
Recursos de programación de react
In this talk, we present Apache SAMOA, an open-source platform for mining big data streams with Apache Flink, Storm and Samza. Real time analytics is becoming the fastest and most efficient way to obtain useful knowledge from what is happening now, allowing organizations to react quickly when problems appear or to detect new trends helping to improve their performance. Apache SAMOA includes algorithms for the most common machine learning tasks such as classification and clustering. It provides a pluggable architecture that allows it to run on Apache Flink, but also with other several distributed stream processing engines such as Storm and Samza.
Ever since it launched, RN has gained lots of interest since it opens a new door to web developers: mobile development, with the added of bonus of being able to re-use a substantial chunk of code for both ios and android. Follow me on this step by step tutorial on how to build a simple mobile app with the latest version of React Native, understanding the concepts behind it, the differences between React and its native version and seeing how you can debug a native app directly in your browser.
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "Da Angular a React - Un viaggio inaspettato" by Salvatore Laisa - React è il nuovo gioiello splendente dello sviluppo frontend, ma aspettate... fino all'anno scorso non era Angular? Cos'è successo ne frattempo, Angular non va più bene? React è davvero così superiore? E' solo una questione di trend o ha davvero senso imparare nuovi framework ogni anno? In questo talk illustrerò il mio (recente) viaggio verso React arrivando da delle solide basi ed esperienze di Angular, mostrando i lati positivi e negativi di questa migrazione.
Aunque lo escribo con retraso, este post corresponde al cuarto día (jueves) de esta edición de la piweek.En el proyecto eventsview avanzamos hasta dejar una versión usable con búsqueda y los filtros activados. Estoy bastante contento, por que aunque no es nada vistoso nos va a valer como base para desarrollos que tenemos que hacer en Alea y que poco a poco voy cogiendo flujo en javascript y en la parte web. Hay que tener en cuenta que en mi día a día no suelo tocar para nada web, por l...
Una edición más me ha apuntado a la piweek. En esta ocasión me he apuntado a última hora puesto que en principio en estas fechas iba a estar de vacaciones.En esta ocasión, del equipo de Alea Soluciones, he conseguido liar aómo sigo con mi cruzada personal por aprender algo de javascript, hemos decido implementar un pequeño visualizador de eventos tenemos muchas pretensiones en cuanto a las funcionalidades a re...
En la edición de noviembre contamos con un invitado de honor, nada más y nada menos que  Jeremy Mikola desde New Jersey, que aprovechando que esta en la ciudad para la SymfonyCon le hemos enganchado para que venga a darnos una charla a nuestro grupo. Descripción de la charla:  Event-driven programming is a familiar and useful tool for crafting client/server apps and asynchronous libraries. Akin to Node.js or Python's Twisted, React brings PHP up to speed with all of the necessary pieces in a well-packaged framework. This session will introduce the concept of event loops, non-blocking IO, and async programming in PHP, and explore ways it can serve in your technology stack. Sobre Jeremy Mikola: I split most of my development time between helping Derick and Hannes with the MongoDB PHP driver, and working on Doctrine MongoDB and the ODM with Jon Wage. ATENCIÓN: La charla será en Ingles