pair programming

Recursos de programación de pair programming
Pair programming is an agile development practice that is generally well-known of, but still has only patchy adoption. This talk is about why that might be, and what challenges I have seen that hold people back from reaping the benefits. I’ll also talk about the benefits that go beyond “knowledge sharing” and “learning”, benefits I realised over the course of many years working on teams who systematically pair. For those in the audience who are not convinced that it’s useful, or who only use it irregularly, this will hopefully give them fresh inspiration to try it, or try it again. About: Birgitta Boeckeler, Principal Developer - ThoughtWorks I am a software developer and consultant with ThoughtWorks in Germany. I have been building software across all layers for almost 15 years now, mainly in the space of large custom-developed websites. Since I first discovered how to talk to computers, I have not been able to stop. I thrive on juggling the complexities of building software and finding the simplicity in it, and I love that it never gets old.
🔥 ¡Aprovecha la oferta del Black Friday de CodelyTV Pro! ⮕ --- Una de las features más demandas en cualquier IDE de JetBrains (PHPStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm…) siempre ha sido el poder hacer pairing en remoto. Y… ¡Hemos conseguido acceso a la beta! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ¡Es un directo así que comenta 😊! {▶️} CodelyTV ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: ├ 💂‍♂️ Twitter Rafa: ├ 👨 Twitter Javi: ├ 📸 Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ 🟦 Facebook: └ 📕 Catálogo cursos:
Desde el momento en el que nos planteamos el desarrollo del software para resolver un problema intentamos aplicar las "mejores prácticas", pero lo buenas que sean estas prácticas dependen mucho del momento en el que se encuentre el proyecto. No es lo mismo intentar crear un MVP que tener un producto consolidado dando servicio a miles de clientes de pago, ni un equipo consolidado y maduro que estar montándolo y tener que trabajar en el mismo equipo. Cada momento tiene sus mejores prácticas y hay que saber emplear la técnica adecuada en el momento correcto. Desde ese punto de vista se plantea esta sesión, revisando las mejores prácticas dentro del desarrollo ágil de software bajo el prisma de su utilidad dentro de un proyecto y con la perspectiva del momento de madurez en el que se encuentra ese proyecto. Repasaremos prácticas como pruebas automáticas, integración continua pasando por despliegue continuo y entrega continua, Git Flow, refactoring, propiedad colectiva del código, pair programming, Todo esto desde mi experiencia de más de 20 años dentro de la industria y del ejemplo de Sherpa (, que es la empresa donde actualmente desarrollo mi labor intentando crear el mejor producto posible dentro del mundo de los asistentes personales predictivos. Puedo hacer la charla tanto en catellano como en inglés.
There is a common misconception that junior developers are a burden and won’t be delivering value for the first months or even years. Yet, observing my own contributions, I realised how my insights were useful for my team from day one. Working with agile methodologies, using pair programming and code review, you can contribute to your team, deliver value and learn on the job. In this talk I will try to explain why hiring Juniors makes business sense for your company and/or team and how to properly get the most out of every team member no matter their level of experience.
