-patternsDesigning for Actor Based Systems designing-for-actor-based-systemsGolang patterns for s...
Greach 2015, The Groovy Spanish Conf April 10th-11th, Madrid, Spain http://greachconf.com Follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/greachconf Slides in http://greachconf.com/speakers/ruben-mondejar-andreu-introducing-workflow-architectures-using-grails/ Groovy & Grails is one of the best scenarios to construct software architectures, creating applications and/or plugins, using well-known Java libraries, and developing other useful software resources like DSLs. On the other hand, BPMS solutions are an excellent manner to deal with workflows (i.e. business processes) in our software architectures, since they provide flexible and decoupled mechanisms. The idea is to describe the common architecture and applications, the current solutions and the most remarkable plugins, as well as the benefits, limitations, challenges, etc.. In addition, and following new trends, as microservices architecture style and developer-friendly BPM solutions, we want to present our active open source projects using Grails : Ocelot BPMS and Implicit BPM. Ocelot offers an extension of a current framework (e.g. Camunda) in Grails, providing new modelling features and a customisable execution environment. Lastly, Implicit BPM is an experimental MVC software architecture that aims to modularize the control flow of the system as a transversal process using interception techniques (AOP) and expressing them via its own Groovy DSL. * Implicit BPM : http://implicit-bpm.sf.net * Ocelot BPMS : http://ocelot-bpms.github.io/ocelot-bpm-project/ Rubén Mondéjar Andreu Rubén is a Senior Software Engineer and Software Architect currently working at Diputació de Tarragona (DIPTA). His current work is mainly focused on web development projects related to business process management, mainly using Groovy and Grails and Developer-Friendly BPM Solutions. He is also working as an Adjunct Professor for the Universitat Rovira i Virgili teaching courses of Software Architectures, Workflows, and Web Development, and as a Research Collaborator in the AST Group.
En un comentario del post los dos pilares del desarrollo agil homominimus me solicitaba algo de bibliografía para aplicar las ideas ágiles a proyectos de consultoría (no relacionados con desarrollo de software).La verdad es que no tengo unas referencias muy concretas que le pueda ayudar, pero creo que Lean mindset (ask the right question) es un muy buen libro para conseguir la mentalidad correcta.Por otra parte, y tal como comento en auto notas para explicar la agilidad las presentacio...
Manel López twitter: https://twitter.com/mloptor web: http://develclub.es ENLACES Repositorios Shopping Cart [41:43] ----------------------------------------------- Shopping Cart Business Logic https://github.com/malotor/shoppingcart Symfony2 https://github.com/malotor/cupon_shoppingcart ShoppingCartBundle https://github.com/malotor/ShoppingCartBundle Referencias [41:58] -------------------------- Hexagonal architecture [Artículo] [ENG] (Alistair Cockburn) http://alistair.cockburn.us/Hexagonal +architecture The Clean Architecture [Artículo] [ENG] (Robert C. Martin AKA "Uncle Bob") http://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html What is Hexagonal Architecture? [Artículo] [ENG] (Philip Brown) http://culttt.com/2014/12/31/hexagonal-architecture/ Hexagonal Architecture [Articulo + Video + Slides] [ENG] (Chris Fidao) http://fideloper.com/hexagonal-architecture Hexagonal Architecture [Slides] [ESP] (Carlos Buenosvinos) http://es.slideshare.net/carlosbuenosvinos/hexagonal-architecture-php-barcelona Desdrupalizando la lógica de negocio [Video + Slides] [ESP] (Carles Climent) http://vimeo.com/112570854
I've just dome the Happy Numbers kata in Clojure. It's a simple kata that can be a lot of fun. I used a mix of TDD and REPL-driven development to code it. These are the resulting tests in Midje: and this is the code: To document the process I commited the code after every passing test and every refactoring. I also commited the REPL history. You can find the commits step by step hereand the code in this repository in GitHub. I used memoize to avoid repeated computations. In the next days I will...
These are the most interesting talks I saw/heard these last days: datomic-functional-database Rich Hickey Interestinc talk about the dificulty of model time dimension using OO and how can be solved think of state as a result of a flow of time events.SE-Radio Episode 216: Adrian Cockcroft on the Modern Cloud-based Platform Very interesting talk about the patterns and practices to use design / operate software in the cloud.SE-Radio Episode 217: James Turnbull on Docker Good and basic exp...
Desarrollar para la nube no es tan transparente como creemos. Conocer correctamente este nuevo entorno, así como sus limitaciones nos ayudarán a evitar problemas de escalabilidad. En esta sesión veremos cómo desarrollar correctamente soluciones para la nube de Microsoft que sean escalables. Veremos ejemplos de lo que no es escalable y también veremos cómo podemos solucionarlo y evitarlo. Hablaremos de patrones de arquitectura, Unity, Entity Framework, capas de acceso a datos, worker roles, web roles,...escalabilidad! Slides disponibles en http://www.slideshare.net/enriquecatala/aplicaciones-escalables-en-la-nube-mentiras-y-verdades