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- Desde el momento en el que nos planteamos el desarrollo del software para resolver un problema intentamos aplicar las ""mejores prácticas"", pero lo buenas que sean estas prácticas dependen mucho del momento en el que se encuentre el proyecto. No es lo mismo intentar crear un MVP que tener un producto consolidado dando servicio a miles de clientes de pago, ni un equipo consolidado y maduro que estar montándolo y tener que trabajar en el mismo equipo. Cada momento tiene sus mejores prácticas y hay que saber emplear la técnica adecuada en el momento correcto. Desde ese punto de vista se plantea esta sesión, revisando las mejores prácticas dentro del desarrollo ágil de software bajo el prisma de su utilidad dentro de un proyecto y con la perspectiva del momento de madurez en el que se encuentra ese proyecto. Repasaremos prácticas como pruebas automáticas, integración continua pasando por despliegue continuo y entrega continua, Git Flow, refactoring, propiedad colectiva del código, pair programming, Todo esto desde mi experiencia de más de 20 años dentro de la industria y del ejemplo de Sherpa (, que es la empresa donde actualmente desarrollo mi labor intentando crear el mejor producto posible dentro del mundo de los asistentes personales predictivos. ------------ Todos los vídeos de la Cas 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Greach is a yearly technical conference around Android, JVM Frameworks and alternative JVM languages. It brings together JVM developers with framework creators and international speakers. Developers learn about JVM languages such as Groovy, Kotlin, platforms such as Android, JVM frameworks such as Grails, Micronaut, Ratpack, Spock... or cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services or PWS. The most talented developers around Europe come to Greach to learn how to develop better, faster and smarter. ------------- I was battling with my colleague on who had the best IDE! Like a Pokemon Battle he revealed his Pokeball and said “Eclipse, I choose you”! And I was opening my Pokeball and IntelliJ was coming out of it! Which Pokemon will win? The one which is the most productive (for you)! By comparing Pokemon with IDEs, I am showing you the best features. All based on solid research (675 responses). You ever seen the pair programming modus of Visual Studio Code? Or the Pull Request features of IntelliJ (for Github)? With a lot of fun and some video's I will show you all cool features you definitely need to see! ------------- Todos los vídeos de Greach 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- There is a common misconception that junior developers are a burden and won’t be delivering value for the first months or even years. Yet, observing my own contributions, I realised how my insights were useful for my team from day one. Working with agile methodologies, using pair programming and code review, you can contribute to your team, deliver value and learn on the job. In this talk I will try to explain why hiring Juniors makes business sense for your company and/or team and how to properly get the most out of every team member no matter their level of experience. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2018 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
This keynote by Felienne Hermans took place at Lambda World Cádiz on October 25th, 2018 at the Palacio de Congresos in Cádiz, Spain. Keynote: How does code sound? We study all sorts of aspects of programming languages, their ease of use, type system, their level of abstractness, but we feel one aspect is overlooked, how a programming language sounds like when read aloud. Is reading aloud hard? Well, yes. We found that developers cannot pronounce code in a consistent fashion. We had 25 experienced developers read code aloud, and it was a mess, even for simple statements. For example, how to pronounce an assignment statement like x = 5? Is it “x is 5”? Or “set x to 5”? Or “x gets 5”? And what about an equality check? Is it “if x is is 5”? Or “if x is 5”? Or “is x is equal to 5”? What can we learn from reading code aloud? We think programming language designers could learn a lot from hearing their language spoken. For example, if programmers consistently read if x == 5 as “if x is 5”, = or even is might be better keyword. What is the ultimate end game of this idea? We envision programming language designers of the future to prescribe a way that their language sounds, much like languages have style guides. When the sound or ‘phonology’ is defined, it can be practiced, taught and analyzed. This will be useful while learning to program, but could be a valuable tool people that interact with code in an oral way, such as visually and physically disabled programmers, and developers that are doing (remote) pair programming. What will the talk cover? In the talk, we will describe our experiment and what we learned from it, so other interested in exploring how languages sound can start well-prepared and informed. Follow: - - - Visit: - for more details -
Programar en pareja es fácil cuando estás codo con codo pero… ¿Cómo podemos hacer pair programming cuando trabajamos en remoto? ???? En este vídeo analizamos Visual Studio Live Share mostrando ejemplos desde su instalación, hasta cómo se comporta el modo following cuando otro desarrollador está programando y nosotros sólo queremos ir viendo lo que hace para comentarlo. Links relacionados: ✍️ Visual Studio Code Live Share: ???? Subscribe: ???? Cursos CodelyTV Pro: ???? Descuentos promocionales: ????‍????‍????‍???? Planes para empresas: ???? Facebook: ???? Twitter:
A good Agile culture for a technology-based company is counterintuitive for most people. We were educated to use cost accounting and resource efficiency instead of flow efficiency. We don't know how to collaborate and work in teams. It is also very common to see Engineering as a team to control. As a service provider, instead of as part of the business.At the organization and team level, at least the following practices are counterintuitive:Increase Focus and reduce the work in progress (WI...